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To The Point - Part 1: Love Hurts
Hey guys,

Are you ready for Part 1 of Story 2 in my 3 Fic set? Well due to your votes, this is the first part of the story of a Porcupine girl with some problems in her relationship. Enjoy!


Part 1 – Love Hurts

Kienna stretched as she awoke from her nap. It was nearing five in the evening, just about the time her boyfriend would get home. She crawled out of bed and stood. Deciding she had time for a quick shower, she stepped over to the bathroom. Being a porcupine, her showers were conveniently short. She had no hair to wash, only her fur. She had to rinse off her spines, of course, but that simply consisted of getting them wet.

She stepped into the shower, shivering a tad as the lukewarm water made contact with her naked body. She took a bottle of liquid soap to her front side, smiling as the smell wafted by her nose. Once she was lathered in a thick layer of suds, she stepped into the flow of water, washing away the white detergent. She stepped out and grabbed a towel. Tensing her back, all of her spines folded back against her. While they were down, she quickly ran the towel over her body, careful not to put any holes in the cloth.

It was then that she heard his beat up hatch back shudder up the front drive way. Still naked, she half-ran out into the front room and threw herself down on the couch. Striking a cute pose, she stared at the door, waiting for her lover to enter. Their relationship had been rough over the past few days but she had a plan to fix it.

A bit of sex, a good meal, and cuddling before bed. That was her plan. She would show how she loved him and receive a similar feeling from him. Simple as that. She heard the lock being fiddled with followed by the clink of keys on the ground, accompanied by a rather loud swear word. Soon after, the keys had done their work on the lock, the canine stumbled through the entryway.

Max was a simple dog; he wanted a house, a normal girlfriend, and money. Sadly for him, he did not live a normal life. He lived with his girlfriend, who was a porcupine, and he just lost his job. He stepped into the room to see Kienna, nude, stretched out on the couch on her belly. She was resting her head on her palms staring at him with large eyes.

“Hey, honey,” she said in a seductive voice, “Wanna have a little fun before dinner?”

The dog let out a long sigh and shook his head.

“No,” he said simply, not wanting to be near her, let alone inside her. She got up and approached him, her voice switching from sexy to pouty.

“Why not?” she asked, reaching for his hand. The canine pulled his hand away from her reach.

“I’m not in the mood,” he said, sitting in a chair at the main table, “What’s for dinner?”

“You’re going to tell me what’s wrong before you eat,” she said, placing her hands on his shoulders. The dog once again wriggled put of her grasp.

“I will tell you what’s wrong!” he yelled, throwing the chair he was sitting on away, “I have no job, no money, and no house! And I’m dating a girl who I can’t have sex with, without suffering severe bleeding! That is what’s wrong!”

He began to storm towards the door, only to have Kienna step in the way.

“Can I do anything to make you feel better?” she asked, looking up at him. He looked down at her angrily.

“You can get out of my way,” he said, breathing heavily, “Because we’re through!”

“What does that mean?” she asked, a tear coming to her eye.

“It means that I’m leaving and never coming back!” He shouted, louder then ever before. The sound of his voice scared Kienna, causing all of her spines to tense back against her body, making her look considerably smaller. Her eyes grew to the size of dinner plates as her new ex walked past her. When the door slammed behind him, she dropped to the floor and cried. She remained there for the rest of the evening, alone in the empty house.


The next day, Kienna was sitting in a diner, waiting for Max to show up. Her plan today was to get back together with him, but her last plan was an utter failure, leading her to question this one. The dog stepped into the diner, so she stood up and smiled.

“Hey, Max,” she said, trying to be nice, “How are you?”

“What do you want?” he responded, his eyes flat and emotionless. Kienna swallowed, nervous.

“I just wanted to say that I understand,” she said, stepping closer to Max, “I understand that you were angry last night, and that you probably weren’t thinking straight and-“

“I was thinking straight,” he interrupted, “We are over. I don’t want to see you again.”

The dog turned to leave, but Kienna placed a hand on his shoulder. He turned back.

“Leave me alone!” he said, pushing her backwards then storming towards the door. It was a small push, but Kienna tripped over her own feet and she stumbled backwards until she came in contact with something. Her heel came in contact first, startling her natural defenses. Every one of her spines stood on end as she came to a stop. Everybody in the diner winced and groaned as though they had seen something terrible. Kienna tried to think of a reason that they should be doing so, but she had not been hurt at all

It was then that she became aware of two sounds. One of them was an occasional hissing sound, the other a wet clicking sound. She recognized the second sound from a first aid class she had taken. It was the sound of somebody’s throat opening then contracting caused by shock. She turned to see exactly what she had run into. Just as she feared, it was not something but someone. Even worse, the man was a king cobra. When her heel made contact first, his hood must have spread just as her spines stood. He had been innocently eating a burger, seated. When she hit him, each of the spines on her back penetrated directly through his hood. Shocked, she stepped forward, pulling her sharp appendages from him.

She turned to see the damage she had caused. The snake’s hood had been pierced hundreds of times, simultaneously, leaving his flesh looking like a pegboard. He collapsed forward then fell to the floor, bleeding harshly. She rushed over and helped him up, only to find that he was unconscious.

“Help me!” she pleaded of people in the diner, only to have them get up and leave, “Help me, please!”

She attempted to support the limp snake. Soon she was alone in the room, not knowing what to do. She began to fumble through her purse for her phone, finding that the battery was dead. While digging, she had found a full box of bandages. Having no other option, she opened the box and began to apply them, one by one, to the snake’s head and hood.


And that’s that! How did you enjoy the first “Part” of “To The Point”? Sorry if it was a bit short, But the story reached a good cut off point and I couldn’t help but pass it up!

Please Comment!
[Image: Rainbow_Dash_haters_gonna_hate.gif]

See that guy, he's a drifter! But drifting leads to Bickering, Bickering leads to Karate, and Karate leads to flying around between windows and shit! Then a big guy starts shooting lightning everywhere and Kurt Russell Shows up and Kicks his Ass!

Messages In This Thread
To The Point - Part 1: Love Hurts - by Adym - 07-23-2010, 06:03 AM