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Sonic the Hedgehog (Cream/Sally; Tails/Bunnie)
Vanilla sat at the couch, her arms crossed and tapping her foot impatiently. She was dressed in pair of dark brown shorts with white stripes down the right leg. She also wore a brown tank top. The ensemble complimented her orange fur. She had errands to run today, and she needed someone to watch over Cream in the meantime. It wasn’t that the babysitter wasn’t late or anything, at least not for the next fifteen minutes. Vanilla liked to be prepared before the times she planned out, but a part of her always had a similar expectation for everyone else. It was a habit she was trying to break.

After almost ten more minutes of waiting, there was a knock at the door. Vanilla got up and walked across the room, her wide shapely hips swinging back and forth with each step. She answered the door to find a young squirrel standing there. She wore a blue vest and boots, and that was it. Her chestnut-colored hair was neatly combed and treated. She seemed to take great care of her appearance.

“So glad you could make it, Miss Acorn.” Vanilla greeted.

“Please, just call me Sally.” The squirrel answered.

“Okay, Sally. Cream is playing with her dolls upstairs. She’s a bit shy around strangers, but if you play with her, she’ll warm up to you very quickly.”

“That works. Anything else I should know?”

“Not really. Just be sure you don’t let her out of your sight if you two go outside. I don’t want her to be kidnapped by Dr. Eggman if he comes to attack Knothole again.”

“Don’t worry, I don’t expect to be heading outside with her.” Sally replied. “And if Eggman does attack, we’ll be ready.”

“Hmmmn, if you say so. Well, I’ve got to get going. I should be back in a few hours, but if you need anything, just call me.”

“Got it. Take care.” Vanilla gave Sally a small bow and left the house, locking the door behind her. Sally removed her boots at the doorway and went up the stairs to find Cream. She could hear the young girl humming to herself behind one of the doors. Sally peeked in to find Cream playing with dolls. Not just any ordinary dolls, however. They were dolls shaped like Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, even one of Dr. Eggman and his Eggmobile!

“Ahh! Help me, Sonic!” Cream exclaimed in a high pitched voice, shaking an Amy Rose doll. With her other hand, she swooped in with Dr. Eggman.

“Wahahahaha!” she growled in a deep voice. “I have your princess, Sonic! And I will now take her away!”

“Not if I can help it!” Cream threw the Amy Rose doll to the side so she could grab the Sonic doll. “Here I go!” she collided the doll against the Eggmobile, and knocked Eggman out of it. Sally giggled from the doorway, and Cream turned around to see the squirrel at the door, watching her.

“Oh, hi there, miss Sally.” She said cheerfully. “I’m just playing with my dolls here. Wanna play with me?”

“Sure.” Sally walked in and sat down on the other side of the pile of dolls. There were even dolls of Rouge, Shadow, and a chao in here. “Who made all these?”

“My mom did. She’s good at sewing.” Cream answered. “Here, you can be Dr. Eggman and Amy, and I’ll be Sonic.”

Sally picked up the Dr. Eggman doll and held Amy behind him.

“You may have destroyed my mighty Eggmobile, but you have lost the battle!” she growled. “Go, Metal Sonic!” Sally picked up the Metal Sonic doll from the pile and put it into a fighting stance. “He can copy your speed and style. There is no way you can stop him!”

“That’s where you’re wrong, Eggman! Hyaaaa!” Cream sent the Sonic doll at Metal Sonic, kicking him in the head.

“Waaaaahhhh!” Sally flung the Sonic doll behind her and picked the Eggman doll back up.

“No! My Metal Sonic! Fine then, have your princess hedgehog back!” She picked up the Amy doll and tossed the Eggman doll to the side. “Sonic! You’ve saved me!” she exclaimed in a high pitched voice. Sally and Cream pressed the Amy and Sonic dolls together in an awkward embrace.

“I’d never let you get taken away by Eggman, Amy.” Cream said. “I love you.”

“Oh! Do you really?” Sally asked in a dreamy tone. Cream pulled the doll out of her hand and placed it on the ground.

“Yup! Let me show you!” She pulled up the Amy doll’s dress, and placed the Sonic doll on top of it. Sally’s eyes widened when she realized what that gesture was supposed to be.

“Cream, stop it! What are you doing?!” she exclaimed, pushing her hands away from the dolls.

“What’s the matter, miss Sally?” Cream asked. “Surely you’ve heard of sex before?”

“What- of course I have!” Sally defended. “But you’re like, six! Isn’t it bad for you to know about sex at such a young age?”

Cream folded her arms and looked up in pseudo contemplation.

“Hmmm…. Nope. Not that I can see. My mom said that as long as the two or more people both want it with each other and enjoy it, there’s nothing wrong with it.”

Sally opened her mouth to say something, but she couldn’t think of anything to retaliate with. Actually, now that she thought about it, she was pretty young for her first time.

“So, did you do it yet?” Sally asked.

“Yup. With Tails!” she answered cheerfully, as if sex were just a game. “I also did it with my mom and miss Blaze.”

“Oh really? I can see you with Tails, but not with Blaze.”

“Actually, I had both her and mom fuck me at the same time!”

Sally blushed heavily. She didn’t expect to see Cream so bold and forward about it! During her first time, she was pretty modest. In fact, she still was. Regardless, she was starting to get a little curious about Cream’s sex life. Curse the gabbing squirrel in her!

“Does your mom use anything on you?” she asked.

“Yeah! Hold on a second, I’ll get it out.” Cream moved over to her bed and crawled underneath her bed, pulling out a long black box. She popped the top off, revealing a small collection of sex toys; a vibrator, buttplug, anal beads, and a strap-on.

“Mom got these for me.” She explained. “She and Blaze both used a strap-on on me. It felt really good, especially in my butt.”

Sally picked up the strap-on. It was double-sided with leather straps that one would wear like a panty. The straps were all bound around a large metal ring that sits above the tail-bone. Animals with a tail would slip it through the ring. She looked up at Cream, who was still blabbing about her experience with her mom and Blaze.

“…she can even control her fire ability so it can heat up the end of it.” She continued to rave, completely unaware of what Sally was doing. She looked back at the dildo and tenderly touched the area between her legs, at her womanhood underneath her fur. This raunchy conversation was turning her on, and her crotch was starting to get damp. In her mind, she contemplated the ethics in fucking such a young girl, but Cream’s words continued to echo in her mind. The more she thought about it, the better the idea sounded. Maybe that was just the hormones overriding her discretionary logic.

Sally pressed one end of the dildo to her entrance, spreading apart her pussy lips with her other hand. When the dildo passed into her body, Sally shivered intensely and felt her inner walls clench it in an iron grip. Trying her best to relax her muscles, she continued to push it into her womb. Once the full length of it was inside her, she buttoned the leather straps together and removed her blue vest. Cream was still not paying attention, busy daydreaming about her mom and Blaze. She came back to reality when Sally cleared her throat loudly.

“Why don’t you stop daydreaming and come get the real thing?” she asked, clenching the exposed head of the dildo and moving it around. She could feel the reverberations through the shaft embedded in her body. Cream ‘s eyes lit up like a lighthouse, and she let out a squeal of delight.

“It looks so cute on you!” she exclaimed, wriggling her butt back and forth. Sally grinned and moved closer to Cream.

“Show me how you are with your mouth.” She ordered. Cream got down on her knees in front of her and put her mouth around the head. She moved her head back and forth, making loud slurping noises as she sucked off the dildo. Sally watched her intently, regretting that she didn’t have a cock. The young rabbit moved her tongue along the entire length, coating it in her saliva. Once it was glistening with her saliva, Cream pulled away to undress herself. She pulled her dress over her head and pulled down her panties. She was very cute in her nude form. At her young age, she still lacked any real development in her breasts or hips, but that didn’t do anything to stave off Sally’s arousal.

“Very nice. Now lay back on the bed.” She ordered. Cream did as she was told and lay on her back. She spread her legs and opened up her young pussy lips with her hands. The interior flesh was a hot pink and oozed with love juices. Sally moved above Cream and pressed her full weight onto the girl. She pushed the head of the cock past the outer lips and deep into her body. Cream’s expression slowly turned from shock to sheer joy. Pushing into her pussy was a lot harder than it was to push the dildo into Sally’s own body. Once the full length was inside of her body, Sally held her down by the hips and slowly thrust into her. She closed her eyes and felt the dildo moving around inside of her. It moved down, up, left, and right, depending on how she was thrusting into her. The silicone dildo pressed against her inner muscles and pushed them out in every which direction. The sensation was driving her crazy!

Sally picked Cream up and sat down on the bed with Cream in her lap. She wrapped her arms around the squirrel’s neck and held on tightly. Sally bounced her up and down on the shaft. Cream held her hands far away from her body and giggled as she rode the fake cock. Sally held her close, their chests pressing up against each other. Sally was quite a bit older than Cream, so her breasts had already filled in. They felt very soft and warm against Cream’s own undeveloped breasts, much like her mom’s. These however, felt a bit more firm, and they weren’t as large. Maybe it was because she wasn’t a mom yet?

“Unnhh! You’re so tight, Cream!” Sally moaned. The dildo moving around inside of her body was draining her of her strength. Every subsequent thrust required more effort until her arms couldn’t bear it any longer. At this point, she laid Cream on her side on the bed and held one leg up in the air. She fucked the young rabbit girl on her side, causing her to cry out and scream with renewed vigor.

“It feels really good! Oh my, IT FEELS REALLY GOOD!” Cream cried out. Her chest heaved up and down as she drew in more breath. She made long loud moans and gripped the bed sheets in her small furry paws. The fact that she was able to hold on for this long was amazing. Sally couldn’t imagine having this much stamina when she was younger. Now she had the ability to hold back her orgasm, but only for so long. It would be embarrassing if she ended up coming before this young girl. She had to make Cream cum first. Her hips sped up in their thrusting, fucking the girl’s tight hole like a piston. Just a little closer… just a little-

“UAAAHHHH!” Cream and Sally both let out a loud cry as they both came at the same time. Sally clenched Cream’s leg tightly in her arms and trembled. The electric shock of pleasure surged through her body for almost a minute. She collapsed back on the bed, taking deep breaths. She wasn’t able to hold back the tide longer than Cream, but fortunately, she couldn’t either. That was good enough.

Sally unstrapped the strap-on and pulled it out of their cunts. She felt strangely empty without it.

“I bet Tails just adores you.” She panted, holding Cream close to her body. The rabbit nodded her head excitedly. Sally picked her up and planted her feet firmly on the ground. She felt a little woozy in the wake of her orgasm, and her legs wobbled beneath her.

“Thanks for playing with me, miss Sally.” She said, resting her head against her chest. “I really enjoyed it.”

“I’m glad you did. Now come on. Let’s go get cleaned up before your mom returns home.”

Chapter 2

Tails’ house was on the outskirts of Knothole. He needed the wider space to hold his garage and a runway for the Tornado. He lived in a 2-story house. Most of the first floor was the garage, and on the second floor, the window in Tails’ room overlooked the runway. Tails was down in his garage, working on his upgrades to the Tornado. There was no telling when they would need it again to attack Eggman’s next flying war machine.

A ring at the door interrupted his work. He put his wrench down and went back inside the house. When he opened the door, Tails was greeted by a familiar face.

“How have you been, sugah?”

“B-Bunnie!” Tails exclaimed. He barely had enough time to open up his arms before the woman at the door pulled him into a big, bone crushing hug.

“AHHH! Arm! Arm!” Tails squeaked, feeling the hard metal left arm press into his body like a press.

“Oh, sorry about that.” Bunnie apologized and loosened her grip on Tails. “I guess I still don’t know my own strength.”

“I missed you so much, Bunnie!” Tails exclaimed, wrapping his arms around her midsection. Bunnie Rabbot was a mobian Sonic rescued years ago as she was being roboticized. The process only completed halfway, and her lower half from the waist down, her left arm, and a few internal organs were turned into machines. Despite this, everyone was very warm and accepting towards her. During the early years of Eggman’s invasion of Mobius, Bunnie was Tails’ caregiver when Sonic and Sally weren’t around. He saw her something as an aunt and loved her very much.

“My, how you’ve grown so much!” Bunnie said, wrapping her organic arm around Tails.

“Bunnie, it’s only been two years. How much growing could I do?” Tails led her inside, shutting the door behind them.

“You’d be surprised at how much someone can change within two years.” Bunnie sat down on the couch with Tails. “And look at you! I remember how you always had to be saved. Now from what I hear, you’re the one who comes to Sonic’s rescue.”

“Heh heheh.” Tails blushed heavily and turned his head away in embarrassment. “So what have you been up to these past two years?”

“Oh, nothing much. My life has been pretty quiet by comparison.”

“Oh right, you got married to Antoine, didn’t you? How has he been?”

“Well, things didn’t turn out the way it hoped, and we ended up getting divorced.” She solemnly explained. “You know, as half a robot, there are a few things I just can’t do.”

“I’m so sorry, Bunnie!” Tails said. “Are you okay?”

“It’s alright, Tails. We’re still on good terms, it’s just that Antoine also wanted me to be able to bear a child is all, and it’s hard to do that when all m’ lady parts are robotic.” Bunnie hugged Tails tightly and hoisted him into her lap. “You, however, I always thought of as my own son. Why would I need to bear a child when I’ve got you?” Tails looked up at her with widened eyes.

“Ooohh, Bunnie!” He hugged her tightly, sitting on her lap. Her soft breasts wrapped up by a purple leotard – the only article of clothing that she wore due to her cybernetics – pressed against his furry chest. Tails saw Sally as more of the motherly figure, and Bunnie as being that very affectionate aunt.

“But in my two years of absence, you went and grew up on me!” Bunnie said, holding him out. “My stars, I remember you being only half the big boy you are now.”

“Bunnie, I’m only 8.” Tails reminded her. “I’m still just a young kid.”

“Maybe so, but it’s during these times when a little young’n like yourself starts thinking more about girls.”

“Well. I-I-I…” Tails’ face became as red as Knuckles’ fur. He did take an interest in the young rabbit Cream, and they did have sex before, but he was so embarrassed about the whole ordeal, he didn’t mention it to anyone.

Bunnie giggled and placed Tails down on the couch. She stood up and stretched her back and left arm; the only parts of her body that would need stretching.

“Come on, how could you not think about the beautiful female body?” she asked, standing up and bending forward to expose her metallic rear to Tails. He watched her with large, innocent eyes. Bunnie pulled off her leotard and revealed her nicely shaped breasts to the two tailed fox.

“Betcha have never seen these cute puppies before.” She said, moving closer to Tails. Her breasts pressed down against his thighs and were dangerously close to his crotch. The flesh was very soft and warm. Tails’ thoughts drifted for a moment. He thought about how great it would feel to have the soft flesh embrace his member. That thought was enough to cause his cock to come out of its pouch and erect painfully, right in front of Bunnie.

“AHH!” Tails exclaimed. As he moved to get away, Bunnie held him down by his hips and looked down at the dick throbbing gently against her boobs. Due to her robotic biology, Bunnie was actually a lot stronger than most Mobians and nearly on par with Knuckles when it came to raw strength. Tails was not going anywhere.

“Wow! Look at how big that is!” she said in awe. She gripped it with her organic hand and slowly stroked it. “You could please almost any girl you choose with this thing!”

“Th-th-thank you?” Tails replied, unsure of what response he should give her. He trembled underneath her as she stroked him off. It felt really good, but he didn’t know how to respond to it. Bunnie seemed to read him like an open book, however, and she moved her chest down onto his shaft.

“You’re very uncertain how to feel right now, huh?” she asked, clamping his cock with her breasts. Tails moaned loudly and thrust up into her cleavage. The tip poked up inside the mammarian fissure.

“See? You’re clearly enjoying it.” Bunnie moved her breasts up and down the entire length of his dick. Tails’ eyes rolled in the back of his head. The sensation was overwhelming!

“Buuuunniiiiiieeee!” Tails moaned, now thrusting up into her breasts rhythmically. Bunnie pulled away, leaving Tails slouched on the couch with a look like a pathetic puppy.

“I know you want to continue, sugah.” She said, bending over in a sexy pose. Maybe that’s not the right word for it; it’s hard to look sexy when 70% of your body is made of metal. Bunnie, however, managed to pull it off.

“How could we continue?” Tails asked. “You said it yourself. All your… stuff down there got roboticized!”

“Roboticized, yes, but they’re all still there.” Bunnie moved her hand to her crotch and pressed down on the area where her cunt would have been. The metal was pressed in, and when she pulled her hand away, a pubis-shaped plate lifted up from the rest of the chassis. On the inside of the plate, there was a long, rubber, phallic-shaped object that seemed to go very deep into Bunnie’s body. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she removed it from her body. Once the dildo was out of the way, Tails could see what was underneath. Hidden underneath the plate was a pair of hot pink pussy lips that slightly protruded from the chassis, unbound by the casing.

“But Bunnie, didn’t you say that you were all robotic from the waist down?” Tails asked.

“I am, hunnybuns. But look closely.” She said, moving closer to give Tails a better view. From just a cursory glance, her womanhood looked real, but when Tails looked closely, they actually looked a little rubbery. He reached out and felt the lips with the tips of his fingers. They were made of rubber!


“Surprised, sugah?” she asked. “I still can’t bear children, but it’s not like I lack ALL mah lady parts. In fact, I did get a few new neat tricks I bet you’ll love.” She moved over Tails and guided his still erect dick to her artificial pussy. When she sat down on his lap, she was sure to not rest her entire weight on him lest she crush his pelvis. As much as she didn’t want to admit it, she was actually very heavy with the robotic parts. Fortunately, she had a good portion of her steel parts – mainly the chassis – replaced with titanium alloy, which removed a lot of unnecessary weight without sacrificing durability. That could only be a good thing.

“Uaaahhh!” Tails cried out and shivered. The artificial pussy engulfed his member and clenched it tightly, almost uncomfortably so. Tails wanted to pull out of her it was so tight, but it wasn’t like he was in a position to do so. Bunnie pushed her upper body into his face and let him get a face full of breasts.

“I can feel your little squirrel inside my rabbit hole.” She moaned, grinding against his hips. While she was robotic, she still had a nervous system that registered touch and by extension pain. After all, it wouldn’t be of much help to her if she couldn’t tell if something was wrong with her robotic parts. Her pussy lips in particular were the most sensitive. In fact, she was able to adjust the nerve receptors so that the senses would respond more intensely, which is what she did now. Every motion and throb of Tails and his member reverberated inside her, fanning the flames of her lust.

“I have a few neat tricks neither Cream nor Sally have.” She said, pressing down on the side of her waist. A muffled humming sound filled the air as the artificial pussy suddenly started vibrating. Tails’ eyes widened, and he opened his mouth in shock. The power of the vibrations were overwhelming! He almost couldn’t move or think because of how powerful the vibrations were. It drained him of all of his strength and made him unable to resist.

“Buuuuunnniiiiieeee!” He moaned. Bunnie held him closer and started moving her hips back and forth. While her metal legs were nearly freezing cold on Tails’ legs, her interior was actually quite warm. The core of the heat rubbed against the head of his cock, which gave him a very unique sensation.

“I hope you can hold it back, sugah.” Bunnie said, holding him closer to her furry bosom. “It will be a shame to have this cut short because you lost control.”

Tails moaned in acknowledgement and focused all his energies on holding back his orgasm. Bunnie grinded faster on his lap, controlling it like a joystick. Tails was unable to keep track of the directions she pulled him through the pleasure it caused.

As Bunnie gyrated her hips faster, her core began to heat up. Tails noticed this when it started to get really hot on the tip of his cock. He liked the sensation it caused, but the core was starting to get hotter. The heat spread to the rest of her pussy, and it soon felt like he was fucking an oven!
“Bunnnie! It’s getting too hot!” Tails exclaimed. “Please pull me out!”

“No, sugah!” Bunnie moaned, clutching Tails tighter in her organic arm. “You gotta feel the heat!”

Tails grit his teeth as the heat rose to incredible levels. He kept fearing that he was going to get burned on his cock, but it never got to that level. At the same time, his erection was spurred on by the heat and refused to go down.

“Mmnn! I’m going to cum!” Bunnie moaned. Her upper body tensed as she felt the pleasure sensors go off throughout her whole body. Orgasms were not spontaneous in her body; they were programmed and wired like everything else, but she craved it just like any fully biological creature. Still, the predictability of it all was not the same as when she was still fully organic. Deep down, she knew something was missing.

Tails grit his teeth as he came into Bunnie’s artificial pussy, soaking the insides with his seed heated up by the interior heating up his cock and balls. Once he calmed down, Bunnie pulled off of him, and he took a sigh of relief as the air cooled down his member. Another minute inside her core, and he felt like it would have literally melted.

“I’m glad to see you’ve grown so well.” Bunnie said kissing him on the lips. Tails backed away from it almost immediately after their lips made contact. Bunnie giggled at him.

“What’s the matter?” she asked. “You’re old enough to have real kisses now.”

Tails blushed and looked away briefly, then turned back and returned the kiss to Bunnie. They held the kiss for a much longer period now. After a few minutes they finally broke away. Tails took deep breaths, trying to regain his composure after their intense session.

“I’m staying here for good, Tails.” Bunnie said, standing up to put the plate back in its place. “Thought y’all will need help when Eggman comes struttin’ back with his next big scheme.”

“Really? That’s great!” Tails exclaimed.

“And of course I came back for you, too!” she added quickly. “Don’t think this is all about Eggman or somethin’.”

Tails nodded his head, but he knew that it was about 95% Eggman. He had to be strong, though. He was no longer the little kid he was 2 years ago. He had responsibilities now, and he couldn’t just keep Bunnie to himself. Still, he loved her like he would his own mother. Hopefully they could be together again soon.
[Image: WalkingEye-1.jpg]

No super-villain can resist the temptation of a Walking Eye.

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Sonic the Hedgehog (Cream/Sally; Tails/Bunnie) - by Lost - 07-21-2010, 11:32 PM