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(A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay
Hunter allowed himself to be captured, not wanting to cause harm to any. He would await the trial, and when he was finally freed, he would embrace his love. They two married, and Hunter did his best to help his lover, while creating a new age of peace for both lands. As for Rose and her daughter, he openly protected them. He did everything he could to help them find a better life, and would tell them stories about him and Alexander, and how he had sacrificed himself for him.

Hunter was proud of Ren, his daughter, and supported her decision to become a diplomat. He would sometimes come off as overprotective, but most likely Alex or Grace would help him ease his grip on Ren. As for their son, Hunter named him Gabriel, or simply Gabe. He taught him how to be strong, but also reminded him of the peace they had to preserve. He would give Alexander's sword to him, when he was ready, and was proud to have him as his son. "I was thought power was all that one needed. Then I met your mother, and her love and kindness helped me. Sometimes, it made me weak, but in the end, it always made me strong. It gave me reason. I know you will meet one like her, one day. When you do, never let her go."

Rain served her Master, Mickal, for as long as she lived. She feared Mike, and was always happy to be in her true Master's grasp then near that snake. She also tried her best to help the nameless woman, taking pity on her and knowing how she felt most of the time. She would even go as far as to ask her Master to go easy on her, no doubt being punished for such an act.

Alex and his family were made the first nobles, and he did whatever he could to help the two lovers unite the kingdoms. He also made sure Serenity's wishes were granted, and treated her as his daughter. He also married Silvia, and took her as his wife and soulmate. He loved the two the most, and did everything to make them happy. As for Flare and Angy, he would do as Flare wished and would not force sex on her all the time, treating her respectably, as best he could. Angy was turned into his slave, and he made sure to make her happy, fucking her until she was screaming in joy and having Serenity and Silvia lick and kiss her body clean. He would let no one hurt her, and would punish any who threatened her. Finally, as for his daughter, he would name her Aurora, on account for the beautiful aura he felt around her.

The war wolf and the human lived happily with their lovers, and became almost like brothers in a way. A monument was set up for Alexander, and a private funeral took place for Ren. One other thing that happened, was that Hunter sometimes stare off into the distance, as though he was searching for something. When asked this by Grace or another close friends, he would speak of Jaque, and would talk about his fears of if a portion of this beast laid in their world.

He would not let it control him though, and would happily love his wife for all of eternity. "You are my Queen. My eternal lover. I promised you a world where Angelo and Saxon are equal. Now, I give you that world, my Grace."
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.

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RE: (A Zero and Silver Production) The Unforeseen Stay - by MasterZero - 07-15-2010, 08:06 AM