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Premeditation (Crimson / Lonely Werewolf RP)
A soft murr escaped from his throat as the dragon lifted Ryo by his strong arm and brought him to the room, leaning his furry cheek closer to Jedrek's shoulder. "N-No at all, Jed..Despite your strong arms, you're pretty gentle..."

"Well...can't helped it. We will leave at least few bruises and pains on every mission we attended. Even the best fighters in the world won't escape that." Minami said with a cute giggle, and place her big dark-gray paw on Monica's cheek. "Don't worry about that, Monica...Is there anything happen between you and Ryo?" She decided to ask of what kind of relationship Monica have with Ryo. She's just being curious.
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RE: Premeditation (Crimson / Lonely Werewolf RP) - by Lonely Werewolf - 07-07-2010, 07:08 AM