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ADaD Side Story: Facing the Darkness of Fate...
OOC: Gah! Luna ignored Facade's retaliation! D: Heyyyy!


When the red light had cleared, a clear path of destruction had been carved out of a significantly large portion of the forest, trees, rocks, animals, all had been disintegrated into gaseous forms, laving narrow but very deep ravine cutting through the forest...

-Merely a foot to the right of Luna. Facade lowered her arm canon, which transformed back into her mechanical arm. She had received Alias' transmission about not harming the two girls the moment she fired the canon, giving her just enough time to change the antimatter's trajectory, avoiding the girls and the new arrival. "Unit Alias is incompetent." The red droid's robotic voice drawled. After all, if Alias had sent Facade the transmission earlier, she wouldn't have had to use the canon. Now it would be a good three hours before she could use it once more.

Facade vanished in a flurry of red and black speedlines, becoming a red and black blur darting through the trees, before reappearing once more behind the the group and Roxas. Who was this arachnid like creature? Why did Alias not send Facade any information on him yet? Surely the blue droid had completely recovered from her punishment to him by now! She followed them stealthily.

[Jaden's Lab]

Alias stood outside the door like a guard, curiously examining the area with all 37 of his senses. The blue Droid's arm had by now been replaced a new one, the materials by which were made by Alias taking in matter and rearranging the molecular structure within his body to mimic the constructs he required. Truly, Alias' design was a true work of sophisticated genius!

However, something was wrong with the blue droid's programming: for one, he could now feel fear, and for another, he could now feel pain.
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
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RE: ADaD Side Story: Facing the Darkness of Fate... - by Frisk E. Coyote - 06-28-2010, 03:01 PM