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E3 2010
Eh, I was just annoyed with Sony and Microsoft going with the whole motion control thing, especially Microsoft who seems intent on copying Nintendo's casual games and advertising. I wouldn't have minded so much if those two showed off more games, but a big part of their whole presentation seemed to just about the motion controls. A problem that I do see with all three of the big companies is "Sequelitus". How many original IPs have we seen this year from any of the publishers compared to the number of sequels?

(06-18-2010 02:05 AM)Asesino Wrote: Sony and Microsoft might not have had a huge line-up of crap to show, but at least I didn't want to punch them in the throat every time they announced something.

I must say, that dead horse that Nintendo continues to beat every single year must be almost mush by now. Here are my responses to a few things in the Nintendo line-up:

Sony intrigues me the most, and I'm not even a Sony fan. They have the best hardware, and they have the best of both worlds because they're usually controllers AND a camera. Maybe they can do some good with a motion controller. The Wii's motion control is so awful to the point that it's BARELY motion controlled at all. All you do is point at the screen and flick your wrist, and even that doesn't work half the time. Sony has the hardware and caters enough to the non-casual crowd that they could make something that's actually cool and not a gimmicky, over-rated piece of shit.

Seriously, Nintendo; Do something interesting. I was a fan right up until the Wii, and you're not doing a whole lot to win me back.

This is mostly opinion by the way, but I still expect people to bite my face off when they read this. I regret nothing!

Nah, I don't bite. :P What I said was mostly opinion as well.

I'm a big Nintendo fan, but I also own a XBOX 360 so I'd like for all three companies to do well and show off some great stuff. However, Microsoft and Sony just struck me as two companies showing up about three years late to the motion control party and with little else to show. Halo is fine and all, but I can thing of several other FPSes that are more vibrant and fun than this series. GoW3 is something I do look forward too since it is a lot of fun, but it is a very shallow game character and story-wise. I don't really play Call of Duty, so I'm not going to comment on that. Kinect, besides the lousy name, just seems bizarre. What the hell is wrong with a controller? We use them for our TVs. They aren't that complicated.

On Sony's side, Gran Turismo 5 looks good, but it's been delayed so long that I couldn't help making a joke about it. I'm a bit annoyed that they're still going with the Twisted Metal Black approach to that franchise. I preferred the Twisted Metal 2 look with awesome rock music and the slight humorous slant to all the mayhem. Regardless though, I'm sure it will be a fun game for those fortunate to have a PS3. I can't really comment on Sly Cooper. I got 100% on the first game and liked it, but I never played the other two games they released. As for the Playstation Move, it's copycatting Nintendo's design. Sure, it's better than the basic Wii controller, but with the Motion Plus, aren't the two about even in regards to motion recognition?

Hmmm, and I'm willing to agree with you, Asesino, that it's lame that Nintendo isn't putting more effort into new, original IP, but a lot of the industry is mired in relying on sequels or remakes. Anyways, a few response to what you said about the games.

Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword - Isn't it a little early to say it's going to be boring? I don't see any tedious sea to sail and it's doesn't look brown like Twilight Princess did.

Wii Party - Yeah, this was Nintendo's shout-out to more casual fans. Or maybe they got tired of paying Hudson for making Mario Party games. Who knows?

Mario Sports Mix - Yup, not interested. I don't play sport games, though Nintendo seems determined to have Mario play every type of sport out there. I'm still half-expecting to see Mario Hockey and Mario American Football one of these days. XP

Kirby's Epic Yarn: I'm pretty sure he wasn't able to absorb powers from enemies in his debut Game Boy game. In any case, at least they're trying to do things a little differently this time around. Don't know what to say about the art. I think it's alright, but I can see how people would be off put by this. There are some out there who despised the art directions for games such as Yoshi's Island and LoZ: Wind Waker.

Donkey Kong Country: As long as it's not a Collect-a-thon like Donkey Kong 64, I'm sure it will be fine. Retro Studios did great on the Metroid Prime games. It's nice to see them stretching their talents into a different kind of game.

New Goldeneye: I'll admit, I'm wary of products linked to Activision. There's time between now and the release date for them to improve the graphics, but honestly, I would have preferred for them to just make a good, new Bond game. The original Goldeneye was superb because it outdid most console FPSes at the time and had an excellent array of multiplayer options. With this game, I have trouble seeing it compete with all the other FPSes in the market today. Well, if it ends up not looking all brown, I suppose it will at least have one advantage.

Metroid: Other M: Yeah, the name seems stupid, but the mix of 2.5D and 3D sections, and a little more emphasis on story looks promising. Hopefully, this will shut some more people up about there not being any mature games on the system.

Kid Icarus: The NES game was not very fun and at times seemed like a lame version of Metroid. Nintendo has learned a lot since those times though, so maybe this game will actually be good.

The 3DS: Well, Sony may counter with a new handheld, who knows? The system looks promising based on the demos they've shown off and they seem to have a healthy amount of third parties interested in developing for the platform. I kind of see 3D being another one of those annoying gimmicks that won't be going away any time soon, but at least Nintendo is giving us the option to turn off the 3D on the system so it's not all bad. It looks like it will be a powerful little machine though and should have a fair amount of storage space if those reports about storing whole DS games on the system are accurate.
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