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ADaD Side Story: Facing the Darkness of Fate...
Alicia didn't have any strength left after her ability backfired on her to even open her eyes, but she could still hear everything that was going on, and with her antennae can somewhat see her surroundings as far as who was where.

Jaden was forced to move back just a little further to avoid the sparks from the ShadowBolt skill, but some still singed the bottom of his lab coat black. Scowling at the damage, he looks toward the direction there the other cat girl had taken Alicia, Facade following. Looking to Alias, malfunctioning from the blast and missing an arm, a small chuckle left his mouth. "Seems like they do have a limit after all..." Now looking behind him, he looked over the girl who was so desperate to talk to him. She seemed attractive in normal standards for him, the ears and tail increasing the effect, but Jaden's interests primarily lays in his work for the most part. "What did you wish to talk to me about?" He asked her, a little annoyed at the moment.

"Sir... the red android is still chasing after Alicia and some other girl, should I assist?" The young boy asked into his mic, around 40 feet from where Alicia was but up in the tops of the tree. No response came on the receiver. "Sir!" Roxas said in a harsh whisper, not wanting to give away his presence completely yet. "Great..." He muttered to himself. All he could do was still watch and hope an opportunity or opening will come up for him to rescue Alicia.
Nyaa... Will be around but not very much.
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RE: ADaD Side Story: Facing the Darkness of Fate... - by Chaotic Phoenix - 06-18-2010, 09:59 AM