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Mum and my uncle....I need some help please!
(06-15-2010 08:56 AM)Psycho Backlasher Wrote: Can't you get a permit for a taser?

And it might work, yesh.

I dont know, I will ask my mate and see what he says, he knows about tazers lol ill get back to you after i find out
(06-15-2010 04:54 PM)Cowboy From Hell Wrote: Most self-defense weapons such as pepperspray/mace and Tasers/Stunguns are legal pretty much everywhere, and even come in feminine designs to attract women into purchasing some form of protection for themselves.

Me, I'd say get yourself a Concealed Handgun License. Not only will the courses teach you not to fear or hate guns, it'd also be a much more legal approach to what Magus suggested. Even a simple .22 caliber target pistol will make anyone stop trying to hurt you.

Of course, I live by the phrase, "It's better to have a gun and not need it than need a gun and not have it."

Self defense courses are also a viable alternative. Any way of properly learning how to protect yourself this day and age is something you need to look into.

Now, don't get me wrong. I know exactly where you're coming from. My mother abused me much of my life as well. As such, I dropped out of highschool, moved across state, and I changed my phone number to keep her from EVER contacting me.

That, and I'm armed with multiple knives and a lever action rifle.

I made the decision long ago that if she laid one more hand on me, I would end up getting pulled off of her corpse by the police.

Don't take her shit. Just because she's your mother doesn't mean she gets to keep you under her thumb and treat you like shit.

As for your uncle, I highly recommend four slugs from a .44.

But that's just me.

Wow, really! I feel sorry for you now *hugs* I'm glad to hear that things are getting better for you.

And my mum, well, I'm still frightened to death about her!

One member on here has met my mum *not naming the member* I will name the member Z.
I let Z over mine, Z met my dad and my mum. Z also met my two funny sisters!
But when Z let, lets just say my mum started to say things about him, I felt like killing her, she was say that Z was weared, he looked goffy and she didnt like him! I couldnt do anything or my mum would of punched me back them.
Z if your reading this I didnt want to tell you because I didnt want to hurt your feelings sorry :(

And my uncle, I think you should change the tazer, he's really fat, muscle and has a bold head. So if you need to changed it tell me... I hate my uncle!!!
(06-15-2010 05:02 PM)The_minstrel_knight Wrote: Well, the Police work wonders with Uncles. Cool

Well my uncle has already been put in prison, it was four times. I'd better tell you this but he used to beat up his wife, now they are devorced.
My cousion Nicky told me, his son told me he was 8 years old he found his dad beating his mum up in the kitchen, he got his baseball bat and hit is dad loads of times and told his mum to go up stairs and then kept hitting his uncle more. After that my uncle left.

So my mum side of the family...... I hate it!
Dad's side......... Love it!!! :)
Well wonder what would happen if I told everyone who I liked on here a lot!!
Creative Minds

Messages In This Thread
RE: Mum and my uncle....I need some help please! - by Yumi - 06-15-2010, 07:18 PM