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Mum and my uncle....I need some help please!
(06-14-2010 07:10 AM)MagusKnight Wrote: Buy a gun. Don't hesitate.
Okay, that came out wrong. Buy a gun and protect yourself if needed. Make sure to avoid your mom when you're out of the house, and never answer the door to your mom without your gun. If she tries to force you back verbally, refuse. If she tries physically, pull the gun and call the cops.
If she threatens your life, kill her.

I think Mute is right....that I wouldnt do, I hate guns!
(06-14-2010 07:45 AM)Mute Point Wrote: No offense, but that really isn't good advice.

The best thing you can do, is avoid her whenever possible, lock the doors whether you are home or not, don't answer it if you don't know who it is.

For protecting yourself physically, I would reccomend taking a self defense course, and/or buying at least one can of pepper spray. And don't say you're too weak physically for a self defense class to help.. I'm a tiny little thing, and I still learned a lot of useful stuff from mine.

Pepper Spray......... Yeh, that will work! But there is only one problem i dont know where to get it!!! lol
Well wonder what would happen if I told everyone who I liked on here a lot!!
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Mum and my uncle....I need some help please! - by Yumi - 06-14-2010, 06:08 PM