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Mum and my uncle....I need some help please!
I think I need some advice for you guys, I scared and nevous!

Since I was little I was getting abused violently, physical and mentally by my mum and dad, my dad stopped when I was about 7 and my mum kept going on and never stopped. Then about last year or the year before, cannot remember me and my two older sisters called the police and my mum and dad gotta warning. My sister oldest sister Laura got kick out. But mum still was getting to me and my sister by mentally abusing us through calling me and her names. After a couple of months other sister Sarah moved out. Then about a two to three weeks my mum said some really horrible things to me and so did my uncle paul.
My mum and uncle crossed the line when my mum said this 'she wished she never had me or my two sisters' and my uncle, well i cant say it as its too harsh to put on her but he was calling dumb and stupid as well when I didnt even do anything wrong.
So I packed my things and know Im living with my sister Laura and I love it!

Tueday my uncle threatened me and my oldest sister at a pub and threatened to beat me and Laura up, I was terrifide plus he got kicked out from the way he spoke to me and my sister.

But know there is a problem, my mum wants me back at the house, I'm terrifide of my own mother! I dont even wanna live there. And I hate my uncle since what he did on Tuesday. My mum said she is gonna kick her brother out, but I know she wont.

When I seen my mum last she told me she wants me back home but I was too scared to tell her what I thought about her and couldnt say anything. She also said if I dont come home she is gonna do something about it!

What should I do? How can I stand up to my mum without being terrifide of her??

Please help me!!!!!
Well wonder what would happen if I told everyone who I liked on here a lot!!
Creative Minds

Messages In This Thread
Mum and my uncle....I need some help please! - by Yumi - 06-13-2010, 03:33 AM