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Shin Megami Tensei RPG: Digitized Terror.
OOC: Hakatsu has the ball. O.o


"I suppose it is not that abnormal," Hakatsu agreed with Samui. "Whatever the case, I took the ball. I might as well return it to the gym while we are here. Do you think we have enough time to do that?" he asked.

All around him, he could make out certain features of the school, but all of it was dark. A strange feeling crept into his mind; it was as if they weren't supposed to be at the school...seriously. Not by mortal standards, but forbidden by some ethereal force. Phantom..., Hakatsu thought. Here they were navigating the dark halls of their school, knowing full well that there might be a killer on the loose. And to think he asked them if there was time for a slight detour! It was a ridiculous notion. Then again, these three others seemed completely unfazed by the circumstance. Had they truly forgotten about the killer? Perhaps the day had been so nice, any negative thoughts were pushed aside. But how could anyone forget something so serious?! Hakatsu shook his head to stop the thoughts from giving him a headache. Maybe they could just stop by the gym, he would throw the ball in, and then out the school they went. They went, that is. Though he had to admit he was slightly frightened, Hakatsu would not let that stop him from investigating. For now, he would continue to put on the facade that he was really going with them.

That's it! That's how he could get away! "Or, if you guys are in a hurry, I could just stop by the gym and drop this off," he added smoothly without emotion. "It should not take me long; we might even meet up outside if I am quick enough. If not, we can just meet up tomorrow, if you so desire." Perfect. He only hoped that the three were not as irrational as some other people were.

But wait! Who was that who just spoke?! There was a fellow standing ahead of them. And his words confirmed the strange feelings that had been creeping into his mind. However, he said nothing further. Why was this guy here? Just wait it out. He will certainly reveal the answer if you just listen, Hakatsu advised himself mentally.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!


Messages In This Thread
RE: Shin Megami Tensei RPG: Digitized Terror. - by Masquerade - 06-11-2010, 10:23 AM