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Mass Effect 3! Predictions! (Possible Spoilers for ME1 and ME2)
Okay, I'm bored, and I wanna mimic one of those topics I often see at the GameFAQs boards just about any game and a possible sequel.

Hmmmmmmm. They revamped the combat and level up system by quite a lot in the ME1 -> ME2 transission. I don't think it's far-fetched to think we'll now be able to add an extra layer of protection to our Shep, right? It'd be cool to actually find extra armor to get more health. Would make the game unnecessarily easier, but if enemies can have three layers, why can't we?! Pif.

On the topic of romances, does anybody think we'll lose Garrus and Tali in ME3? That'd be devastating to me. They are the most exciting and popular characters ever to me. In the ME1 -> ME2 transission, we not only lost most of the crew, but we also lost the two (remaining) love interests, Alenko/Williams and Liara (WHO WAS EVILLY TURNED INTO A MAFIA LEADER! GRRRR D:!)

We need more Paragon/Renegade actions. A lot more. I'd like to get some that invoke some melee (non-armed) fights, and if they don't come up with a melee style of fighting that includes kicking, punching and throws, it'd be cool if we could QTE them.

I want the quarians to go to war with the geth. And let it be a huuuuuge side-tracking event/mission that makes saving the galaxy an impossibility unless Shep picks sides and either lose. (I'll hate making the choice, probably would aid quarians since Tali's sexy, but it'll do for quite the dramatic effect!)

If Garrus continues with his amazing appearances, he should be given several girls throughout the whole game, and hint that he's been so rough with them that they cum when they hear his name. He deserves getting lots of booty and to be acknowledged as a galaxian stud. I'm not fan-boy biased.

Mordin should sing more opera.

Tali should get exposed to some sort of positive radiation that increases her boob size.

Samara should make another appearance, and to strip tease.

Oh, yeah. Back to the issue. I want Assault Rifles being as cool and game-breaking as they were in ME1. ME2 had alright ARs, but their spread long-distance made them suck over over-using Sniper Rifles.

There should be more infiltration. I liked that James Bond rip-off mission with the DLC character Kasumi the thief.

We should visit the Hanar world! It'd be nice to have some missions related to under-water exploration. Plus if there are asari swimming around we'll see delightful tentacle-rape scenes! I've heard Hanar, despite their solemn way of communicating, are deranged perverts.

There should be better Biotic powers. I didn't try them all, but how about adding something like a shredding sonic-boom? I'd love to be able to slice enemies in half. We need more blood, dammit!

So what do you guys think/want of ME3?
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
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Messages In This Thread
Mass Effect 3! Predictions! (Possible Spoilers for ME1 and ME2) - by DragonMasterX - 06-07-2010, 05:21 AM