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Digimon and Pokemon: A middle of the night musing.
You know, nowadays something like that COULD work, in theory. We seem to be coming full circle with technology. A few years ago if you released something with PS2 quality graphics on a next generation console, it would have been collectively shit on and criticized. But now with Xbox Live Arcade, Playstation Store, and Wiiware stuff you could release something like that, for a fairly cheap price anyway, and people would be much more apt to buy it and be kinder to it.

The problem with a new Digimon game, even a remake or reboot of arguably the best one made, is that no one would care. In Canada anyway, Digimon, even when it first came out here, was not very relevant. They were just knock-off Pokemon to me at the time, brought over only to sell merchandise, desperately trying to hit the crack-cocaine-for-kids gold-mine that Pokemon stumbled onto. And now? Outside of like, a few communities on the internet and Japan perhaps, I honestly don't know where Digimon is relevant. Maybe I'm wrong, but I just don't see it anywhere. Even if a Digimon game was released tomorrow on XBLA, and it just so happened to be great, I just can't see it selling, which is sad to me. The first game had promise, but they just dropped it to make (from what I've seen from youtube videos, I didn't play Digimon World 2 or 3) a final fantasy clone with Digimon instead of cross-dressing hair-gel enthusiasts.

In short, even a GOOD Digimon game would fail. How does that make sense? I don't know, I completely forgot what I was talking about after the first paragraph.

As a response to the poo thing, Square Enix had already released a graphically detailed poo in March. I don't think people would mind too much after that.
In soviet goggles, Russia does nothing.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Digimon and Pokemon: A middle of the night musing. - by Asesino - 06-03-2010, 12:14 PM