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Shin Megami Tensei RPG: Digitized Terror.
OOC: Sorry for the delays DMX. Got my old bandages removed this morning and I'm healing nicely! :3

Kou's home:

The study was one of the biggest rooms in his family's estate, the selves of the books dwarfing the hardwood covered room. The ceiling decorated with images of Tao myth figures made of individual marble pieces. It was a sight to behold by visitors, but to Kou it was a room that was like his father. Arrogant and boostful of his wealth.

He motioned towards his father who sat at his usual chair near the large window that overlooked the garden. His old man watching him sternly as he swirled his glass slightly.

"You wanted to see me pops?" he asked.

"Duke has informed me that you have been increasingly late coming home from school, and that your marks aren't as high as they should be."

Kou rolled his eyes, he liked Duke, he had been a loyal employee to the family for years, but sometimes he was joy kill always reporting to his father of anything he did.

"Well I have very good reason for that. I was heading home when I was caught by the gaze of the lovely women at school, and as any gentleman how could I say no?" he grinned putting his feet up slightly.

His father seemed to clench his glass harder before placing it down on a table as he spoke "I don't find this amusing Kou. You know I have enemies, and you know they will go after you to get to me."

"So that gives you the right to cage me up like one of your hounds?" Kou shot back.

"I'm not caging you Kou, it's the best for the family."

"Better for the family or for your own paranoia?" Kou got up,his grin long since gone.

"I am your father and you will resp-"
"Is that all you wanted to leacher me or is there anything else?" Kou interrupted standing up from his seat.

His father looked up at his son and folded his fingers silently giving Kou enough reason to stand up and walk to the door, but as he touched the door his father spoke.

"I've contacted a doctor about removing your tattoos as well."

"You might as well cancel it because you'll sooner have to get your goons to lay me out to do it." he coldly spoke as he made his way to his room.

*Later that Night*

"I have a good mind to not even come back." he grunted as he jumped down from his window ledge. It was fortune that the distance from his window to the ground was about the same back at his old home in toyko otherwise he would have had to tie his bedsheets together like he did once when he was small. Sadly that time didn't work out so well as the sheets had come apart and broke his leg. Boy was his father and mother pissed that day.

He sighed once more as he looked up at his window one last time before making his way to the main road to town. The crisp breeze blew along his hair giving him some relief as he thought. He doubt any of the shops would be open this late, and, if they were, it was doubtful it was meant for a senior high school student.

But there was another thing he could do. The school did have a basketball court and if he was lucky, someone may have left a ball out and he could shoot some hoops. Anything to get his mind off his demanding father and forced lifestyle. He placed his hands in his pocket and started to whistle slightly as he strolled towards the darkened school.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: Shin Megami Tensei RPG: Digitized Terror. - by DrakeZero - 05-28-2010, 07:07 AM