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Shin Megami Tensei RPG: Digitized Terror.
You gotta be... The RP began ALREADY and 7 pages ALREADY²?Curse my lack of attention!

Anyways, as far as I understood everybody (Or at least most of them) are still at school so...

Character Sheet:

Name: Sacchi Hikari (Light in japanese, I was just as surprised DX)

Age: 16 (Sophomore)

Gender: Male

Physical Description:White-colored shirt with red stains on it (Not real blood lol), A black jacket,Blue Jeans and Black-And-White Sneakers.

Psychological Description: He's normally quiet and rather timid, though he can be friendly, he just doesn't trust everybody, he likes being around people that trust him and that he knows he can trust, he hates fighting, though he fights when completely nescessary, In a Life-Death Situation, he would try to stay calm and make everybody stay calm too, he would try to think of the options and get the best solution out of things.

Weaponry Of Choice: A Magnum

Arcana: Temperance(XIV If I'm not mistaken...)


[First Floor ~ Halls]

Sacchi slowly walked down the hall with a book in hands the name was: "The girl that stole books"

"Gosh, I don't even know why I keep reading these kind of books, they take for ever to finish!" he muttered to himself before closing the book. Sacchi then takes his cellphone from his pocket and looks at the screen "Shoot, I'm late for target practice..."

Sacchi chuckles a little at the pun he just made, without even realizing it. Hey today is... "Cleaning day" too... Right? Sacchi re-checks his cellphone, it was "Cleaning day". The day in where he would stay late at the library recording and making mementos for the librariam.(OOC: Forgot the name of whoever works in school libraries, argh.)There, the perfect excuse. He thought, slowling walking towards the library. "At least this pain-in-the-ass task that my father put me through has it's advantages." He muttered to himself.


I dunno if I will be able to post tomorrow, since I'll be in a school trip from 7AM to 10PM. But if I'm able to, I will.

And, I know there's still no interaction with the rest of the players for now. But I think it's okay to only meet with them during the night... Right?
Now major Joshua and TWEWY fan.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Shin Megami Tensei RPG: Digitized Terror. - by Sacchi - 05-26-2010, 11:30 AM