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ADaD Side Story: Facing the Darkness of Fate...
Alias's armored mechanical body stiffened, his ears perking up as if he were trying to listen in to something. "Affirmative." He complied, and walked past Zex calmly, disregarding him and making his way to the directive; Alicia. A larger grid of blue light formed around both girls this time, about the size of a large room, before it shrunk down to a box 10x10 feet. "This unit apologizes for leaving you alone. This unit notices your companion, and knows felines are fond of cockroaches."

A red blur darts between Zex and Alias as Facade appears on the scene, having left the strange black creature and the one with the bow to rejoin Alias, who was less battle-oriented than she was, as the dog-like android had their main objective with him. "Alias unit has been taking too much input. Cease and complete objective, NOW."
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
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RE: ADaD Side Story: Facing the Darkness of Fate... - by Frisk E. Coyote - 05-25-2010, 11:53 PM