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The Flame of Youth - Part 4 Added!
Hey guys,

How many of you read the first two parts? Raise your hands? Anybody? Hmm, well that’s fine. If you happen to have opened this thread, sit back, relax, and enjoy reading Part 3 of The Flame of Youth! Thanks Guilmon and a Shotgun for the epic title!


Part 3 – Fire Has Two Traits

Adam and Koneko stood in the back of the Wolf’s Den club. The club was an old venue that Adam had performed at before and belonged to a friend. The owner, Kasra, was a New Race canine who had purchased the bar when he was eighteen. Five years later the bar became a popular hot spot for New Race and Half-Breeds. Humans were welcome but they often avoided the building due to the lack of people without fur and tails. The two felines hid behind the stage, quietly practicing while the room filled.

In the past week, Adam had taught Koneko many simple but impressive moves that she could safely pull off in front of a live audience. He watched her practice with ribbon poi, talking her through one of his favorite sayings.

“Remember,” he said, listening as the ribbons that swirled around her mocked the noise of flame, “Fire has?”

“Two traits,” Koneko answered back, still performing flawlessly.

“And those are?”

“Fire can keep you warm and safe if you treat it properly but if you provoke it you will get burned,”

“Perfect,” Adam said, smiling, “You nervous?”

Koneko nodded as she stopped spinning. Adam stood and walked over, placing his hands on her shoulders.

“Don’t be,” he said, smiling, “I’ll be right behind you. Literally.”

The routine that Adam had planned out did indeed have the two dancers one in front of the other. Adam handed her two fire poi, ready to light. He then lifted his poi from the bag, which were slightly bigger than hers. He removed a lighter from his pocket and tossed it in the air. He caught it and made sure that it worked. After the lighter was stored away, he walked towards the curtain to go onstage. A hand came to rest on his shoulder.

“I’m still nervous,” Koneko said, adjusting her hood. Adam put his arms over her shoulders and lifted the cloth over her head.

“You’ll be fine,” he said, smiling, “I promise.”

Adam killed the lights in the club, eliciting a large cheer from the patrons. The pitch black before them was the stage and beyond it was the crowd, waiting to be impressed. Adam led his female companion out into the dark as they took their positions.

Adam’s acute hearing picked up on Koneko’s breathing, which was heavy and forced. He smiled and gently put his unseen hand on her back. He leaned in while retrieving the lighter from his pocket.

“Relax,” he whispered directly into her right ear. He clicked the lighter twice, creating a three inch tall flame, “Need a light?”

She lifted her poi until the one of the balls came in contact with the flame. As the orb ignited, music began to play, cued by the barkeep. Koneko waved the poi back and forth like a pendulum careful to keep the other flammable ball away until the cue. The audience was mystified as the hooded female that wasn’t there a moment ago, commanded a seemingly floating orb of fire back and forth to the music. As a loud and long note struck, she moved the second orb into the path of the first, igniting it. The two pendulums swung back and forth, slowly getting higher. They eventually made it all the way to the top and rotated around. They continued to move along this path until they were moving too fast for the eye to track, creating seamless rings of fire. It was only then that two more orbs, larger then the first, ignited. These two orbs rapidly began to spin on planes perpendicular to the first two. Then, when the speeds matched, the planes meshed. They broke apart as the dancers separated, Adam rotating one hundred and eighty degrees so his back was to the audience, and Koneko stepping off to the left. The male began to weave a blanket of fire behind his person, carefully avoiding his tail. While Adam moved with speed and strength, Koneko gently performed more delicate moves. Her body moved in delicate lines and curves as she painted a portrait of flame around her, displaying her grace as nothing else could. Adam moved behind her, once again turning so he could face her, and began to move the poi in huge circles behind him, creating the perfect background for Koneko. She delicately went through every move in her arsenal in an order that appealed to the eye. She slowed her spins until the poi were clearly visible, possessing ribbons of flame behind them. Adam then took the lead.

He stepped forward and began to cross his flaming poi not only in front of him, but in front of Koneko, placing the female between her friend and the fire. He performed several moves in this manner, moving behind her with power and talent. When he had finished, he spiraled the poi inward, wrapping them around two fingers. The poi slowly vortexed inward, moving dangerously close to his hands. He then moved his arms up and around Koneko and dropped the poi into an extinguishing pot. Ten minutes had passed, the song ended. The crowd clapped and cheered as the lights rose, revealing the two dancers. Adam stepped forward.

“Ladies and Gentlemen,” he announced, “We are going to take a short break. But we will be back in five minutes!”

The crowd cheered once more as Adam hopped off the stage. Koneko approached the edge, her poi still ablaze.

“Can I keep spinning?” she asked Adam innocently. The male smiled.

“Yes you may, but be careful and hood off,”

The girl shook her head backwards, revealing her head and kept spinning. Adam grinned up at her before walking away. He approached the bar to talk with Kasra.

“Hey, Kasra!” the feline said, taking a seat, “Did we get any tips?”

The wolf emerged from behind the counter holding a jar full of one dollar bills.

“Yeah,” he said, dumping it out, “You got about forty bucks here. Wanna order something?”

“I can’t drink, man. I’m nineteen, remember?”

“Oh, yeah,” Kasra replied feeling a bit down about losing a sale, “What about your girlfriend? How old is she?”

“She isn’t my girlfriend, and she’s only eighteen,” Adam said, laughing, “Have any ice cream?”

“This is a club, not a Baskin Robbins,” the wolf said, “I have soda?”

“Not now,” Adam said. His ears swiveled around to face backwards as he heard a loud arguing from the stage area. He turned around.


Koneko was still spinning while Adam talked to his friend. She was carefree until she noticed what appeared to be the only two humans in the bar approaching the stage. One of them appeared to be holding the other back. As they got closer, she began to pick up their conversation.

“This isn’t that kind of club, man,” said one with brown hair combed politely to the side, “Let’s just go home.”

“I’m not leaving until I get a lap dance,” said the other, bald and obviously drunk. He pushed his friend away and continued to the stage. He stopped at the edge.

“Hey, girly!” he yelled up at Koneko, “How ‘bout you come down here and have a little fun?”

Koneko ignored him as the man’s friend tried to pull him away. The man pushed his friend to the floor and turned back on Koneko.

“I’m talking to you, girl!”


“I’m talking to you, girl!” a bald man yelled from the other side of the room. Adam turned to see a man yelling at Koneko, obviously wasted. She continued to ignore him and spin. Adam stood up and began to slowly walk over. To his shock, the man reached up and grabbed Koneko by the tail and pulled, causing her to collapse to the ground. She dropped her poi in front of him. The man released her tail and stared at the flaming ball.

“Oh, shit!” he yelled as the fire registered in his mind. He scooped up one of the fire extinguishers as the whole bar watched. He fiddled with the catch for a moment, then blasted the flaming ball. He over did the action, covering Koneko’s bare feet and legs with freezing substance. She squeaked and began to push the foam from her legs as fast as she could. Adam began to jog across the room, being blocked by people.

“You stupid bitch!” the drunk yelled, “You almost lit me on fire!”

Adam began to push through the crowd as he saw the man’s hand rise up. His middle finger locked itself behind his thumb, building tension. Adam was ten feet away when his finger blasted out. Time seemed to slow as the digit made direct contact with Koneko’s right ear. Feline Half-Breeds ears were more sensitive than any other part of their body. Adam’s own ear twitched empathetically as he saw it happen. He had been punched and even kicked in his ears, but Koneko had no such experience. Furthermore, she was exponentially more sensitive than he.

Koneko let out a feline cry that was heard by the whole bar. She crawled to the back of the stage and sat there, her hands over her ears. Adam pushed in between the men and jumped up on stage. He dropped to his knees as he slid over to his friend.

“Koneko?” he asked, reaching out to touch her. She lashed out with her left hand; claws extended, and struck Adam in the face. She left four thin scratches from along left cheek, barely deep enough to draw blood. Adam paused as she realized what she had done. She then opened her arms and allowed Adam in. He cradled her torso while she cried into his chest.

“It’ll be alright,” he said quietly, rocking her gently, “It’ll be alright.”

His heart practically broke seeing the girl hurt. A tear fell from his own eye as he held her. She cried for a full ten minutes while the rest of the bar watched. When she seemed to run out of tears, Adam lifted her face up.

“Everything is going to be okay,” he said, looking kindly into her eyes, “I’m going to make the man apologize. You stay right here, okay?”

Koneko nodded and sat back, curling into a fetal position with her back to the wall and her eyes closed. Adam stood and turned to the two humans. He pointed to the guy in the brown hair.

“Hey, you,” he said, his eyes dark and ominous, “Did you do anything?”

The man shook his head vigorously.

“No,” he said, “I’m just his designated driver!”

Adam stood for a moment looking back and forth between the two men.

“You’re driving home alone tonight,” the feline said, “Beat it!”

The brown haired man was gone before anybody could blink, leaving the bald drunk alone. Adam dropped from the stage to the main floor, landing without a sound. A circle formed as Adam approached the man.

“What’re you going to do, kitty?” the man said, attempting to strike a threatening pose. Adam did not respond. He stopped about four feet from the human and jutted his middle finger into the air, flipping the man off. Enraged at the offensive gesture, the drunk dived at Adam, who stepped out of the way. The attacker collided with a table, drawing laughs from the crowd. He stood back up, only to find Adam two feet from him, still flashing the obscene hand sign. He stared into the man’s eyes as he brought the finger back down, then flipped it up again, this time bringing his index finger with it. Claws extended from the two digits as they stood straight. A malicious look upon his face, Adam drove the sharp points through the bottom of the man’s head and up into his mouth, where they remained.

The human let out a blood curdling, guttural yell as the Half-Breed led him to the stage. The cat smashed his victim’s head down onto the hard wood and pointed his face towards Koneko.

“Apologize!” he shouted, “Now!”

The room fell silent in anticipation, and it was only when Adam removed his fingers and pressed down on the man’s temple that a gurgling reply came.

“I’m sorry,” the man said to the best of his ability.

“I don’t think she heard you!” Adam said, applying more pressure on the man’s head.

“I’m sorry!” he said, wincing in pain.

“That was good,” Adam said, lifting the man and taking him to the door. The cat paused at the bar and grabbed a bottle of whiskey off it. He smashed the glass over the man’s head, dousing him in the liquid. He pulled him to the door, fiddling in his pocket for something. Standing in the door way, he pulled lighter he used for shows and clicked it on. He held it two inches away from the man’s face.

“Punishment time,” he said. He touched the flame to the man’s nose, igniting the liquid. The man ran away screaming, his head and shoulders ablaze.

“FIRE BURNS!” Adam shouted after him.


Koneko opened her eyes when she felt a gentle touch on her shoulder. Adam was once again crouching next to her with all of the poi gear in a back pack, a kind smile upon his face.

“Are you all right?” he asked, leaning in a bit closer. She shook her head slowly. Adam once again embraced her, and she returned it.

“Were going home,” he said, carefully placing an arm beneath her knees. He lifted her up and carried her off the stage. Kasra stopped them halfway to the door carrying twenty dollars in his hand.

“Whiskey bottles are twenty, so this is yours,” he said. The wolf held out the money and waited for it to be taken. Adam simply walked around him.

“And the rest is for the mess. Send the check.” He said, walking out the door.


Adam arrived at the apartment door, still carrying Koneko. He set her down and opened the door, then led her inside. He escorted her over to the couch and had her sit down.

“I’ll be right back,” he said, walking away. He rushed into the kitchen and opened the freezer. He reached into the back and took out the carton of strawberry ice cream he had purchased earlier that week. He then went on a hunt for a clean spoon. Once he found the silverware he was hunting for, he returned to the living room to find Koneko still sitting where he had left her, her ears flat against her head.

She jumped slightly as he rested a hand on her shoulder.

“Ice cream?” he asked, taking a seat next to her. She slowly nodded, her face solemn. Adam scooped out a generous spoonful and offered her the utensil. Instead of taking it, Koneko simply ate the frozen treat from the end, then looked at Adam with a wanting look on her face. He smiled and scooped her another spoonful. She leaned against him as he fed her, her mood slowly lifting as she consumed more of the treat. When she had taken the last bite from the box, she reclined into Adam’s lap, staring up at him.

“Ready for bed?” he asked, setting the empty carton on the coffee table. She nodded.

“Can I sleep out here with you?” she asked, her voice cute, innocent and irresistible.

“Of course,” he said, smiling, “Do you want to change first?”

She sat up and allowed Adam to help her up. They walked into the master bedroom and Adam waited outside while she changed. Once she was in the pajamas she had worn the night before, Adam stepped in and got dressed. He emerged from the room and escorted her back to the living room, where he lay himself down on the couch. He gestured for her to lay down next to him, but she opted to crawl over one of the arms and lie directly on his chest.

Before settling in, she planted a kiss directly on Adam’s lips, and waited there. It was not long before Adam returned it. She slowly stuck her rough feline tongue into his mouth, sharing the taste of strawberry. They lay their for a minute, their tongues intertwined, before she broke off.

“I love you,” she said, nuzzling into his bare chest. Adam brought his hands up and rested them on her back.

“I love you, too,” he said, admiring the flavor she had left in his mouth. He gently stroked her back, running his hands along her spine from neck to tail until she fell asleep.

And that night she slept warm and safe. Because fire has two traits.


And that was part three! This part has my favorite close! What did all of you think?
[Image: Rainbow_Dash_haters_gonna_hate.gif]

See that guy, he's a drifter! But drifting leads to Bickering, Bickering leads to Karate, and Karate leads to flying around between windows and shit! Then a big guy starts shooting lightning everywhere and Kurt Russell Shows up and Kicks his Ass!

Messages In This Thread
The Flame of Youth - Part 4 Added! - by Adym - 05-23-2010, 09:36 AM
RE: Needs a Title - by Guilmon and a shotgun - 05-23-2010, 11:49 AM
RE: Needs a Title - by Adym - 05-23-2010, 11:55 AM
RE: The Flame of Youth - by Guilmon and a shotgun - 05-23-2010, 10:36 PM
RE: The Flame of Youth - by Adym - 05-24-2010, 01:13 AM
RE: The Flame of Youth - by Adym - 05-24-2010, 07:01 AM
RE: The Flame of Youth - Part 2 Added - by Adym - 05-25-2010, 11:34 AM
RE: The Flame of Youth - Part 3 Added - by Adym - 06-24-2010, 10:58 AM
RE: The Flame of Youth - Part 4&5? - by Adym - 06-25-2010, 11:18 AM
RE: The Flame of Youth - Part 4&5? - by Asesino - 06-25-2010, 11:44 AM
RE: The Flame of Youth - Part 4&5? - by Adym - 06-26-2010, 12:01 AM
RE: The Flame of Youth - Part 4&5? - by Asesino - 06-26-2010, 12:35 AM
RE: The Flame of Youth - Part 4&5? - by Adym - 06-26-2010, 01:25 AM
RE: The Flame of Youth - Part 4&5? - by Adym - 08-10-2010, 05:29 AM