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ADaD Side Story: Facing the Darkness of Fate...
(ok, this is most likely my last post for the next...3 weeks?!...well ok, maybe the odd post here and there. the college jitters has hit the teachers and students since work has started piling up again...i think i'm starting to see what achen's personality is lol...the 'i'm a walking accident' type, where he can find trouble or accidents just walking around, hence his forsakedness. totally clueless he is i guess)

After looking around and hearing the battle take place somewhere else, I draw an modified arrow into the a crafted bow. Said arrow would, theoretically, cause a small explosion; the bow on the otherhand draws its energy from slightly common stones, if you count quartz to be common, the bow was to be energized to increase range and penetration. I admire the work for a second before crouching around the tree, looking around before striding to the next tree trunk. I ponder what to do, follow the blue droid or attempt to take down the red one...I start to head for the blue droid's direction, hoping i'm not too late to save the girl.

"How do I get myself in these situations?" I ask myself.
Many times lost, many times found again.

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RE: ADaD Side Story: Facing the Darkness of Fate... - by fred_18_2008 - 05-24-2010, 09:24 PM