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ADaD Side Story: Facing the Darkness of Fate...
-(Srry for my delay, having internet issues right now >.<' I do have a second char, but he's not close enough yet to really do anything just yet. I still say let's continue though.)-

*Mystic Forest*

"Yes." Alicia said to her, raising her voice to a normal tone. "To that ... place, I'm known as Experimental Subject #004 but... I prefer Alicia..." Alicia said to Stella as she spread out her four wings on her back to land softly on the ground, looking up at Stella as she stopped for a moment as her wings went back under the external shell that protected them. "I was the one who caused the power problems there.... You were an experiment there as well?" Alicia asked, mandibles moving lightly as she spoke. Her antenna was lightly moving around, feeling the air in the area for others that might be near them. Alicia's clothing had gotten a little more ripped and a few more holes were present on her throw-over shirt, her only piece of clothing that she has.

Keeping his distance from the two, another kid who looked to be sixteen years old was watching events not from a camera, but with his own eyes as he stood on the limb of a tall tree. His clothing was in better condition than Alicia's, a black loose t-shirt and black pants and shoes similar colored. His arms were at his side but it seems like something was holding him up from behind him, resembling something similar to linked fine furred brown vines of some sort leading to an oval ball below his back, two similar vines in front of him, moving very slightly. A Bandana on his forehead parted his maroon colored banes from his eyes as he saw the machines fighting some sort of black creature and a warrior. Narrowing his purple eyes, he spots a cat girl assisting the bug girl from the machine's capture and was running away. On his face near his mouth there seemed to be two mid-sized pincers similar to the same material that was on his back. He taps something near his ear, a headset link that the mic just went under his pincers.

"Sir, I found your target..." He said in a calm cool voice. He had been with this girl more times than he could count, given his ability of telepathy and light manipulation. It was an ability he had hoped not to show to his... creators as it just seemed like to them that he was only meditating from his appearance in his room back at the lab. A voice sounded from the headset, calmly explaining what to do. "Understood sir. I do hope you keep your end of our bargain as Jaden-" The headset spoke to him once more, sounding reassuring. Turning his head, the small rat tail on the back of his head swaying slightly as his hair was tied back, he begins to head towards the other two that were trying to flee. "Monitor only, I understand. Roxas out." Another click of the headset and he started to pick up the pace as they were moving rapidly.

When they stopped, he waited atop the higher branches as before and perked his ears up to try to hear what they were talking about. His hearing wasn't too precise, but it is still better than a normal human's hearing.

*Outside of the Lab, old, run down shack*

The elevator rose up out of the floor, above it was an old wooden table and chairs with a wilted flower in a vase in the center of the table. Once it rose up completely, the doors opened, allowing Jaden to exit the elevator. Going to the door he passes another table near the door with another flower, somewhat fresh. Plucking a petal, the petal vanishes and the elevator lowers back down, another petal taking it's place. Smiling, Jaden left the shack and entered the forest, taking out a small square device with buttons on the bottom and an oval screen. The screen showed two dots, one purple, one blue. He breaths in the fresh night air and sighs.

"Ah... there's my little pets." Jaden said cheerfully as he went towards the source of the two dots. He kept his mind at the ready to summon forth his Crystal Spear if any danger should arise along the way.
Nyaa... Will be around but not very much.
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RE: ADaD Side Story: Facing the Darkness of Fate... - by Chaotic Phoenix - 05-24-2010, 02:09 PM