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Shin Megami Tensei RPG: Digitized Terror.
Kaido Ikazuchi had kept his gaze fixed on the story-telling senior, the sophomore not having a pleased look on his face. It was enough to make most of the people around him step away as it was like staring at a dangerous volcano spewing sparks, about to erupt anytime soon. His right hand flew to his left shoulder as it was tapped, seizing Samui by his wrist and violently tugging him towards his front. He briefly looked down to see who it was before he let go and continued listening to the senior, "I don't know what you're talking about," he simply said to the student, dismissive as always.

Yui grabbed Daisy's hands out of fear as she walked away from Kaido, as she whispered to her friend, "Ikazuchi-senpai gives me the creeps... Daisy, do you think we'll ever be safe from the Phantom?" she softly said, apparently engrossed as anybody else was with the story as she turned his attention to her friend, only to bump with someone else in the way. Someone was asking them if they believed the story, and from the looks of his uniform it was a senior, "Senpai! My apologies, uhm... we believe Phantom is real! It's like... we can't prove it, but the murders aren't happening at random, the murderer is targeting people here..." she whimpered, holding her arms together as she tried to keep her eyes away from Kou. She shook her head as during all the quick talk, plus the added nerves she got around upperclassmen, had made her forget to introduce herself, "Oh yes! My name's Yui Matsumoto, and she is..." Yui cranked her neck to Daisy, as if urging her to come out with it.

The rumor telling continued, the upper-classman taking a notepad out that seemed to be ready to hold a long list, "So, for all you believers and non-believers," he looked left and right with a small smirk, "We're going to make you an offer of a lifetime! Maybe two," he chuckled, briefly patting a pencil on his empty notepad, "What I have here is a note pad which I'll use to write down all the names of those who want the Phantom to spare them. My team and I will come at night and summon It, leave the list of everyone who wishes It to leave them alone and... the monetary tribute needed for him to hear us all. We don't want to be victims at night, do we?" he creepily smiled.

Kaido had had about enough of this abusive student's games. He pushed people off his way almost violently, got to the center of the circle and pulled the senior with the notepad off-ground by the collar of his uniform with both hands. Kaido wasn't much taller than the senior but he was definately physically stronger.

"Ah! Kaido, what the hell are you trying to do?!" The senior panicked, his notepad and pencil having slid down to the ground, the tip of his shoes hovering mere inches from the floor, "Let go, man! This isn't about you!"

"What's your excuse, chump?" Kaido retorted, "You scare everyone into giving you their money so you can go back home happy; everyone believes you and then what? Murders aren't stopped by giving money to another filthy scumbag. I shouldn't let you live for this!" he snapped, his pupils shrinking as he stared the very hell into his senior's eyes, a vein popping beneath his head. Surprised gasps and whispers started to be heard about Kaido after his claim; he had always been known to be short tempered and never really was known for applying a low profile in C.D. High, but this time he seemed beyond pissed off. The senior would've been shaking in his boots if he had any on, Kaido was preparing to deck him in the face, when suddenly one of the teachers showed up. "Feh, I can't kill someone so pathetic, but I'll be sure to enjoy putting you in your place!"

"Fight!" was heard once.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" the chorus followed. The circle began roaring as fists, mostly male, pumped in the air, inciting Kaido to finish the job.

Pushing past the circle of students that had formed, one of the school teachers for seniors appeared. Sighing as they saw Kaido holding someone up and ready to hit them, the teacher attempted to seize Ikazuchi by his arm. "You will stop right this instant!"

Kaido looked to his side, his stare could've made a fully grown hungry alligator turn around and run with its tail between its legs.

"Please?" the teacher added.

Giving a low grunt, but complying to the teacher, the sophomore let go of his senior, but returned his gaze at the boy, which made him fall to his butt and really start shaking. "Please! Don't hurt me...!" he sighed. The Fight chorus died down, and slowly, the circle began breaking apart. Some students left, but many remained around, most of them had their eyes fixed on the notepad.

Thanks to Kaido's interruption, nobody had heard about the list's real purpose, the amount of people who could sign it or how much someone would have to pay to be forgiven by the Phantom. Few weren't the ones considering to stay around to ask. Fear was still consuming them after the unsurmountable kinds of rumors the Phantom had manifested into. All of them lead to all but one thing: Death. Nobody wanted Death.

Kaido sighed and spat on the ground next to a dumped plastic glass next to a locker, he hunched over slightly and placed his hands on his pockets, ready to leave before the teacher would start lecturing him. Fortunately for him, the teacher had decided to stay and check up on the still stunned senior with the notepad. One of the senior's helpers had already taken the notepad and pencil, receiving questions left and right from a few onlookers. Names started to be written down, money collected.

Ikazuchi groaned a small insult to the teacher and then thought: "Idiots." As he slowly walked off to somewhere.

"KAIDO-SAMAAAAAA...!" Tomichika Udo ran up to follow after his idol, almost kicking dust with his legs, "SUPERB way of dealing with that trouble maker, sir! It was incredible, oh the fear in his eyes! I could almost sit down and write an entire novel about it!" his eyes began glowing behind his glasses, "OH YES! I'd name it..." he suddenly brought his arms up and formed a rectangle with his index and thumb fingers to proyect " "Justice in the School-Grounds!" End Quote!" " Tomichika giggled almost like a girl. A small gust of wind blowing by him as all his talk wasn't answered to.

Kaido had just disappered into the boy's restroom, several paces away from where Tomichika was standing at.

"AHHHHH!" The fanboy fell to his knees, holding by his head as he trashed left and right "Ignored agaaaaaaain!" he cried out with an awfully irritating and extremely treble voice.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
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RE: Shin Megami Tensei RPG: Digitized Terror. - by DragonMasterX - 05-17-2010, 01:42 PM