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Shin Megami Tensei RPG: Digitized Terror.
Name: Hakatsu Inugawa

Age: 16

Gender: Male.

Physical Description: His skin is a very fair white and his shoulder-length hair is the color of snow. His eyes are a crystalline blue, only further complimenting his icy gaze. He's about 5' 8" tall even and is very slim, light, and agile. His school uniform is different from the others in the way that the color scheme is white and blue instead of the grey standard, making him stand out in a crowd of his peers. His jacket is pure white and the shirt underneath is finely sewn and a cerulean blue in color. His shoes are fancy and are the only really dark color in his wardrobe, seeing as how they are a lusterous black. No matter where he goes, he always has his violin with him in its case on a strap that he wears around his shoulder.

Psychological Description: The coolest of the cool. Though sometimes his personality comes off as cold and makes him seem to have an attitude, people who know him well enough know different. He has a kind heart, and those who happen to become friends with him know that the light that shines from within him can guide many through the problems they are facing. He's a great person to talk to, in other words, but one has to manage to rip off his facade of indifference in order to get to know him. When not around friends, he is uncomfortable around people, but doesn't let it show. He constantly wears a mask of disinterest complete with a perpetual frown and icy stare. Surprisingly, when he does happen to make a new friend, he gets really excited, yet doesn't let it show. He's an expert of hiding his emotions and keeping them a secret from everyone. That typically causes him to have a mysterious appeal about him.

Arcana: Moon.

Weaponry of Choice: Violin.

(C.D. High: Class 2-C)

The bell had rung, yet Hakatsu did not move an inch. He merely remained in his seat, gazing out the window at the horrid weather. Somehow, he received much satisfaction from the rain; it was soothing and the soul could seek freezing solace in it. It almost made his heart shiver in delight. The iciness in his gaze never faltered as some thunder crashed in the sky above. It was nothing but sound; it could not frighten him. Others remained in the classroom, too, for they were not eager to go out in the bad weather. In the hallway, he could clearly hear many yelling loudly about Phantom and the mysterious murders that had been wreaking havoc on the small town for a while now.


That single word caught Hakatsu's interest more than anything. He wasn't like those idiots who swarmed over the topic and performed imaginary research to manufacture rumors to keep their classmates on edge. It was as if a killer on the loose targeting high school students wasn't enough. People were terrified. How could anyone laugh about such a thing? Or get cheap thrills from it? He shook his head and started to put his stuff back into his school bag. The truth. Oh, what an evasive concept. Where was it hiding in this town? This school? These rumors? The bad weather? It had to be somewhere. Was anyone even looking for it? The cops. Yes, the cops. They were on the case. Yet, it has been so long and they have failed time and time again. Hakatsu sighed. Perhaps it would take a bright and revolutionary mind to dispel the veil of deceit that lay so gently over the community? If so, then he would be up to the task.
[Image: Makasiggey.gif]

~Death is Sweet. Embrace it.~

Thank you, Dwaggy, for the signature~!


Messages In This Thread
RE: Shin Megami Tensei RPG: Digitized Terror. - by Masquerade - 05-17-2010, 10:44 AM