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ADaD Side Story: Facing the Darkness of Fate...
Name: Project X
-Alias/Nickname: Codename: Stella
-Group: Human Modification- Pet Class
-Gender: Female
-Breed: Humanoid cat with modifications
-Height: 5'2"
-Weight: 100
-Real Age: 17 years in appearance, After final modification: 1 week
-Birth-date: Unknown
-Birthplace: Unknown
Appearance: Pale skin, her fingers end in little black claws, has a tail and cat ears. There are markings on her body that come from her ‘creators’ talents with combining science and black magic.
-Hair: Black, falls to her hips, curls at the end
-Eyes: Silver with slit pupils
-Clothing: Overlarge white shirt with X over the right breast, white underwear
-Personality: Quiet, emotional, can become violent quickly. Distant.
Friends: The others escaping the facility?
-Enemies: Those in the facility: creator: Dr. Jasper Locke
-Talents: Minor black magic, can turn into a cat
Grabbing her tail can be very painful or sensual, depending on the person’s intentions; it is one of her weak spots. Likes having her ears scratched, it is just about the only thing that will calm her down when she’s in a rage, beyond grabbing her tail.

Stella was created by another Doctor at the same facility as Alicia. And escaped under the cover of the chaos Alicia's escape created.

Name: Jasper Locke
Age: 30s
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Brown

*the lab*
Jasper laughed as he walked up to Jaden on the next floor, "Having trouble? At least I always know where my..." He broke off as his pocket vibrated, he pulled an cell phone out, "What? ....WHAT?! Well find her!! Send III after her if you must!" Scowling he hung up.

*the forest*
Stella burst out of the bushes straight into the scene between Zex and Alias, "E-eh?!" She froze, completely unsure what to do.

Messages In This Thread
RE: ADaD Side Story: Facing the Darkness of Fate... - by Kitsu_Brambles - 05-10-2010, 06:40 AM