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Dua's Lemon
Hey Guys,

The end of the story arc means the beginning of a new one! Here we go with new characters, new battles, and new sex scenes! Charge!


Bullets flew by as a man in body armor ran to the next fox hole. Shells went off around him, nearly sending him deaf. He looks up slowly to see the claw of the enemy crush through a skull on the edge his pit. Its fangs clicked together as it slowly turned down, pointing its captured human gun at the man’s head. Its head bends back as it pulls the trigger, screaming in victory. Gore splatters over its feet and gun. Suddenly a man in a suit taps the creature on the shoulder.

“Hey, Marx,” the man says, looking at a clipboard, “That was great. We’re going to shoot it again, this time with a larger gore pack for the head.”

“Should I do anything differently, Mr. Parker?” asked the man in the hole, wiping fake blood out of his eye.

“No your good, just go over there and switch out the top of your head for a new one,”

Erik Parker cracked his neck and yawned. This was his fifth day straight working on this movie. Five days of aliens and soldiers. He hadn’t slept in days, not that he had anybody to sleep next to. He yawned again as he settled down in his chair and opened his laptop. He tapped on the keys as he pulled up his email. The battle scene in front of him was slowly resetting itself, as he opened his inbox. An email with the topic reading: Any Strange Stuff? Call me, was bold due to being unread. He opened it to see that it was from his brother, Adam, who lived on the other side of town from the studio he was working in. It simply read:

Hey Erik,

If anything weird happens with your computer, give me a call. Anything at all, no matter how weird, I can fix it.

Erik laughed and stood up. He called his assistant over.

“I’m going to go take a nap in the bunks, wake me in thirty minutes so we can shoot the scene.”


Erik strolled across the back lot as he approached the sleeping quarters. Each room was outfitted with two beds, a small kitchen and a television. He opened the door and set his laptop down, open, on the end of the bed. He walked over to the kitchen and opened a cabinet. He removed a pack of protein mix and poured it into the blender. He added milk and pushed blend.


Three months had passed since Adam had slain NeoDevimon in the digital world. Everyone who had been wounded was better and feeling good. Adam was the only one in the house; his companions were in the digital world. Adam had gone to the trouble of setting up an encampment in the digital world. Of course once it was there, it attracted all manner of tamers. He once again met the boy whom he had seen while driving. His name was Zalman, he and his partner, Gomamon, were the first to show up. Others to arrive included a musician named Jack and his Impmon, and one of Adam’s cousins, Austin, and his Sunflowmon. Including those three, the camp was a second home to nearly a hundred tamers and their digimon.

Adam sat alone at his computer, watching a clock countdown next to his brothers picture.

“Five. Four. Three. Two…”


Erik was blinded by a flash of light and a shower of protein shake. Pink liquid covered the movie director and the kitchen as the blender exploded from contact. A beam of light had shot out of his computer and hit the blender, decimating it instantly. Erik looked around, trying to find whatever had hit the device. He soon found a small, white and purple device on the other side of the kitchen. He was about to pick it up when his phone went off in his pocket.

“Hello?” Erik answered, kneeling to lift the device.

“Erik? It’s Adam. Don’t touch it,” his brother answered, his voice serious

“Adam?” Erik asked, “What the hell are you talking about?

“The thing that came out of your computer, don’t touch it. Go to your laptop and close it, then turn it off. Then go pick up the device.”

Erik obeyed, deciding that Adam knew more about this then he did. Once the computer was powered down, he lifted the device.

“What is this thing?” Erik asked.

“I’ll explain it to you later. Right now, go outside. Take the device with you. Go stand beneath the “Q” on the Albuquerque Studios sign. I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

Erik heard rapid typing and then the phone call ended. He went outside and eleven minutes later, Adam arrived.

“You’re a minute late,” Erik joked,

“No time for jokes, we can talk when we get back to my place,” Adam said, opening the door for his brother.

Erik climbed in and they sped away.


They reached Adam’s house but sat outside in the car for a minute.

“Aren’t we going in?” asked Erik, opening his door,

“First I need to tell you something,” Adam said. His brother nodded and began listening.

“I know your already twenty one and have a pretty good understanding of the world. But I need you to forget everything you ever learned. Open your mind, because you aren’t in Kansas anymore. When you have done that, meet me at the front door.”

Adam got out of the car and walked away. Erik sat, for ten minutes thinking about what his brother could have possibly meant. He then decided to find out and joined his brother at the door.

“I’m ready,” he said,

“Are you sure?”


Adam’s mood instantly lightened, once again becoming the cheerful youth that Erik knew him for.

“Great!” he said, unlocking the door, “Now then, I shall introduce you to my mate.”

“You mean your girlfriend?” Erik pondered, stepping inside.

“Yeah, sure. Stay behind me,” Adam said. He walked in slowly, looking up at the ceiling as he moved.

“What are you doing?” Erik asked, scratching his head, which was covered in a thick fuzz.

“She likes to hide and jump me,” Adam replied, still scanning the ceiling.

“Well, most girls hide on the ground or in closets, not on the ceiling.”

“She’s not like most girls in this world,”

“What do you mean in thi-”

Adam held up his hand, silencing his older sibling. He then snatched a piece of paper off the counter and read it. He laughed and relaxed.

“Alirghty then,” he said, handing the note to Erik. It read:

Dear Adam,

Stepped out for a walk. Be back soon!

Love you…

Erik then touched a tear in the paper where a signature would usually be. He looked at Adam who was leaning against the counter.

“What’s the scratch for?” he asked, returning the note.

“Its her signature,” he said, walking over to the fridge, “Now what can I get you? I don’t have any beer so don’t ask-”

As Adam opened the fridge, a yellow comet shot out of it and tackled Adam. The teen landed across the room, a yellow vulpine creature on top of him. Erik yelled, and looked for a weapon. He grabbed a kitchen knife and hurled it at the beast. To his surprise, Adam caught it by the blade.

“Relax, Erik,” he said, his face hidden by yellow fur, “Have you met my brother, Renamon?”

Renamon stood up, leaving Adam on the floor. She turned on Erik, gently brushing the tip of Adam’s nose with her tail as she did.

“Hi,” she said, holding out a furry paw, “I’m Renamon.”

Instead of shaking her hand Erik’s mouth opened and closed, forming no words. He ran from the room. Adam stood up and looked at Renamon, who was surprised by the other male’s reaction.

“Apparently he didn’t open his mind, like I told him to,” Adam said, placing his hands on Renamon’s waist and squeezing gently. She jumped slightly at his teasing, then walked out of the room, Adam trailing behind her. They soon located the elder Parker brother; he was perched atop a cabinet in the hallway, covering his eyes and sweating.

“I told you to open your mind,” Adam taunted, laughing at the sight of his older brother, “But did you listen? No! Now come down here and be polite! I want you to meet my mate, Renamon.”

“You had sex with an animal?!” Erik shouted. His brother’s face instantly changed to a mask of fury. He walked over and pulled Erik from his perch.

“She’s not an animal,” he said, holding his fist back while gripping his brother’s collar, “She’s more beautiful than anything I’ve ever seen, and smarter than any human, including you and me! Now be polite before I break your teeth in!”

He released Erik and stepped back. Renamon stepped forward an introduced herself again.

“Hi, I’m Renamon. I’ve seen your movies and their really good,” she said, holding out her paw once again. This time Erik timidly reached out and shook it before pulling his hand back. Adam and Renamon walked to the living room, Erik followed at what he deemed to be a safe distance. Adam dropped himself down on the couch, Renamon laying herself down next to him, her head in his lap. Erik placed himself in the seat across from them, crossing his arms. Adam scratched Renamon’s ear as he beckoned is hand out towards Erik.

“So let’s see which one you got, eh?”

“What?” his brother responded,

“Which digimon you will be partnered with. Just toss me the thing that came out of your computer,”

Erik reached into his pocket and pulled the device from it. He tossed the device to his brother, who began to inspect it.

“Mm hmm,” he said, turning it over, admiring its pale purple hue, “Well, you’re going to love her!”

Renamon reached up and took the object, looking at it in the same way,

“Yup, and she’ll love you,” the digi-fox said, tossing the device back to Erik.

Adam looked down at Renamon.

“Are you ready to go?” he asked her. She responded by sitting up and grabbing his computer. She opened it and handed it to Adam, “I’ll take that as a yes.”

“Go where and who will I love?” Erik asked, placing the device back into his pocket.

“Don’t put it away,” Adam said, placing his own rust-orange digivice on the coffee table, “You need it to get in.”

“Get in where?”

Adam ignored his relative, set the laptop on the table and stood.

“Come over here,” he said, still looking at the computer screen, “Erik, here now,”

Erik stepped over and looked down at the screen. It had a strange display upon it with writing that he couldn’t translate. Adam stepped out of the way, allowing Erik full access to the front of the computer.

“Now hold up your digivice,” Adam said, making sure that both he and Renamon were clear.

“My what?”

“The thing that came out of your computer, dumbass!” Adam said, “And when you get there, don’t panic and listen to Kotemon, he’ll tell you where to go.”

“Listen to whom?” Erik said, holding up the digivice. Adam didn’t answer but waved good bye as Erik was sucked into the computer.

Digital World

Erik landed on his back, moaning in pain. He was instantly assisted up by a small, masked reptile.

“You must be Erik,” it said, dragging the man off to the left, “Your brother’s tent all the way down the main row, the last one on the right. Nice coat,”

“What are you talking about? I’m covered in-” Erik started, but on second observation, he was wearing new jeans and shoes. He also sported an untucked white shirt with a thin black tie. A black jacket of superior quality was worn over his full ensemble. He observed himself for the longest time, barely noticing Adam and Renamon’s arrival. They materialized on their feet. Adam had also changed clothes. He now sported a pair of loose cut jeans with brand new shoes. He wore a medium-grey shirt under a long-sleeved black sweater with a full collar, which Adam wore half way up. He also wore goggles in his hair, which he removed immediately.

“Why do these things always appear on my head?” he asked Renamon as he put the lenses into his pocket, “Hey brother, what are you doing on the ground?”

Adam rolled up his sleeves as Erik righted himself, Adam thanked Kotemon and began to walk away. Erik trailed behind him, dodging as all sorts of people and digimon walked by him.

“Where are we?” he asked, nearly tripping on the tail of a passing Gabumon.

“Digital world,” Adam said bluntly, “Here we are,”

They had reached the last tent on the right, A large white structure, a mansion among tents. Adam lifted the flap and ushered Renamon in, then Erik. He stepped in and called.

“Guys, we have company! Come say hello!”

Erik waited for a moment, and then four more digimon appeared. A large blue dragon wearing red armor approached him first, a small white feline following behind him.

“What’s up,” he said, looking down at the newcomer, “I’m Flamedramon. Maybe you can help me beat Adam and Hawkmon at Rock Band.”

Erik shook hands with Flamedramon, then was greeted by the cat.

“I’m Gatomon,” she said, eyeing him suspiciously, “And you’re Adam’s brother?”

“Yeah,” Erik replied, frightened by the look in his greeter’s eyes.

“Mmm,” she said, “Well, welcome,”

Those two left, being replaced by two birds. The first one, red and white, looked at him and shook his hand vigorously.

“I’m Hawkmon!” he said enthusiastically, “Maybe you can help Flamedramon finally beat us at- Augh!”

He squawked as the other bird pulled gently on his tail feathers. He rubbed his behind as he looked at his companion, who introduced herself.

“I’m Biyomon,” she said, giving a brief introduction. The birds left, Hawkmon complaining to his mate about his feathers. And Erik stood with Adam and Renamon once again.

“So now you’ve met my family,” Adam said, “now let’s introduce you to your new family.”

He once again walked out of the tent, Renamon following. However, when Erik walked outside, Adam was talking with a Filipino boy and a small white seal. Adam turned and introduced him.

“Erik, this is Zalman and Gomamon,” he said, he then turned back towards them and mumbled a few words. Zalman pointed towards a pale purple tent about two hundred feet away and then left.

“Alright let’s go meet her, Erik,”

Adam ignored all of Erik’s questions as they walked towards the tent that was pointed out by Zalman. When they arrived, he poked his head inside and spoke.

“Lekismon? Are you here?” he said, looking around.

“Yeah, hang on a sec,” came a voice from inside, “Come in, make yourselves comfortable.”

The three of them stepped inside and waited for their host to appear. Soon enough, a large rabbit-like digimon stepped from around a corner. She looked directly at Erik, who squirmed under her analyzing eye.

“Aren’t you Erik Parker?” she asked, pointing in his direction. Erik nodded furiously, turning redder by the minute

“I love your movies,” Lekismon said, stepping forward.

“Lekismon, Erik here has something to tell you,” Renamon said, elbowing Erik in the ribs. Erik couched as his breath rushed from him, he regained his composure and reached into his pocket. He pulled the device that had been a mystery to him from his pocket. Lekismon gasped as she saw the unique color, recognizing it as the color that would belong to her tamer. She then rushed forward and embraced Erik in a tight hug, all of her tails wrapping around him.

“You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for you,” she said, squeezing him tighter.

“We’ll just leave you to get to know each other,” Renamon said, pulling Adam from the tent.

Lekismon released Erik and led him to the couch that took up most of the living room. They sat down and began to talk. Many hours later, they emerged from the tent, feeling more accepted by each other then they had ever felt before.

And that’s Part 11. I think I started off the new arc rather well. What do you all think? Please comment!
[Image: Rainbow_Dash_haters_gonna_hate.gif]

See that guy, he's a drifter! But drifting leads to Bickering, Bickering leads to Karate, and Karate leads to flying around between windows and shit! Then a big guy starts shooting lightning everywhere and Kurt Russell Shows up and Kicks his Ass!

Messages In This Thread
Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-21-2010, 01:11 PM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-22-2010, 11:15 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-23-2010, 10:53 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Asesino - 04-23-2010, 12:14 PM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-27-2010, 10:39 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Asesino - 04-28-2010, 05:19 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-28-2010, 10:02 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-29-2010, 09:27 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 04-30-2010, 10:43 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 05-01-2010, 12:33 PM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Asesino - 05-01-2010, 10:17 PM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 05-02-2010, 09:15 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 05-06-2010, 11:37 AM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 05-09-2010, 01:43 PM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 05-10-2010, 01:41 PM
RE: Dua's Lemon - by Adym - 05-11-2010, 01:25 PM