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ADaD Side Story: Facing the Darkness of Fate...
*The Lab - Security room*

Name: Jaden Curtis

Title: Genetics Professor

Age: 38

Hand Preference: Right

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Appearance - Long brown hair down just below his shoulders and bangs across his forehead, amber eyes behind narrow glasses, 6ft 1 in tall. Wears a white lab coat with a dark green dress shirt underneath, brown pants with dark brown boots, the top part of them hidden under the pant legs. A Name badge on his right side of the lab coat front has his name, occupation and picture on it.

Weapon(s): Crystal Lance - A lance made of the purest crystal available. Is fused into his

right arm when not in use. Enhances Wind and Fire artes.

Armor: Mythril Vest - Hidden under his shirt. A thin vest made of Mythril links.

Special Abilities

DNA Bonding - Knows enough about manipulating DNA to try and create something new with it, a trait he formed from being with Dist the Rose for so long. From people to animals and even certain objects as well.

*Fonic Artes*

Lightning Javelin - Wind Arte - Fires a stream of lightning from his hand. By weapon it has a stronger effect.

Aiding Aura - Light Arte - Cures self for a decent amount of life energy.

*Much isn't known about him as he tends to stay in secret, but he may uncover new attributes as time passes*


Jaden got up from his seat and looked at the monitors, the upper left showing the small black creature, the upper right one showing a cute feline on a tree, lower left showing the two androids and the last showing Alicia and yet another new specimen. Just as he did the room lit up with lights as the main power was brought back online. "I'll see to it that our new... guests are well taken care of." He said with a slight chuckle as he left the room, the door closing behind him.

*Mystic Forest - Above Ground*

Weariness struck Alicia down almost like a blow to the head. From the running, stress from panicking, as well as being frightened, it was a little too much for her. Swaying a little, she fell forward to the ground, panting slightly, her antennae laying limply at her sides. The brown shell on her back parted to show two sets of semi-transparent wings on her back, still not quite noticing the red dot on her forehead since she was more focused on escaping than anything else.
Nyaa... Will be around but not very much.
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RE: ADaD Side Story: Facing the Darkness of Fate... - by Chaotic Phoenix - 04-29-2010, 01:45 PM