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What in the entirely shit covered flying fuck?!
How many times do I ask myself if I'll ever have someone trying to copy my style/s whenever I see someone complaining about some fucktard stealing their ideas, shortly modifying them and claiming its their original work or everyone who's put incredible effort in something only to have the same fucktard try to give themselves popularity by showing it off without even mentioning the original creator?

How many times do I ask myself if I'm actually worth the attention of people who browse over all the stuff I work for, and if anybody'll ever try imittating me in a good plan?

How many times do I think how much I hate copycats?

Many times. How many times I've had someone steal what I worked on and had it used without permission or express consent from me, its creator? Once. When? Apparently ever since January 22 of this year, and when did I notice? Fucking today.

I won't mention his name here, because I'll leave it up to everyone's interpretation with the links I'm going to provide below, but I'm extremely pissed off at this person. Why? Because I considered him a good friend right until he decided to turn into a complete intolerant dick the moment he began to disagree with me in my game, Zanea's Tales, posted in this forum's Traditional RPGs Pad ever since 2007. After that, I simply chose to forget about him to pursue no sort of hard feelings. What did he do? He made a forum for himself. I discovered that today.

What did he do there? He started making RPGs that are all based on the gameplay style from Zanea's Tales, a forum game I worked my ass off to continously improve for its players and all this time I've still been working on it and still plan to do it to entertain people with it. He's stealing my work, using everything I've done in his forum for players that probably believe he's the original creator behind the gameplay system, the battlefield design and the character sheets alongside everything else.

Fuck no, that's not originality, buddy. That's fucking plagiarism. I won't go to his forum to start a flame war with him because he's shown he's a no-faced bastard with absolute no talent or balls to even ask if I'd give my permission for him to rip me off. Hell, Sacchi (Whose honesty I thank) asked me via PMs if he could use the game in his own forum and I politely said no because the game's a WIP and I don't plan on publicly handing it out to people yet, I want to perfect it, and this idiotic faggot in search for creativity decides to just go and use my designs without any sort of permission. I don't know who put him above moral standards, but I feel completely irritated, angry, indignated and worst of all, betrayed.

I fucking can't believe there's people who once could've called themselves friends of others and still do something as low as steal for what THEY KNOW the other has worked their ass off to perfect and not give a single shred of credit for it.

Just compare them. Browse his "Original RPG" forum pad, you don't need to register. Just check how his originality sprouts to bloom and every fucking player there buys it. I don't know about you all, but an untalented fuck who does things such as these out of harsh feelings is far from pitiable, I doubt even if I spent the whole night searching in English dictionaries I'd find a good translation for the insult I have in mind for him.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
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Messages In This Thread
What in the entirely shit covered flying fuck?! - by DragonMasterX - 04-29-2010, 12:29 PM