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ADaD Side Story: Facing the Darkness of Fate...
"This unit is Hunter Model: X-HS-" The blue one answered Alicia in an almost friendly monotone, only to get another smack upside the head from his red companion.

"Model is classified." She spoke coldly.

The blue droid rubbed the top of his head. "This Unit is Alias." He pointed at the red droid. "That unit is Façade."

"This unit did not want it's codename revealed." Facade hit Alias again, and his eyes flickered green.

"This unit missed and just detected another life-form." Alias spoke as if nothing had happened.

"Codename: Alias is incompetent and inefficient." Facade sounded slightly irritated now. "That unit should return for reevaluation."

"Distance: One mile, fifteen meters, five inches north east: Male, Cybernetic Carbon-Based life form aged 39 years, seven months, one week and four days. Height: 76 inches. Weight: 470 pounds. Cybernetic Human." Alias answered anyway. "Maybe reinforcements?" The robotic husky cocked his head to one side.

"Target confirmed. Target Acquired." Facade repeated, and a red, laser-pointer light appeared on Zex's forehead.

"This unit wonders why that unit does that." Alias pointed at the laser light on Alicia's forehead curiously. "That unit will not terminate targets, will it?"

Seemingly irritated now, if she was capable of being irritated that is, Facade spoke once more. "Target confirmed. Target Acquired." And a red dot appeared on Alias's forehead.

"Codename: Facade does not like this unit." Alias narrated in his innocent, robotic monotone voice, though his mechanical ears swiveled back and lay flat against his metal skull.
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
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RE: ADaD Side Story: Facing the Darkness of Fate... - by Frisk E. Coyote - 04-28-2010, 10:42 AM