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ADaD Side Story: Facing the Darkness of Fate...
Upon hearing the small, strange black creature's command, the larger of the two droids simply nodded. "Okay. Directive is a mistake." It said in it's male, robotic voice, deactivating the photon grid and releasing her.

The red droid was emotionless as it pulled back an arm and smacked the larger blue droid on the back of the head with a dull clunk. "Directive is not a mistake."

"Directive is not a mistake." The blue droid repeated and the blue photon-grid cage reformed around Alicia, flickering into existence at the speed of light, though this cage was much bigger than the one earlier.

"Numerous interlopers. Perform omni sweep." The red droid commanded in its' dominant female robotic voice.

"Affirmative, Omni Sweep Activated." The blue droid's eyes blinked green, sending a clear, greenish, spherical grid to spread over a wide diameter. "Distance: Nine meters, two feet, seven inches south east: Male carbon based life form of incalculable age. Race is of unrecorded data." He said, followed by weight and height. "Recording data. Unnamed race recorded."

"Distance: Five feet, nine inches north: Male digital carbon-based life form aged 180 years, two months, three weeks and five days. Height: 24 inches. Weight: 100 pounds. Race is of unrecorded data. Recording data. Unnamed race recorded."

"Distance: Three feet, two inches west: Female carbon based life form aged 12 years, five months, one week and six days. Height: 50 inches. Weight: 90 pounds. Experimental human-insect hybrid: Periplaneta Sapien. Subject is Alicia Kaiwing."

"Distance: Seven feet, 11 inches east ~ eight feet, five inches above ground: Female carbon based life form aged 17 years, eight months and two days. Height and weight is attractive-" The blue droid commented in it's monotone robotic voice, only for the red one to smack it on the back of the head again. "Natural human feline hybrid: Felis Sapien."

"Distance: 70 meters, two feet, 2 inches north east: Male life form of unknown composition of incalculable age. Height: 72 inches. Weight: Incalculable weight. Race is of unrecorded data. Recording data. Unable to record and identify unnamed race." The blue one finished rapidly.

"Targets confirmed. Targets acquired." Said the red droid, emitting a low hum as red dots of light appeared on the foreheads of everyone in the vicinity. "Directive is Experiment 04. Impeding retrieval will result in conflict and possible termination." The female robotic voice drawled coldly.

[70 meters, two feet, 2 inches North East of the Encounter]

Gordon stood at the side of a river, one hand on his hip, the other holding up a skillet. "C'mon, didnee give me any trouble! Gid in deh skillate!" He grumbled in a Scottish accent, shaking his skillet as he waited for a fish to jump into it. He was a great gook, but he couldn't fish for his life. He didn't even notice the red dot of light on his forehead.
[Image: self_centered_coyote_by_kerol-d2zmoca.png]
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RE: ADaD Side Story: Facing the Darkness of Fate... - by Frisk E. Coyote - 04-27-2010, 01:48 AM