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ADaD Side Story: Facing the Darkness of Fate...
I had just woken up to a noise, I streched a little before looking down on the tree is was on. "What the heck is going on here?" I asked my slef as my eyes widened as I could see two droid's, two men and a small girl. I didn't like the look on what was going on and picked up my bag. I then started to walk down the tree fast, stopping in the middle and waiting for the right time to attack the droid's.

Name: Sky (Last name is unknown)
Gender: Female
Breed: Human/Cat
Height: 5”4’
Weight: Unknown but looks slim
Real Age: 17
Looks: 15
Birthdate: Unknown
Birthplace: Unknown
Hair: White/Silver and goes down to back
Eyes: Light blue in day time but and night they change to red
Breast size: D
Cat parts: She has a white tail, eyes and claws (claws only show when she is in a fight or is climbing trees)
Clothing: A black strapped top, dark blue jeans and wears no foot wear
Personality: Happy and around anyone she meets. She is playful at times and the only time when she gets angry or upset is if anyone starts to be horrible to her.
Friends: None
Enemies: None
Family: None
Marital Status: Single
Children: None
Pets: None
Hobbies: Like playing a lot, she also likes swimming, running and climbing trees. She also like sword fighting at times when she gets board.
Addictions: Unknown
As she is half cat there are some things she can do.
She can be very flexible; she can go through very small gaps in bars and walls. She can hear is anything from a long distance. She can also jump very high.
She can also change into a cat when need to.
Running speed: Sky has super speed and uses it only when needed.

Regeneration: Sky has the power to bring herself back to life when she is very close to death.

Other information: Sky is an orphan, when she was eight years old she was found on the street covered in blood. She has no memory on what happened but sometimes has faint memories of her parents.
When she turned 14 she ran away from her foster parents as she didn’t get along with them.
But at the age of 15 she was kid napped by a man, this happened to her 10 time but escaped all of them before they could do anything to her. After that Sky had gone to a camp to fight for her slef as she had enough of getting kidnapped and kept knife's and swords with her at all times.
Well wonder what would happen if I told everyone who I liked on here a lot!!
Creative Minds

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RE: ADaD Side Story: Facing the Darkness of Fate... - by Yumi - 04-26-2010, 07:17 PM