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ADaD Side Story: Facing the Darkness of Fate...
-( o_o Wow... Srry about the semi-late reply >.<'' )-

"Target captured. Identifying."

Alicia awoke with a start as she heard a mechanical voice near her. She had fallen in too deep of a sleep too soon and so she wasn't alert to the metal wolf's presence at first. Pressing into the sides of the clear box of blue light with her hands and feelers as she tried desperately to escape confinement, she looked at her captor and at once knew who it was.

"Professor Jaden Curtis's fourth project, experiment number zero-four. Scanning."

Stopping she was forced to close her eyes as another green light came over her. When she opened them again she looked to where it came from and gasped. "You... I thought I had disabled you..." She whispered in fear. She remembered that prior to her escape she had done what she could to the power generator to the facility to shut it down for good, but as seeing this one again it seems she was unsuccessful.

"Affirmative. You are experiment 04 of Professor Jaden Curtis."

"I am no experiment of that monster!" Alicia shouted at him, focusing her thoughts on her makeshift prison and creating force to try to shatter it. A second machine appeared next to the first, one Alicia did not recognize at all.

"As per request of Professor Jaden Curtis, Professor Signora has deployed special units to retrieve you. Will you comply or resist?"

Staring at the two, she redirected her power towards the front of the cage. "I will not go back there! NEVER!!!" She shouted as she released a surge of her mental energy against the cube, to try and break it and the two machines too if she could, eyes closed and focusing hard on her targets.
Nyaa... Will be around but not very much.
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RE: ADaD Side Story: Facing the Darkness of Fate... - by Chaotic Phoenix - 04-26-2010, 09:06 AM