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ADaD Side Story: Facing the Darkness of Fate...
(OOC: an rp is an rp if you ask me. and i'm assuming it is night time?)

I walk along the forest floor, staring up at the trails of moonlight that escapes the canopy of the trees, my arms resting behind my head as I contemplate my life. I idly swap a loose strand of blue hair away from my face. I sigh before asking the vast sky "What a cursed life this must be, what have I done to deserve this?" I look down at myself, resigned before swaping that same hair, instead it was now black. "Forsaken from...wherever the place was called, for something that can't be controlled." I feel tired so I climb up a tree a bit, setting my knapsack behind me as a pillow before going to sleep on one of the huge limbs.

Name: Achen the forsaken
age: unknown, though assumed 19
any type of identification such as hair/eye color height, weight: "whatever I want it to be!"- Achen when asked one day
Race: "I' to say..." When asked though placed as a elven/human cross
enemies: his own people, whoever they may be.
friends: none as of yet
personality: pretty much laid back, though he will get highly sarcastic when defensive or in a bad mood, which is also noted by the color change of his hair and eyes.

clothing: wears what he had when he was forced to flee, a now faded dark blue shirt with a rip where a crest might've been, a pair of black pants held up by a black leather belt. He wears a traveling cloak he made from some kind of heavy cloth that was most likely stolen. has a pair of plated boots he stole from a guard he knocked out when he lurked at the village after he was cast away, though he did modify them a bit so they don't clunk when he walks. He always was partial to the elven ranger look, so took to wearing bracers he made himself as well as leather gloves, which he took from some ranger when the put them down for a bit. also carries a satchel bag of sorts that holds crafting supplies, as well as a knapsack that carries his crafted items.

Hobbies: likes to create things, so he is more like a walking vendor, which is how he gets money for food/supplies when near a village or city. though he does get strange looks from the people due to his midieval attire.

Talents: Achen doesn't really know the extent of his powers, so watches himself constantly to see if anything happens.
-As far as he could tell he could make himself look like anyone if he wanted to, though put under pressure it fails when his emotions are all over the place.
-he can easily blend in to any surroundings without using his talent mainly due to practice (trying not to be noticed on a day to day basis)
-can make any type of clothing/armor out of anything, though it's durability is in question depending on the material used, like a cloak made of leaves and vine would be good for keeping the rain off and serve as camoflauge, but not really good to use in a fight or what not.
-has a knack for sensing danger, mainly because he attracks it like sugar to a fly.

erm....what else to add........*shrug* think thats about it for now.
Many times lost, many times found again.

Messages In This Thread
RE: ADaD Side Story: Facing the Darkness of Fate... - by fred_18_2008 - 04-24-2010, 05:30 PM