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A half hour later, the digidestined and their digimon arrived at Freezland; at the zone where the thermal springs in boiling point were. It was colder than the time when the old digidestined went to the zone, but the thermal springs didn’t freeze over.

- I remember that when we arrived here, we saw a fridge full of eggs which we cooked to have dinner that time. Then, Joe was getting strict for our decisions on being the eldest one and the responsible according to him. –TK said.

- And he was very whining too. –Kari said.

- We’d never heard something like that about Joe. –Cody said.

- If he was like that formerly, we can’t misjudge him. –Davis said.

- On purpose, Davis. Did Gabumon tell you that he and Patamon split up and he didn’t know Patamon had been captured by one of the dark rings? –TK asked-. As you didn’t said anything that Patamon was under the control of a dark ring.

- He told us they two were together when the ring captured Patamon. –Davis replied.

- But I told Davis not to say it in the message so you didn’t get depressed or angry in case we’d find him safe and sound after having been freed by a digimon ally. –Ken said.

- I’m grateful to you for not having said it; I prefer finding out things like that myself before they tell me possible lies. –TK said.

- I wouldn’t have told you either in case a digimon ally would’ve freed me before I find you; not to worry you more than how you were. –Patamon said.

- The important thing is that you’ve been freed from that dark ring and TK is with you now. –Kari said.

- Yes. –Patamon replied.

- We’d better go on and not waste time. –Cody said.

- Yeah, let’s search in the cave where we slept formerly; we may find another of our digimon in there. –TK said-. Follow us.

The digidestined and their digimon with TK and Patamon in front walked to the cave where the old digidestined slept formerly. When they saw it, they got into it to explore. While they were exploring the cave, Ken found a yellow ball with a symbol engraved in black.

- I found something. –Ken shouted as he was taking the ball out of the snowy ground.

- What is it, Ken? –Yolei asked as she and the others were running towards where Ken was.

- A yellow ball with an engraved symbol. –Ken replied.

- It must have one mystery. –Cody said.

- Or it can be a valuable object that someone lost. –Davis said.

- When we meet Gennai, we’ll ask him about the ball. –TK said-. I’ll save it.

Ken gave the ball to TK and got it into his backpack.

- It seems there’s nobody hid in this cave. –Davis said-. Let’s get outta here and keep searching through Freezeland.

- Yes. –The rest replied.

When they got out of the cave, they met a Hyogamon controlled by a dark ring that was on his left arm.

- At last I found you, digidestined. I’m gonna leave you like icicles. –Hyogamon said.

- Who’s that digimon? –Kari asked-. He looks like Ogremon.

- That’s Hyogamon, an ice type Ogremon. –Patamon said.

- If he is an ice type digimon, ARMOR DIGIVOLVE TO FLAMEDRAMON. –Davis ordered Veemon after taking his D-Terminal out.


- You’ll see now. THROWING ICE! –Hyogamon threw his attack that was big icicles.

- FIRE ROCKET! –Flamedramon used his attack against the icicles going to Hyogamon.

- SNOW BARRIER! –Hyogamon used his defensive technique on seeing Flamedramon melting his attack of icicles. Then, Hyogamon jumped on the right to avoid being reached by Flamedramon’s attack.

- Come on, Flamedramon. Attack hard, you can. –Davis said.

- We can’t leave Flamedramon fighting alone. –Kari said.

- Our digimons should give him a hand. –Yolei said.

- He doesn’t look a too powerful rival. The digimons can armor digivolve and reserve the normal evolutions to more difficult fights. –Ken said.

- And if the thing turns bad, here I am to settle everything. –AngelGatomon said.

Yolei, Cody, TK and Kari nodded.

- Hawkmon, Armadillomon, Patamon. Armor digievolve! –Yolei, Cody and TK shouted taking their D-Terminal out.




They three ran towards Hyogamon to attack him.




- SNOW BARRIER! –Hyogamon took cover with his defensive technique and jumped backwards.

- FLAME FIST! –Flamedramon threw his attack that Hyogamon dodged with a jump.

- He’s doing nothing but to use his defensive technique and dodging the attacks of our digimons. –Cody said-. I think he’s trying to make our digimons get tired.

- Then it’d better our digimons try to surround and attack him at short distance. –TK said.


- OK. –Flamedramon replied.

The digimons began to surround Hyogamon to attack him.

- Don’t think you’ll defeat me with that. THROWING ICE! –He began to throw his attack without stopping while turning around.

The digimons dodged the icicles that Hyogamon didn’t stop throwing as they could.

- DOUBLE STARS! –Shurimon threw his attack against Hyogamon making him stop and leaving him stunned-. Attack now! –He ordered.




They three threw their attacks against Hyogamon’s left arm to destroy the dark ring that was controlling him. After this, Hyogamon returned to normal.

- Eh! What am I doing here?! What happened?! –Hyogamon shouted.

- You were being controlled by a dark ring. –Kari replied.

- Be more careful since now. –Yolei said.

- I’ll try to be it. Thank you for bothering to free me. Goodbye. –Hyogamon said while running away.

- He’s just like Ogremon; deep down he’s not a bad person. –Kari said.

- If he were an accomplice of our enemy, it wouldn’t be necessary a dark ring to control him. –Ken said.

- Let’s not waste any more time and let’s keep exploring Freezland. –TK said.

- Yes. –The rest replied.

The digidestined and their digimons were bound for the northern part of the island moving away from the Infinity Mountain. During their trip, it began to blow a blizzard more intense than the one that caught them in when they landed on Dragon’s Eye Lake. TK grabbed Patamon and Kari grabbed AngelGatomon to avoid them being swept away by the blizzard on having wings.

- This blizzard is much more intense than the one that caught us in when we landed on the lake. –TK said while grabbing Patamon strongly-. Try it not to sweep you away.

- Let’s hope to find a refuge soon. –Cody said.

- Maybe this area is where the wind is being more intense on being an area of polar clime. –Ken said.

- While we don’t find refuge, we have to go on. –Veemon said.

- Yeah, Veemon. –Davis replied.

The digidestined and their digimon continued his way bearing the blizzard while they didn’t find a refuge.

Just when the blizzard began to blow, Ángel had arrived at Freezeland from the television that was in the same zone when Matt and Gabumon landed when the digidestined were split up by Devimon. Ángel was carrying his backpack and bag where he was carrying the food, clothes and material.

- I saw it was snowing a little from my computer’s screen, and now it’s blowing a blizzard like this? Just as well I put on the warm clothes. –Ángel thought.

Ángel began to walk through the zone to find a refuge. A little later, he found a cave that was the same when Matt and Gabumon took refuge formerly.

- A cave! I can take refuge in there until the blizzard dies down a little. –He thought.

Ángel went to the cave to get into it. When he entered, he saw Gomamon inside.

- If I’m not wrong, you are Gomamon, aren’t you? –Ángel said.

- Yes, that’s right. –Gomamon replied-. And who are you? –He asked.

- I’m Ángel, a digidestined from Spain. –Ángel replied.

- Then, you must be AngelGatomon’s human partner. She told us all about you. –Gomamon said.

- And if I’m not wrong, you’re Joe Kido’s digimon partner. –Ángel said.

- Yes, that’s right. –Gomamon replied.

- Yvette and Ferri told me about you all; when you met them on the Server Continent. They also told me your names. I saw you all when you fought against Apocalymon. I got extremely nervous when Apocalymon made you decompose into digital data. –Ángel said.

- Normal, see a body cutting into tiny pieces would get anyone nervous. –Gomamon said.

- What danger is going through the digiworld? –Ángel said.

- Since a few days ago, it began to do this weather all over the island and it didn’t stop since then. Although there are times that the blizzards die down and it only snows. –Gomamon said-. And that’s not all, dark towers appeared too, from which dark rings went out controlling up to ultimate digimons.

- So dark towers appeared all over the island and from which dark rings go out. Referring to dark towers and dark rings, maybe this is the deed of a new Digimon Emperor. –Ángel said.

- I don’t know if the responsible for all this is a new Digimon Emperor. –Gomamon said.

- And at the same time it’s doing this weather all over the island. Surely our enemy causes these blizzards for the rings to catch the digimons easier. –Ángel said.

- Maybe that’s the reason why our enemy is causing this weather. –Gomamon said.

- I hope AngelGatomon is fine. –Ángel said downcast.

- And I hope Joe comes soon. –Gomamon said.

- If he has the old digivice, he won’t be able to come until Gennai obtains the expansion file that makes the old digivice able to open the digiport. –Ángel said-. I could come because Yvette and Ferri sent me the expansion file for the D3 that obtained thanks to Gennai’s copy of Spain.

- I see. –Gomamon said-. But TK, Kari, Davis, Cody, Yolei and Ken will be able to come; they possess D3.

- I’ve come here being 8:30 AM in Spain. Surely they’re in File Island since several hours ago, knowing there’s eight hours more in Japan than in Spain. –Ángel said-. In all this time, they must have explored a big part of the island and maybe they’ve found AngelGatomon.

- Surely. –Gomamon said.

- I’ll be waiting in here until the blizzard dies down and then I’ll begin to look for AngelGatomon, if the Japanese digidestined haven’t found her yet. –Ángel said.

- The trouble would be a digimon controlled by a dark ring attacked us. If that happened, we wouldn’t have another choice but to run away. –Gomamon said.

- That’s true. –Ángel said.

Ángel stayed in the cave with Gomamon while the blizzard didn’t die down.

The digidestined and their digimons haven’t found a refuge yet and were still walking under the blizzard.

- If we don’t find a refuge soon, we’ll freeze to death. –Kari said.

- I know, but there’s no cave around here. –TK said.

- This blizzard is heavier and colder than the one that was when Sora and I went to Siberia. –Yolei said.

- But we need to go on. –Davis said.

- I wish we find a refuge soon. –Cody said.

They continued their way under the blizzard when at last they found the cave where Ángel and Gomamon were.

- A cave! –Yolei said.

- At last! We found a refuge! –Kari said.

- Let’s get in. –Davis said.

The digidestined and their digimons ran towards the cave to get into it. Ángel and Gomamon fixed their looks on the cave’s entry when they heard the footsteps of the digidestined and their digimons approaching. When the digidestined and their digimons got into the cave, they saw there was somebody inside.

- Ángel! –AngelGatomon shouted running to Ángel.

- AngelGatomon! –Ángel shouted running to AngelGatomon.

They two embrace each other tenderly and Ángel kissed her on her cheek.

- I’ve missed you very much, I see you are perfectly; I was so worried about you. –Ángel said.

- Yeah, I’m fine. I see you’ve grown up since the last time. –AngelGatomon said.

- It’s true. I see the Japanese digidestined were kind enough to let you go with them and bring you to me. –Ángel said.

- It seems Ángel loves his digimon very much; he’s even kissed her. –Patamon said.

- They’ve got a strong bond of friendship. –TK said.

- And I see Gomamon is in here too. –Kari said going to him.

- Hi, guys. You’ve come in the end. I see Joe isn’t with you. –Gomamon said.

- He couldn’t come, because… –Cody said.

- You don’t need to explain me; Ángel’s told me the matter of the old digivice. –Gomamon said.

- Then, you already know the reason. –Cody said.

After his talk with his digimon, Ángel turned his look to the digidestined.

- Thank you very much for taking AngelGatomon with you and take care of her and Greenymon too. –Ángel said-. My name is Ángel, very glad to meet you. –He said while shaking hands with the digidestined.

- Me too. –TK said.

- AngelGatomon told us about you when we found her in Factorial Town. –Kari said.

- She also told us about you when you left her in File Island. –Patamon said.

- And she was kind enough to help us in the fight we’ve had so far. –Davis said.

- I’m glad that she’s helped you. And if she was in Factorial Town, I’ve kept a long walk towards there to myself thanks to you. Especially with this weather. –Ángel said and turned his look on TK and Kari-. Yvette and Ferri told me about your meeting with them on the Server Continent nine years ago; if I’m not wrong you are TK Takaishi and Kari Yagami.

- That’s right. –TK said.

- I wasn’t there in that moment; I was at home with a cold and I couldn’t go to the camp with my brother Tai. But my brother Tai told me about them two. –Kari said.

- If Yveete and Ferri didn’t meet you in that moment, surely one of the other six digidestined told them about you. –Ángel said.

- It can be. –Kari said.

- I saw you two TK and Kari together with the other six digidestined and all your digimons in the battle against Apocalymon, and I was a witness of when the digiworld appeared over the Earth. I was also in the battle against Malomyotismon like the rest of the digidestined of the world. I must say that I’ve been always a shy person and then I was embarrassed to greet you. –Ángel said.

- Well, we can’t misjudge you for being shy. –Ken said.

- The thing is in that time; my Japanese level was quite low. –Ángel said.

- By the way I’m seeing, you handle it very well now. –Cody said.

- And what’s your name you four? –Ángel asked.

- My name’s Davis Motomiya.

- My name is Yolei Inoue.

- I am Cody Hida.

- And I’m Ken Ichijoji.

- As for the digimons let me guess… Veemon, Hawkmon, Armadillomon, Patamon Wormmon… -Ángel said pointing at each digimon that mentioned until he pointed at NRGmon who he didn’t know his name-. What’s your name? I’d never seen a digimon like you.

- My name is Colin; I’m the digimon partner of a digidestined from England called Colin. –He said.

- I see you’ve done maximum correct choices with us five. –Veemon said.

- And Gatomon is missing. –Ángel said-. If I’m not wrong, she’s Kari’s digimon, isn’t she?

- Yes, she’s my digimon. –Kari said.

- When did you arrive, Ángel? –Yolei asked.

- Less of an hour ago; I arrived from a television that is in this place. –Ángel replied-. As soon as I arrived at the digiworld, this blizzard blew and I walked through the zone looking for a refuge. I found this cave to take refuge and I found Gomamon inside.

- We have been walking under the blizzard until at last we found this cave to take refuge. It’s been almost a quarter-hour after we freed a Hyogamon controlled by a dark ring. –Kari said.

- We almost freeze to death. –Yolei said.

- I guess Gomamon must have explained you the danger that is going through the digiworld. –TK said.

- Yeah, he explained me everything. –Ángel said.

- If there were remains of wood, I’d light a bonfire. But it seems there’s nothing of wood. –Yolei said while looking around the entire cave.

- Then we’ll withstand in here until the blizzard dies down. –TK said.

The digidestined and their digimon withstood in the cave where the cold wasn’t as intense as outside. They withstood enough time because the blizzard didn’t die down until after a half hour.

- At last the blizzard died down. –Davis said.

- We’ve been in here more of a half hour. –Yolei said.

- Although I think we’ve done a good practice of survival against the cold to when we lack of heat sources. –Ángel said.

- Yeah, but we might catch pneumonia. –Cody said.

- We’re going to the Temple of the Digivice, Gomamon. As Centarumon lives in there, you’ll be safer with him than being alone in this cave. –TK said.

- Of course, TK. –He replied-. Since you mention it, I remember seeing Gatomon and Palmon running though the Great Canyon to hide in the Temple of the Digivice supposedly.

- Now we know Gatomon and Palmon are there. –Kari said.

- Let’s go before another blizzard blows. –Davis said.

- Will you and AngelGatomon come with us, Ángel? –Yolei asked.

- After all, your digimon saved our skin when we fought against Andromon. –Veemon said.

- And she tried to free Patamon from a dark ring herself, when he had digivolved darkly to BlackAngemon. –TK said.

- It’ll come in handy to have a digimon like her on our side. –Cody said.

- Of course we’ll go with you. We’ll help you in everything we can. –Ángel said.

The digidestined and their digimons set off to the Great Canyon. Soon after getting out of the cave, they saw a dark tower that they hadn’t seen before.

- A dark tower. –Yolei said.

- We couldn’t see it with the blizzard. –Cody said.

- I hadn’t seen it either. –Ángel said.

- Let’s destroy it. –Yolei ordered.

- Armor digivolve…! –Davis ordered.

In that very moment, a huge snowball came towards them from behind. AngelGatomon saw it of the corner of her eye.

- Watch out! –She shouted making the rest look backwards and see the snowball. They all jumped on a side to avoid it.

- It’s Frigimon. –TK said after seeing him-. And he’s controlled by a dark ring.

- Armor digivolve, Veemon! –Davis ordered.

- A moment! –Ángel said-. Leave this to us. ARMOR DIGIVOLVE, ANGELGATOMON! –He ordered taking his D-Terminal out.


Afroditemon was a female angel digimon with a white skin, AngelGatomon’s tail without the purple stripes and a dark blonde hair. She wore boots, gloves and helmet (covering her face but her mouth) as armor, and a white Greek tunic.







Afroditemon flew directly to Frigimon.

- SUBZERO ICE PUNCH! –He used his long-range Subzero Ice Punch to hit her, but Afroditemon dodged it easily.

- FORBIDDEN CHARM! –Afroditemon used her technique that it’s about a dense crimson mist that paralyzed Frigimon.

- TEMPTING LOOK! –She shoot her attack from her eyes against the dark ring and destroyed it.

- She did it. –Ángel shouted.

Afroditemon regressed to AngelGatomon, flew towards Ánegl and they both embraced each other.

- I think AngelGatomon didn’t need to armor digivolve to defeat Frigimon. –Cody said.

- Or Ángel wanted to show us Afroditemon. –Davis said.

- Maybe that is the reason. –Ken said.

- Let’s go to see how Frigimon is. –Kari ordered.

The digidestined approached Frigimon who had returned to normal.

- What am I doing here? –Frigimon asked.

- You were being controlled by a dark ring. –TK said.

- Ah yes. –Frigimon said-. Thank you very much for freeing me, digidestined.

- Let’s thank AngelGatomon; she is who has freed you. –Kari said while everyone looked at AngelGatomon who was with Ángel.

Frigimon went to where AngelGatomon and Ángel were.

- Thank you for freeing me from that dark ring, AngelGatomon. –Frigimon said.

- You’re welcome, Frigimon. –She replied.

- Finish off the task destroying the dark tower, AngelGatomon. –Ángel said.

- Roger that. –She replied-. LIGHT SHOT! –She shot her attack against the dark tower and destroyed it.

- Well done. –Ángel said as he and the rest were applauding.

The digidestined and their digimon walked to where Ángel, AngelGatomon and Frigimon were.

- You’re really useful, AngelGatomon. –Hawkmon said.

- Thanks. –She replied.

- Try to be more careful since now, Frigimon. –Kari said.

- Yes. –Frigimon said.

- Let’s go now or else, another blizzard will blow. –Davis said.

- And we’ll have to sweat blood not to fall down the precipices of the Great Canyon. –Ken said.

- Well Frigimon. We’re off. –TK said.

- Goodbye and good luck. –Frigimon said.

- Goodbye. –The digidestined and their digimons replied.

The digidestined with their digimon in front were bound for the Great Canyon to arrive at the Temple of the Digivice where they thought Gatomon and Palmon were.

Will the digidestined find Gatomon and Palmon in there? What new dangers are waiting for them? The answers in the next chapter of…


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RE: DIGIMON ADVENTURE. THE NEW THREAT (NON-HENTAI) - by AngelGatomon - 04-21-2010, 05:57 PM