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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
((First character is a basically a tsundere. Violent, mean, easily jealous on the outside, but really actually nice. Her name is Louise, or Louise the Zero because she has a hard time with most forms of magic, because her magic is the Void, which is very rare.

Second link is broken

Kirche is a fire mage. She has somekind of pig, warthog thing as her partner, though that might be wrong...She comes from a military background, and she teases Loise a lot. She's also one of the hottest characters in the anime (my opinion) and it's implied she's slept with a LOT of boys.

Tifania Westwood is a big breasted half elf who saved the male main character. She's beautiful and kind, and another hot character. Louise is jealous of her two

Fifth link is broken two))


Alex pulled out of the slut's mouth, and ordered her to stand. When she did, his tentacles would begin oozing the pleasure gel from their phallic heads. He began to cover Hinata in the gel. "Don't play with yourself. Just hold still..." he said. When her entire body was covered in the special gel, he told her to begin to dance for him. He wanted to see her shake her plump ass and shake her large tits in his face. He sat on the bed, and smiled at her. "Well, my slut? Dance for your Master. If you do, I promise I'll make the pleasure I'll give you better than anything you've ever felt..." he smiled. "Now shake that ass and tits, Miss Hyuuga," he smiled.


The clone brought Rangiku back to her room, and kissed her, pushing his tongue into her mouth. As he did so, he would slap her ass and grope it, knowing how much she loved anal pleasure. If that didn't wake her up, he'd go to more extreme measures. He would make a pink vibrator appear in his hand, smaller than Alex's cock, and pushed it up her butt and set it to maximum vibrator.
There is no such thing as a being of pure evil or pure good. We are all created with an equal chance of good or of evil.

Messages In This Thread
RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Animators! - by MasterZero - 03-28-2010, 01:35 AM