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Capes and Robbers (Heroes/villains rp)
OOC: Since Salem seems kinda out of it I'm gonna add a new hero so I can stay involved.


Super Hero Name: Tetra
Real name: Kitt
Gender: Female
Species: Kitsune.
Occupation: Hero, though she's still young and corruptable.
Powers: Minor control over the four main elements (fire, water, wind, earth)
Weaknesses: Varies depending on the element she's currently using. (Fire = water, water = electricity, earth = being seperated from the ground, wind = certain areas where she can't focus the air around her I.E. anywhere enclosed where she can't move the wind much.)
Allies: None.
Enemies: None.
Appearance: Kitt Wears a white Kimono normally, the color of it changing depending on her element. Her eyes also change to match it, her normal color being blue.
BIO: A rarity among the kitsunes, being born with multible tails. In her village most kitsunes are born with just a single tail, and able to have minor control over a single element. Only once a millenium is a multi-tailed kitsune born, and she was trained by the other elders in control of the elements. After her training was completed, she was sent on a type of pilgrimage to train and hone her abilities.


Kitt cocked her head a bit as she walked towards the police barracade, staring up at the burning building as the fire fighters fought against it in vain. Her single tail wagged a bit, Oh, this is perfect. she felt a bit guilty about thinking that but it was a perfect chance, she had come to the two to train in her abilities, and this was the perfect oppurtunity. She ducked into an alley, glancing around to make sure it was clear, before closing her eyes, the ground erupted up around her, encasing in flames, whipped around by a strong wind before a tower of water rose up and fell. The Kitsune stood there, a pure white kimono covering her, her hair having grown slightly and turned a bright shade of yellow, "Alright, I can do this, first try at being a hero." she smiled, the bottom of her kimono turning blue and climbing up the outfit until the entire kimon was a light blue, seeming almost to swirl like it was made of water.

She burst out of the alley, riding on a small wave of water trying to make a scene, "Uhm, I can help with that." she smiled, holding up her hands as she entered the barricade, the water from the hoses seeming to take on a life of their own as they swirled around, moving like puppets attached to strings as she waved her hands around to move the water to each blaze, putting it out faster than the firefighters could have alone.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
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RE: Capes and Robbers (Heroes/villains rp) - by Shadowknight - 03-21-2010, 02:17 PM