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Capes and Robbers (Heroes/villains rp)
Here we go again with the heat. The Steel Revenger thought to himself as he tried to restrain the lizard man igniting himself like so many cheesy Dragonball Z powerup sequences. Again, the parts of his armor not made of Unyeildium began to warm up from whatever heat made it through the outer plates. Not knowing how much longer until said components melted and potentially burned him, he decided to try and lift up the bank robber, spin him around a bit and try to let him go, hurling him against something to try and knock him out. Gently, of course, but in the case of the Steel Revenger, gently can still cause serious injury.

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RE: Capes and Robbers (Heroes/villains rp) - by Kavaan - 03-06-2010, 01:43 AM