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Time After Time
This is yet ANOTHER request made by CloneWarrior to me and if I am seeing this right, I think I’ve inadvertently (or however it’s spelled) created a mini-series, for this is a sequel to the One Way or Another story. I liked, Clone liked it, no one didn’t like(or least didn’t say, so I win, oh!) and I’m pretty confident that this is likable. Sooooooooooo, read to your hornish content of perverty…uh…NESS, oh!

In an average house, in an average town, in an average room of an average girl, who was an average teen cheerleader, woke up like most do andto her morning plans. Her name was Julia Garfield, a 17-year old cheerleader captain with a lot of school spirit. Every morning she’d get up, eat breakfast, go to school, blah blah blah, just what an average teen does. However, this supposedly average day was about to take a daring turn; she had gotten her cheerleading outfit laid out; sweater, skirt, shoes, socks, all that, but one crucial piece of clothing was missing; the underwear. Now, she did have underwear, however, it was unwashed and she dared not resort to that.

“MOM!” Julia shouted from upstairs, “Did you do the laundry?”

Her mother shouted back her reply, “No, I didn’t get to it yet, why?”

“I need some underwear, are there any clear pairs?”

After a few minutes of no response, the reply was, “I’m sorry, I couldn’t find any.”

“What?! How am I to get to school then. I can’t go pantieless!”

“Well,” her mother answered, “Just be careful and don’t expose yourself. Listen I need to get to work, so I’ll see you later, okay?”

Julia sighed in disappointment, “Okay mother, see ya.” With that, she heard the door close and the sound of a vehicle zooming away. Julia dressed in her cheerleader’s outfit and came downstairs with her supplies. She ate a breakfast of bacon, toast, and eggs her mother had left, went out the door, and walked to school.

In the halls of Dickenson High, Julia hurried to her next class, late due to her now careful nature. She arrived at the wing her classroom was in and turned, dropping something. She turned around and looked to the ground, she had dropped a pencil and moved to pick it up. Before she leaned, however, she looked around; no one was in the hall as far as Julia could tell, probably because they had already gone to class. She bent down to pick it up. At the same time, a creepy pervert whose name is not important, was eyeing Julia’s skirt, but got even more turned on when he spotted Julia’s exposed pussy lips. Not wanting to miss his chance, he

quickly and quietly crept towards Julia, stopped right behind her, dropped to his knees, grabbed her waist and licked the full length of the pussy. Julia gasped at the mysterious feeling of pleasure she felt and it did not stop, the horny teenager licked slowly, attempting to turn Julia on more, with great success. Julia’s cunt showed her pink interior which the desperate boy proceeded to stick his tongue in and swirl it around, sending Julia into a vortex of enjoyment. Julia was still in her bent down position, moaning graciously, not wanting the intruder to stop, however, a curious teacher who had heard the strange moaning opened their classroom door. The pervert stopped, stood up, and ran down the hall, leaving Julia with the teacher. Fortunately, the teacher did not see anything that had happened or anything they would not want to see. The teacher sent Julia to her next class. Julia went down the hall further muttering to herself, “I was afraid of that, I need to keep a sharper eye out next time.” She was holding her skirt down subtly, as not to attract any more unwanted…visitors.


Drake Crimson, a 16 year-old whose lucky laid day had finally come, was now bored out of his mind. He and his friend with benefits, Stacy Hawthorne, had both scored the on each other in the girls bathroom through a sheer coincidence of losing clothing. Now, Drake was playing with some friends (WITHOUT benefits, mind you!) all pretending to act out various characters. One teen, rather tall and held a basketball, said, “Hey hey, check this.” He started dribbling the ball under and around his legs, on his shoulders, and bouncing the ball on his head, “I’m a Harlem Globetrotter!” Drake and the others laughed at his mediocre performance. Another kid set up a wall of wood and stood a distance behind it. He ran forward and a fast speed and crashed through the wood, saying “Here’s Johnny!” Laughter arose once again. Drake then spoke up, “Hey, how ‘bout this?” Drake inhaled deeply and buffed his chest out. With all his strength, he grabbed his shirt and ripped it in half off his body, “HULK SMASH! RAHHH!!” An explosion of laughter erupted from the group that took a few minutes to simmer down. One spoke to Drake,

“That was sweet! One question though, are you alright with tearing you’re shirt like that?”

Drake frowned, realizing the flaw in his amusing skit, “Damn it! Ah, well, I’ll just stay in the gym ‘til I figure something out.” The others left saying good-bye to Drake as Drake headed to the gym, just pacing about. He climbed up and down the bleachers from time to time bored out off his brain. He would sometimes jump from atop the bleachers to a more lower row. But, on one jump, he decided to jump off the bleachers from the side, failing horribly and catching his trousers on the railing. Drake squealed, “Meep! That’s a wedgie!” Fortunately, Drake got down, unfortunately, his shorts decided to stay. Drake took his pants off the railing and examined them; ripped beyond usage. Drake sighed, “Strange feeling of upcoming déjà vu here.” Suddenly, Drake heard a noise, “Damn! Cheerleader’s practice.” Drake fled the gym and went outside, not wanting to expose himself to anyone, he found a nearby tree and proceeded to

climb it. When he felt he was out of sight, he sat on a branch, feeling the bark, more bark than expected. Drake looked at his seat found that his boxers were missing. Drake was stunned, he looked around and found his boxers were caught on a lower branch. Drake attempted to reach for them, almost succeeding, had not a squirrel ran off with them. Drake was shocked, “Hey! You! Squirrel! Does those look like nuts to you?!” At a hilarious coincidence, Drake felt a painful bite on his ball from another squirrel. “YEOWCH!” He screamed, slapping the critter away, “Not what I meant! Dumbass squirrel.” He said holding his privates. Drake was not happy, he now had to wait even longer to get out without being seen, so in the tree, he waited, bare and exposed.

Not too far off, Drake’s lucky fuck-buddy, Stacy, was in her Chemistry class, mixing various chemicals. She knew what she was doing, however, her lab partner didn’t seem to care much for the assignment. Stacy sighed at her partner, “Aren’t going to help? This is supposed to be a team effort.”

Her partner turned to her, then turned to her work, “Are you supposed to not let that overflow?” she said pointing to the chemicals, now bubbling over the top of the vial. Stacy gasped and tried to stabilize it, but too slow to do so as the chemicals exploding, not breaking the glass vial, fortunately, however, Stacy was soaked in a strange chemical. Knowing her lab safety rules, she scurried to the bathroom in the gym and showered, for the schools budget failed to produce a lab shower. But too slow yet again, the chemicals had an acid base, dissolving her top and skirt, leaving only her undergarments, “Oh shit! Not again!” Stacy complained, she found a towel and covered herself, going outside, behind the school. She believed to be safe from other’s eyes and she was correct…or mostly. She heard a quick-paced stepping from around the corner. She backed herself further against the wall in a reflex to hide herself more. Then, from around the corner came… …a turkey! Stacy looked in confusion as the Thanksgiving favored bird walked in her direction, bobbing its head back and forth. The fowl turned to see Stacy in a towel, and strange bird hormones acted. The turkey gobbled furiously and flapped its wings, but didn’t fly anywhere. Instead, it charged at Stacy. Stacy screamed and ran, dropping her towel. The bird followed, running at an unusual speed for a turkey. In a matter of minutes, the early-American fowl tackled the half-naked damsel in distress to the ground, it’s talons sheared Stacy’s panties and its beak attempted to get her bra. Stacy was struggling to get up, but the heavy bird was pinning her down. In seconds, the bird had finally gotten a hold of her bra and took off with it. Stacy stood up, gasping for air, she felt a cool breeze and a horrid feeling. Her panties had been torn to pieces and she was now stark naked. Trying to cover herself, she attempted to find the towel, but it appeared to have disappeared. She searched and searched, but to no avail. She sat down behind a tree and put her head in her knees, sobbing softly. Drake-in-the-tree heard this and said downwards, “Hey! You okay?”

Stacy gasped and quickly tried to cover herself, looking for the source of the voice, “Where are you?” she asked.

“Up here, in the tree.” Drake answered.

Stacy looked up and saw a naked Drake sitting on a high branch and replied, “Drake? Is that you?”

Drake focused downwards and saw Stacy, and her sexy body, at the base, “Stacy! How have you been?”

Stacy frowned, “I got myself in a strange set of predicaments. I assume you did too?”

Drake shrugged, “Eh, I’ve had worst. You wanna get up here? It’s safer.”

Stacy smiled and climbed up the tree. With Drakes help, she sat on the same branch he did. Both sat close to each other, their body heat shared, both red in embarrassment. This grew even bigger when Drake’s turn on finally showed itself, erected Drakes cock to its 5 ½ inch size. Stacy looked down at Drakes little problem and giggled. Drake then said, “Speak for yourself,” pointing at Stacy’s crotch. Stacy looked down at herself and her exposed pussy. Both stared at each other, then Drake finally mentioned, “It’s gonna happen sometime, isn’t it?”

Stacy agreed, “Yeah, like now.” Stacy dove towards Drake, pinning him to the branch. Drake warned Stacy by saying, “Careful, not much room here.” Stacy giggled, “It doesn’t matter, I can still do this.” Stacy put her hands on Drakes chest and held herself up, until her pussy lips were over Drakes dick. She slowly lowered herself onto his manhood and let out a rising gasp. She then began to hop up and down, quickening her pace with every second. Drake grabbed her bare ass and attempted to help her go faster, both moaning and gasping in pleasure. The cowgirl-style sex continued until both let out a scream and Drake ejaculated in Stacy’s cunt and Stacy came all over Drake’s dick. Both laid in the branch, panting, until Drake said, “Let’s stay up here a little longer and you can keep your pussy on my dick if that’s alright.”

Stacy smiled, “It’s no problem.” She said, laying on Drake’s body to rest.

Sometime ago in the gym, Julia and her squad were practicing various cheerleading techniques. She had gotten into the spirit and forgot about her little problem. The pyramid was next, all cheerleaders assumed their positions on the pyramid with Julia on top. A cheerleader below her looked up, seeing Julia’s exposed privates. Curious and a bit horny, she innocently took two of her fingers and slid them into Julias cunt. Julia gasped and squeezed her legs together, thus disrupting the pyramid’s balance, collapsing all the squad to the floor, further deepening the fingers into Julias pussy, sending a painful jolt of pleasure in her. Julia slid away from the horny squadmate, gasping when the fingers popped out. Embarrassed and furious, she stormed out of the gym, leaving the confused cheerleaders in a pile on the gymnasium floor.

In some other science class, the Chem. Teacher was demonstrating on how to mix various chemicals without an unstabilization. And it was BORING. Half the class was asleep, and most others were about to, one even asked, “Why do we need this again?”

The teacher responded, “Because you need to learn something, if you want to graduate that is.”

Another student, the Edward Cullen-ain’t-got-nothing-on-me student, Tyler Jameson, spoke up, “Graduate? But there’s no class for being a sex slave, is there?” The class went “OHH” and the teacher scoffed, “You don’t want that! It’s sick!”

Tyler replied smiling, “But fun.”

The teacher was about to scold him again, when the principal walked in and asked to speak with the teacher. She agreed and told the class to stay where they were. One student apparently didn’t listen as he fumbled with the chemicals, mixing whatever he could grab. But, he dropped the unstable vial and broke it, letting a strange cloud of smoke emerge. “Oh crap.” was all he said. Everyone was in a short state of panic that soon became a state of relaxation. One student said to another, in a sort of drunkened tone “Hey what was in that?”

The student replied, “Don’t know, but it’s making me very mellow.”

“Really? I feel a bit sweaty.”

“Same here.”

The first student paused, “…you wanna have sex?”

“Hell yeah!” both proceeded to undress themselves and began their seduced act. Tyler, as horny as he was previously, was now a sex crazy monkey. He ripped all his clothes off, revealing everything given to him at birth and proclaimed, “Who wants some of this?” Everyone, boy and girl, tackled Tyler, turning into a dog pile orgy. Tyler was in heaven; he had his finger in one cunt, his dick in another, his hand groping an ass, some dude’s dick in his mouth, which he was sucking hard on, like a newborn and tons of body heat to keep him turned on. Although he was getting most of the enjoyment, others proceeded to fuck each other in the chemical-driven orgy. Pleasures rose and rose and rose, until everyone let out a synchronized scream of orgasm, creating a pool of pussy liquid combined with ejaculated cum. The orgasm, however, released the chemicals effects, turning every back into their confused, normal (so to speak) selves. Realizing what just happen, every scurried to dress themselves and get back to their seats. The bell rang, ending the day.

In an abandoned Chem. Class, Julia paced around, waiting for her mother to pick her up. She waited and waited, bored and embarrassed, not wanting to return once she left. She was so bored, she decided to just sit on wherever. The desks had already been stacked up, so she found what she thought was a chair. But with the lights off (she had purposely turned them off), it was hard to tell. She sat and slid further into the “chair” going up her cunt. She gasped as the thing was cold and wide, stretching her a bit. Suddenly, she felt a blast of wind, however, it didn’t feel like wind and wind doesn’t go up her pussy. She looked closer, her eyesight adjusting to the dark and found that she was on a chemical pipe, which was blowing a foreign chemical up her cunt. She was afraid at what was happening, but in an uncontrollable urge, she began to hump the pipe, riding it like it was a penis. She moaned, going faster and faster as more and more of the chemical blew in her. She reached her climax fairly quickly due to the other incidences that occurred throughout the day. Her juices fell into the pipe, stopping it’s mechanized blowing. She got off the pipe, gasping once she did. She looked out the window and saw her mother’s car, waiting for her. She ran outside and quickly got in. Her mother asked, “Why in such a rush? Did everything work out alright?”

Julia was about to complain about what happened, but she didn’t want to worry her mother, so she replied, “Yes, it did.” She told herself that she wasn’t going to speak about to anyone, even if the whole school was whack.


JEEZ!! Longness in every direction. Sorry for the wait, CloneWarrior, but I hope this fits to your amusement. And remember, all pipes give excellent “blow”jobs. HAHA! Funny.
[Image: assassins-creed-2.jpg]

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Messages In This Thread
Time After Time - by Venin - 03-03-2010, 04:43 PM
RE: Time After Time - by UnknownH - 03-04-2010, 02:32 PM
RE: Time After Time - by CloneWarrior - 03-05-2010, 02:02 PM