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The digidestined continued their way through the drains, hoping to find one Numemon who could guide them directly to Toy Town from the drains.

- I remember we seven were singing songs together with the digimons as we were walking this way. –TK said-. Good memories.

- It’s a pity that I wasn’t with you. –Kari said.

- Yeah, you missed a lot of things. –TK said.

- Unfortunately, I caught that cold that prevented me from going to the camp. –Kari said.

- Now that it’s crossing my mind. Have you got the time? –AngelGatomon asked.

- Time? What for? –Davis asked.

- Just tell me what the time is. –AngelGatomon replied.

The digidestined took their D3 out to see the time that marked.

- It’s 1 PM. –Kari said.

- Then, if it’s about 1 PM from Japan; Ángel, Yvette and Ferri will take a long time to come. If I don’t fail in the hour difference, now in Spain it’s 7 AM and they must be still asleep. –AngelGatomon said.

- Then, Colin and Mandy must be asleep too, being 6 AM in England. –NRGmon said.

- We thought they’d be here now and we didn’t count on the hour difference. –Kari said.

- Who knows? Maybe they’ve decided to come sooner and they’re already here. –TK said.

- You’re right about that. Perhaps they’re here now. –AngelGatomon said.

- If they already got the expansion file, it’d be natural for them to come today. –Cody said.

- And they will come surely. Knowing the digiworld is in danger, they must be wishing to see their digimons safe and sound. –Ken said.

- While you three are with us, you’re in good hands. And the same if we find Cachomon and Nymphmon. –Yolei said looking at AngelGatomon, NRGmon y Greenymon.

- Yes. –They three replied.

Soon after, the digidestined heard noises from behind which got them enthusiastic thinking it was the Numemons.

- We’re lucky, it’s the Numemons. –Davis said.

- Yes, it must be them. I don’t think another digimon wanted to walk in a place like this. –TK said.

- Then let’s wait for them. –Yolei said.

After a half minute, they saw clearly the Numemons approaching; there were thirty Numemons altogether. The enthusiasm of the digidestined fell when they saw that they were under the control of dark rings.

- Oh no. They are under the control of dark rings. –TK said.

- Then we’ll have to fight against them. –Kari said.

- As they’re easy rivals, we won’t have too many problems. –Davis said.

- If the thing turned bad, I’ll join the fight to defeat them easily as champion digimon I am. Keep your evolutions back to more difficult fights. –AngelGatomon said.

- Greenymon and I will help you. –NRGmon said.

- OK. –Hawkmon said.

- Let’s get’em! –Veemon shouted.

All the digimons except for AngelGatomon went and attacked the Numemons who began to throw excrements.

- You’ll need something more but simple excrements to stop us. –Veemon said in a mocking tone-. VEE-KNOCKOUT! –He punched the ring of one of the Numemons and destroyed it.

- DIAMOND SHELL! –Armadillomon rolled against two Numemons destroying the rings that controlled them.

- FEATHER STRIKE! –Hawkmon threw his attack against one Numemon destroying the ring.

- STICKY NET! –Wormmon threw his net against two Numemons to immobilize them and destroy the rings with a block.

- MAGICAL LEAF! –Greenymon threw his attack of leafs that destroyed the ring to three Numemons.

- STATIC ELECTRIX! –NRGmon threw his attack against two Numemons destroying the rings.

- They’re doing it very well. –AngelGatomon said-. I think they won’t need my help.

The digimons kept fighting until they destroyed all the dark rings that controlled the Numemons.

- That was the last one. –Veemon said after destroying the dark ring of the last Numemon.

- Are you okay, Numemons? –Kari asked.

- We are okay. Thank you for freeing us from those rings. We’re grateful to you. –The Numemons replied.

- Don’t mention it. –Veemon replied.

- How can we reward you, digidestined? –One of the Numemons asked.

- Carrying us to Toy Town through the drains? –TK asked.

- According to what Agumon said to us; Gabumon and Patamon hid there. –Yolei said.

- And it’d be harder for us to arrive with the blizzard. –Cody said.

- I guess you must know the way. –Kari said.

- Of course. We know the drains very well. We’ll guide you to Toy Town. –The Numemons said.

- Thank you. –Everyone replied.

The digidestined let the Numemons get in the front so that they guide them. They all were bound for Toy Town.

- A question, AngelGatomon. Did you also train to keep your champion level? As you didn’t regress after fighting against Andromon. –Kari asked.

- Yes. –She replied-. When I evolved to my rookie level SnowSalamon, I began to train in the gym of the Whitelight Forest, my old home. I evolved to AngelGatomon and keep in this level thanks to that training. I stopped going to the gym since I met Ángel. Gatomon asked me the same question and began to tell me about her past.

- Then, she had to tell you about her days with Myostimon. –Kari said.

- Yes, I’m very sorry Gatomon had that dark past and full of pain. –AngelGatomon said.

- I’m glad that you didn’t have the same past as Gatomon. A past that she won’t forget easily. –Kari said.

- Now Gatomon is totally free from that world of slavery in which she was trapped, and which made her forget her true identity. –AngelGatomon said.

- Of course. Thanks to her late friend Wizardmon who was always next to her, she found out her true identity. –Kari said.

- Gatomon also told me about him. The poor man sacrificed himself to save you two. –AngelGatomon said.

- And we must be grateful to him for it. –TK said-. If it weren’t for him, Kari and Gatomon would’ve died that day.

- In the end we made Myotismon pay for all the sins he’d committed in both times. –Ken said.

- Yes. –Kari replied.

After ten minutes, the Numemons stopped close to a ladder.

- Now we’re just under Toy Town. Going up this ladder, you’ll get directly outside. This is the biggest exit that is here. –The Numemons said.

- Thank you very much for bringing us, Numemons. –TK said.

- You’re welcome. Goodbye and good luck. –They said while leaving.

- Goodbye. –The digidestined and their digimon replied.

- Despite they are repulsive creatures; they’re kind-hearted. –Kari said.

- Of course. One hasn’t got to judge anybody by its appearance but by its behavior. –Yolei said.

- That manhole cover looks enough big for us to go outside. –Cody said.

- But it won’t be easy to open it. –TK said while looking at the manhole cover which was the exit to the exterior-. There must be snow and ice over the manhole cover that will prevent us from opening and pushing it upwards. Besides, all the snow and ice would fall over us.

- Leave it to me. –AngelGatomon said-. I’ll use my Light Shot to push the manhole cover suddenly upwards and I’ll jump backwards.

AngelGatomon went to the ladder to get just under the manhole cover.

- Stay away for the snow and ice not to fall over you. –AngelGatomon said-. LIGHT SHOT! –She shot her attack against the manhole cover and jumped backwards. The power of the attack pushed the manhole cover upwards and it managed to pierce the snow and ice that was on it. Some snow and ice fell through the hole.

- Thanks for opening the manhole cover, AngelGatomon. –Davis said.

- Don’t mention it. –She replied.

The digidestined saw another blizzard outside.

- Then, Andromon didn’t make a mistake in the forecast of another blizzard. –Ken said.

- We must be careful on going up the ladder and when we go outside. –TK said.

- Go outside one by one and I’ll grab you to avoid you falling down in case of slipping. –AngelGatomon said.

- OK. –The digidestined replied.

- Veemon, NRGmon and Greenymon won’t have problems to climb the ladder because they walk on two legs. But I’m really gonna need AngelGatomon’s help to climb the ladder because I walk on four legs. –Armadillomon said.

- I’ll go outside flying. –Hawkmon said.

- And I will use my Sticky Net. –Wormmon said.

- The first one to go out will have to get into one of the houses and leave the door open so that we know in which he/she has entered and we all can take refuge. –TK said.

- I’ll be the first one to go out. –Hawkmon said.

Hawkmon flew to go outside and ran to the house that was just in front, to enter leaving the door open. Afterwards, Wormmon threw his net on the last bar of the ladder to go upwards and go out. Then he got into the house together with Hawkmon.

The digidestined and the rest of digimons began to climb the ladder with AngelGatomon grabbing them to avoid them fall down if they slipped. Kari and NRGmon were the ones who slipped, but they didn’t fall down thanks to AngelGatomon who was strong enough to support their weight. When they were getting out of the drains, they ran quickly to the house. Greenymon was the last one to climb the ladder before he and AngelGatomon ran to the house. Davis saw to close the door of the house.

- We’ll stay here to rest and have lunch. –TK said.

- Lunch? Then let’s eat, I’m very hungry. –Veemon said.

- After these last battles, we need to get our strength back. –Hawkmon said.

- I’ve been who has worked most, so I’ll need a deserved rest. –AngelGatomon said.

- Of course. –Kari smiled.

- There’s some firewood in the chimney. –Yolei said-. I’ll light a bonfire that will make us warm up a little. I brought a box of matches and another of firelighters apart from the food.

- You don’t need them; we’ll use Flamedramon to light the bonfire. –Davis said-. Can you armor digivolve, Veemon? –He asked.

- I’m sorry, I’m too hungry. –He replied.

- Then, I will light it. –Yolei said.

Yolei went to the chimney and took out the box of matches and the box of firelighters. She put a pair of firelighters between the firewood and lighted them with two matches. After half a minute, the bonfire increased.

- Let’s get in front of the chimney. –TK said.

The digidestined and the digimon got in front of the chimney. They all rubbed their hands together to get warm before the unbearable cold from outside.

- I’ll take all the food out, eat whatever you like. –Yolei said taking the food out of her bag.

- Here is the box with the onigiris. –Cody said who carried the box with the onigiris Mrs Izumi had given them.

- It’s been a long time without eating onigiris. –Veemon said excited.

- Me too. –Armadillomon smiled.

- Onigiris? The famous filled rice balls? Ángel and I told about gastronomy once and he told me he wished to taste the onigiris very much. Could you save one for him to taste it in case he’d come? –AngelGatomon said.

- Of course. If he wishes it so much, we’re not gonna make him wait his wish. –Kari said.

- Whenever these two gluttons don’t eat them all when we don’t realize. –Davis smiled pointing at Veemon and Armadillon who were on his both sides.

- Very joker, Davis. But I’m not as glutton as I was formerly anymore. –Veemon said.

- Me either. –Armadillomon said.

- Let’s leave some for Patamon and Gatomon. They both loved them. –Kari said.

- Neither have I tasted the onigiris, so I’ll eat one. –AngelGatomon said.

- I’ll eat one too, neither have I tasted them. –NRGmon said.

- Once Yvette, Cachomon, Ferri and I went to the mountain, Yvette brought onigiris she made for lunch. She bought the rice and the nori seaweed in a shop of Japanese products. –Greenymon said-. I tasted one with tuna and mayonnaise, and was yummy. It’s a pity that Cachomon ate the only one that was filled of Wasabi. –He smiled.

- It’s what the onigiris have: a surprise filling. –TK said.

- When she noted the spicy, smoke was pouring out of her ears. –Greenymon smiled-. That was in summer of 2002, and I haven’t eaten onigiris since then. So I’ll eat one too.

- Then go on. –Kari smiled.

The digidestined and digimon began to eat what Yolei had brought, apart from the onigiris made by Mrs Izumi.

- When we finish, we’ll explore the houses to find Patamon and Gabumon. –Davis said.

- This blizzard isn’t so strong like the one of when we landed on Dragon’s Eye Lake. So we’ll go outside when we finish having lunch. –TK said.

- Where’ll we go when we finish the search? –Yolei asked.

- We’ll explore Freezeland. –TK said.

- How will we know which the Freezeland is if the entire File Island is icy? –Yolei asked.

- We the Digimons will guide you. –Hawkmon said.

- Agumon and the others together with us made an excursion through the island to know it in-depth, a few days after you left. –Veemon said.

- They also told us about the battles they had in the island when we passed through the same place where each one happened. –NRGmon said.

- Then, when we finish the search, you’ll guide us to Freezeland. –Davis said.

- Yes. –The digimons replied.

When the digidestined and digimon stopped having lunch, they got out of the house and split up to explore each of the houses asking if someone was there. TK and Kari together with AngelGatomon decided to go to the castle of the city to see if Monzaemon was there.

- Maybe Gabumon and Patamon hid in the castle with Monzaemon to be safer knowing Monzaemon is an ultimate digimon. –TK said-. If we search in the castle, we’d find Monzaemon at least; if he’s not under the control of a dark ring and prowling around the island now. If he were, he’d catch us with his false Hearts Attack which took our emotions away in the past.

- Let’s hope he isn’t; it’d be a big work to defeat him, even for me. –AngelGatomon said.

- Let’s pray that he’s in the castle and not controlled by a dark ring. –Kari said.

While TK, Kari and AngelGatomon were going to the castle; Davis, Ken, Veemon, Wormmon and Greenymon were searching in the same house where the digimons of the old digidestined were shut in a chest by Monzaemon.

- Is anyone here? –Davis asked.

Someone leaned out from the boxes making noise which attracted the attention of them five.

- Is it you, Davis? –Asked who was between the boxes leaning out.

- Gabumon? –Davis asked.

- Hello Davis, Ken. –Gabumon said-. You’ve come in the end. Is Matt with you?

- No. –Davis replied-. Apart from us, Cody, Yolei, TK and Kari are.

- I’d have liked to see Matt again. –Gabumon said.

- Izzy told us that Gennai was trying to find the expansion file for the old digivice that allows the owner to come to the digiworld. –Ken said-. We could come because Izzy obtained the expansion file for the D3.

- Then, you are the only hope for this world for the time being. –Gabumon said.

- According to what Agumon had told us, you and Patamon came here to hide. –Davis said-. Where’s Patamon?

- Well…

[Flashback 1st person POV]

We three were fleeing from three dark rings and with the blizzard around us. Agumon was so unlucky that he bumped.

- Agumon! –Gabumon shouted going to help him together with Patamon, but one of the rings caught him before they arrived and the other two rings were near-. Let’s run before the other two catch us!

- Yes! –Patamon replied.

While we were running through the forest; Agumon digivolved to MetalGreymon directly and shot us a Giga Blaster.

- Look out! –Gabumon shouted after seeing the Giga Blaster that exploded on the trees. The wave made Patamon crash into a tree, but Gabumon ducked and wasn’t pushed by the wave.

I ran towards Patamon to help him, but one of the rings caught him before I could arrive.

- Nooooooooo! –Gabumon shouted.

And when I was gonna destroy it, the remaining ring was about to catch me.

I managed to lose sight of the ring in the forest and hide in here.

[End of the Flashback]

- If you say that you’ve talked to Agumon, then you managed to destroy the rings that controlled him. –Gabumon said.

- Yeah, while we were in the Mihirashi Mountain. –Veemon replied.

- So Patamon is under the control of a dark ring now. –Davis said-. TK’s gonna get depressed where he find out about it, even though Patamon was about to become a slave of the Digimon Emperor.

- I’ll never be able to forgive the ill I caused in the past. –Ken said.

- All that already ended, Ken. You don’t have any reason to apologize. –Wormmon said.

- Yes, Wormmon. –Ken replied-. Now that we’ve found Gabumon, let’s find and free Patamon.

- I’ll send a message to the rest. –Davis said-. Do I tell them about the matter of Patamon? –He asked.

- You’d better not. –Ken said-. Maybe one of our digimon allies has freed him, and he’s safe and sound now. If TK sees Patamon safe and sound when we’d told him he was controlled by a dark ring, he can think we’ve played a bad taste joke on him. Surely Patamon wouldn’t tell TK he’d been controlled by a dark ring, not to worry him.

- OK, Ken. –Davis replied.

Meanwhile TK, Kari and AngelGatomon had got into the castle.

- Monzaemon? –Kari shouted.

- Are you here? We’re the digidestined. –TK shouted.

- Digidestined? –Someone asked from a room of the top floor.

They three looked at the top floor and saw Monzaemon leaning out from the room.

- Yes, Monzaemon. It’s the digidestined. –TK said.

- Digidestined! At last you’ve come; this world needs you. –Monzaemon said.

- We know. –Kari said.

- Do you know who the responsible for all this is, Monzaemon? –TK asked.

- No idea. –He replied-. When the blizzard started, I saved all the toys in the houses and I hid in the castle after seeing the dark rings coming.

- We came here to find Gabumon and Patamon. According to what Agumon said, they hid here, in Toy Town.

- I’ve stayed in here since the blizzard started. So I didn’t see if they’ve come here. –Monzaemon said.

In that moment, the sound of received message sounded in the D-Terminal of TK and Kari. The message said:

Hello, guys.

We inform you that Ken and I have found Gabumon in one of the houses.


- Davis and Ken have already found Gabumon. –Kari said.

- We only have to find Patamon now. –TK said.

- I’ll tell the rest that we’ve found Monzaemon safe and sound in the castle, and to keep searching for Patamon. –Kari said beginning to write the message in her D-Terminal.

The other digidestined received the message of Kari and read it. They kept searching in the houses to find Patamon. TK, Kari and AngelGatomon were about to get out of the castle.

- Well, Monzaemon. We’re going to keep looking for Patamon. –TK said.

- Stay here. –Kari said.

- Yes. –He replied.

Monzaemon headed for the room where he was hidden. TK, Kari and AngelGatomon walked towards the castle’s gate to go outside. Right after opening the gate, a black energy attack that came from the sky surprised them. They three jumped to the left to dodge the attack.

- One digimon was waiting for us outside, to attack us. –AngelGatomon said.

- The attack came from the sky; it must be a flying digimon. –Kari said.

- I hope it’s not what I’m thinking about. –TK said in a worrying tone that attracted the attention of Kari and AngelGatomon.

- Let’s take a look. –AngelGatomon said.

They three leaned out to see who had attacked them. It was Angemon, but his white was replaced by black and her gold by silver. The ring that controlled him was on his neck.

- It’s Angemon under the control of a dark ring. I can’t believe it. –TK said shocked.

- His color also changed. –Kari said.

- That’s not Angemon but BlackAngemon. Angemon corrupt by darkness. –AngelGatomon said.







- I’ll send a message of help to the rest. –Kari said.

- While they’re coming, try to destroy the dark ring, AngelGatomon. –TK said.

- Yes. –AngelGatomon said.

AngelGatomon went outside to face BlackAngemon.

- This wind will make the things difficult to me. I’ll try to destroy the ring on foot. –AngelGatomon thought-. LIGHT SHOT! –She shot her attack but BlackAngemon dodged it.

- HAND OF HERESY! –BlackAngemon shot his attack Hand of Fate that now was black and with the name Hand of Heresy.

AngelGatomon jumped on the right to dodge it.

- He’s too fast. –AngelGatomon said-. It’ll be difficult to destroy the ring.

Meanwhile, the rest of the digidestined kept their search when they were interrupted by the message of Kari that said:

Hello, guys.

We need you to come here to the castle; we’re been attacked by BlackAngemon who we suppose it’s Angemon under the control of a dark ring. AngelGatomon is fighting against him and needs your help. Hurryup.


Yolei and Cody together with Hawkmon, Armadillomon and NRGmon were in one of the houses on the same zone where Togemon fought against Monzaemon in the past.

- It’s terrible; Patamon couldn’t escape from the darks rings either. –Cody said after reading the message.

- I guess you must know where the castle is. –Yolei said to the digimons.

- Yes, of course. –They replied.

- Let’s hurry. –Cody said.

- Yeah. –Yolei replied.

They four got out of the house running.

- You have to digivolve. –Yolei ordered.

- Yes. –Both digimons replied.



But both digimons couldn’t digivolve.

- We can’t digivolve normally. –Armadillmon said.

- Then, we’ll need to armor digivolve. –Hawkmon said.

- There must be one dark tower on this city that is preventing the digimons from digivolving. –Cody said.

- Then, ARMOR DIGIVOLVE, HAWKMON! –Yolei ordered taking her D-Terminal out.


- You too, Armadillomon. –Cody ordered taking his D-Terminal out.


- We two will find the dark tower and destroy it. I’ll send you a message when we’ve done it. –Cody said.

- OK. We’ll go to the castle to help AngelGatomon. –Yolei said.

- I’ll go with Yolei and Halsemon to the castle. –NRGmon said.

Cody got onto Digmon’s back and they flew away. Yolei and NRGmon got onto Halsemon’s back and flew towards where the castle was. Meanwhile, Davis, Ken and Greenymon were running towards where the castle was, following Flamedramon. Wormmon was in Ken arms because of not being able to digivolve.

While the rest were on the way, AngelGatomon was trying to beat BlackAngemon with her Light Shot despairingly at the same time she was bearing the wind.

- At this rate, I’ll never manage to destroy the ring. –AngelGatomon thought-. I’ll have to fight against him in the fight hand-to-hand.

AngelGatomon flew towards him preparing her Lightning Paw, but BlackAngemon blocked it with his staff and kicked AngelGatomon.

- HAND OF HERESY! –He shot his attack against AngelGatomon.

AngelGatomon used her Light Shot in extremis to neutralize the attack of BlackAngemon, but the wave of the impact between the two attacks pushed AngelGatomon against one of the towers of the castle.

- When will the rest arrive? AngelGatomon is losing. –TK said-. Shouldn’t we tell Monzaemon to give us a hand? He is an ultimate digimon.

- We’d better not involve Monzaemon in this battle until it’s strictly necessary. –Kari replied-. And I don’t think the rest will take so long to come, if they received the message.

In a half minute; Davis and Ken arrived with their digimons, Gabumon and Greenymon. Flamedramon began to fight against BlackAngemon.

- TK, Kari. Are you okay? –Davis said.

- We’re okay, Davis. –TK said.

- Is a dark tower around here? As Veemon evolved to Flamedramon instead of ExVeemon. –Kari asked.

- That seems. –Davis replied.

- And therefore, Wormmon can’t help because we don’t have the digiegg of Kindness for him to armor digivolve. –Ken said.

- Sooner or later you’ll find it. –Davis said.

- With this bad visibility caused by the blizzard, it’s almost impossible to see the dark tower from a distance. –TK said.

- Guys! –Yolei shouted approaching on Halsemon’s back.

- Hi, Yolei. –Kari said-. Where are Cody and Armadillomon?

- They’re looking for the dark tower that is preventing our digimon digivolving normally, to destroy it. –Yolei said while getting off Halsemon.

Halsemon went to fight against BlackAngemon together with AngelGatomon and Flamedramon.

- I hope they find and destroy it soon. –TK said.

- Meanwhile; Halsemon, Flamedramon and AngelGatomon will try to destroy the ring to BlackAngemon.

Cody and Digmon went to the forest where they saw the dark tower when they were 100 meters from it.

- There is the dark tower. –Cody said.

- I’m gonna destroy it. –Digmon said.

Cody got off Digmon, and Digmon went towards the dark tower. When he was about to destroy it, Woodmon appeared, under the control of a dark ring.

- I won’t let you destroy the dark tower. –Woodmon said-. WOODY SMASH!

Digmon was dodging the hits Woodmon was trying to give him.

- GOLD RUSH! –He shot his attack against Woodmon destroying the dark ring, which made him return to normal.

- What am I doing here? –Woodmon asked.

- You were being controlled by a dark ring. You’d better hide in one of the houses to avoid another ring capturing and controlling you. –Cody said.

- OK. –Woodmon replied and headed for the house that was closest.

- Now I’ll destroy the dark tower. –Digmon said-. GOLD RUSH! –He shot his attack against the dark tower destroying it.

- Now I’ll call the rest. –Cody said while taking his D-Terminal out.

Meanwhile; Flamedramon, Halsemon and AngelGatomon kept trying to destroy the ring to Angemon.

- HAND OF HERESY! –The attack hit Flamedramon and Halsemon when they tried to dodge it. In spite of not having received the attack directly, it was enough to make them regress.

Davis and Yolei ran towards their digimon partners lain on the ground.

- He’s too fast and powerful. –Kari said.

- When will Cody destroy the dark tower? –TK said.

In that just moment, the sound of received message sounded from the D-Terminal. They five read the message of Cody:

Hello, guys.

We have already destroyed the dark tower. Forgive my delay; the tower was guarded. We’re on our way over.


- Cody’s already destroyed the dark tower. –Kari said-. Now Veemon, Hawkmon and Wormmon can digivolve.

- Veemon, Hawkmon, Wormmon… DIGIVOLVE! –Davis, Yolei and Ken said.




They three flew towards BlackAngemon to attack him from behind while fighting against AngelGatomon. But Angemon saw them out of the corner of his eye and flew upwards suddenly making them hit AngelGatomon accidentally.

- We’re sorry, AngelGatomon. –ExVeemon said.

- No problem. –AngelGatomon replied-. Let’s all attack together.





BlackAngemon destroyed the Vee-Laser with his staff and dodged the attacks of Aquilamon, Stingmon and AngelGatomon.

- He’s too fast. –Greenymon said.

- And very powerful. –NRGmon said.

- So we’ll never manage to free Angemon from the dark ring. –Kari said-. I’ll call Monzaemon.

- Yes, do it. Run! –TK replied.

Kari entered the castle running to call Monzaemon as the digimons were trying to destroy the dark ring to BlackAngemon.

- Forgive my delay! –Cody said who came on Ankylomon’s back.

- No problem, Cody. –TK said.

- Go and get him, Ankylomon. –Cody ordered while getting off Ankylomon.

- I know. –He replied.

Ankylomon ran to fight together with the other digimons.

- TAIL HAMMER! –He tried to hit BlackAngemon, but he dodged it easily.

- HAND OF HERESY! –He shot his attack against Ankylomon who tried to dodge it, but the attack reached him fully and made him regress.

- No, Armadillomon! –Cody shouted.

- A terrestrial digimon has too many disadvantages against a flying one. –Ken said.

Davis looked backwards and saw Kari coming with Monzaemon.

- Kari is coming with Monzaemon. –Davis said.

- Just as well! –TK said.

- I’ll help you to free Angemon. –Monzaemon said-. HEARTS ATTACK!

BlackAngemon tried to avoid the Hearts Attack, but it managed to catch him in the end. Then, Monzaemon used his laser look against the ring and destroyed it. BlackAngemon regressed to Patamon returning to normal.

- Patamon! –TK shouted crying in happiness and running to his digimon partner-. Are you fine?

- I’m fine. Have I worried you very much, TK? –Patamon said.

- Very much. I was shocked when I saw you were controlled by a dark ring. –TK said.

- Let’s thank Monzaemon. Without him, it would have been very hard for us to remove that dark ring from you. –Kari told Patamon.

- Thanks a lot, Monzaemon. –Patamon said.

- You’re welcome. –He replied.

- I’d decided we would go to Freezeland. I propose to go to the Temple of the Digivice in the Great Canyon afterwards. –TK said.

- Surely Gatomon must be in one of those places, or maybe in another. –Kari said-. I hope she’s fine.

- Don’t worry, we’ll find her. –Davis said.

- We also have to find Gomamon and Palmon to see they’re fine. –Yolei said.

- Yeah, of course. –Kari said.

- I think you’ll be safer in the castle with Monzaemon, Gabumon. –Cody said.

- Yeah. –He replied.

- Let’s not waste any more time and let’s go to Freezeland. –Yolei said.

- Yes. –The rest replied.

- Look after yourselves. –Kari told Gabumon and Monzaemon.

- The same to you. Goodbye –Gabumon and Monzaemon said.

- Goodbye. –The digidestined and their digimons said.

The digidestined got out of Toy Town bound for Freezeland guided by the digimons.

What is expecting them in Freezeland? Will they find Gatomon, Gomamon or Palmon there? The answers in the next chapter of…


What do you think about the fourth chapter? Did you like it? Leave your opinions.
Creative Minds
Lady Devimon's Minions

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RE: DIGIMON ADVENTURE. THE NEW THREAT (NON-HENTAI) - by AngelGatomon - 02-23-2010, 06:38 AM