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Capes and Robbers (Heroes/villains rp)
Super Hero/Villain Name: Diamondback
Real name: Vyce
Gender: What's a gender?
OH! You mean sexual occupation! Male.
Species: Human
Occupation: ...Neutral
Powers: Judge of Eternity
Can control minds (heroes, villains, normal people, EVERYONE, and resistance isn't possible either...none of that internal conflict bull), however while controlling minds he cannot move or act. He is absolutely paralyzed while doing so; loud noises break his concentration, thus releasing the victim.
Can read minds
Intelligence (Can think at 50x the average genius' thinking speed, this also makes for fast reflexes)
Diamond Sword: Not an actual power, he just has a diamond sword with a coating of mirror right under the surface. Surprisingly sharp (able to cut right near anyone without invincibility...steel or titanium does nothing to protect) and he can deflect laser or light based attacks, while amplifying them.
General Tact Explanation: He tends to combine mind reading with extremely fast thinking speed to easily outmaneuver his opponents.
He doesn't have any long ranged powers, so heroes or villains who keep a distance tends to win.
EDIT: I forgot to mention, because his powers have manifested so well, he gets very little sleep, so he's never rested, and his powers are very taxing. He cannot fight for very long at one time, or he gets dizzy and faints.
Allies: None.
Enemies: Countless.
Appearance: [Image: 8919841.png].
BIO: He discovered he could read minds at the age of 11, and always was a fairly smart kid. However, due to his extremely thinking speeds he had several mental breakdowns throughout his life, ending in him nearly committing suicide. Eventually things mysteriously turned around, and his mental stability began leveling out.
other: Depending on the heros' and villains' choices, he will join either the good or evil side... or neither.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Capes and Robbers (Heroes/villains rp) - by AetherRose - 02-11-2010, 09:49 AM