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Capes and Robbers (Heroes/villains rp)
Super Hero/Villain Name: Steel Revenger
Real name: Robert Cunningham (Though this secret identity is known only to himself)
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Occupation: Hero
Powers: Powered Armor, think Iron Man but on less than .1% of the budget, no flight, few fancy gadgets, and no weapons other than the enhanced strength (Enough to lift twelve tons). The armor itself is virtually invulnerable to just about anything short of high-powered military weapons (As far as he knows, he hasn't been able to test it on anything like that yet).

Weaknesses: The material the outer shell of the armor is made out of is vulnerable to strong acids, it also does not float
Allies: Solo, for now
Enemies: ----

Appearance: Out of the armor, Robert is an unassuming young caucasian man with light brown hair, pale blue eyes, standing at 5'11 with a strong, medium build. he typically wears plain clothes such as earth-toned polos and khakis, and glasses. Inside the armor he becomes the Steel Revenger, improving his height to 6'2. It is a bulky thing, enough to cover him entirely and provide movement (albeit inelegant). The outer shell is spray painted white since the material it is made out of is a cream color when it hardens. It has been mentioned that the Steel Revenger resembles a bastardized version of "Master Chief" from the Halo series. Robert would say that he only wishes that his armor were that sleek.

BIO: An electrical engineer by day, Robert was already working on a suit of powered armor as a pet project. However when he got drunk off some imported Absinthe one night he somehow invented a material that was nearly indestructible out of random chemicals in his garage. Trying to reproduce the material was a struggle since for a while he could only remember the formula while tanked. He eventually succeeded in writing down the formula and proceedure on his sixth bender and was at last able to put the material that he dubbed, "Unyieldium" to good use. The Steel Revenger was born when, while testing his new suit of armor, he saved a part of town from some giant sized, man thing terrorizing the place.
other: ----

Messages In This Thread
RE: Capes and Robbers (Heroes/villains rp) - by Kavaan - 02-08-2010, 09:01 PM