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(A Silver and Zero production) Plaything
Kase smiled a little as he was hugged and snuggled into it, content to be in May's warm embrace. But suddenly, new thoughts began to enter his head. The Master was leaving him alone quite a lot, he would be a fool not to try to use the time he had by himself to find a way to be free. There had to be ways, he just had to find them, and with another whole day to himself, he could do just that, he was sure of it! But he couldnt tell May, who seemed to be suffering some kind of Stockholm Syndrome. Even if he was protecting her, he was not protecting Kase, not the way Kase saw it, and so if he could escape, it would only be for his benefit.


Evoline looked at the wooden weapons and shrugged. "Im stronger than I look. That human had to overpower me many times before he could actually chain me up, and then he never once let me out." She said. "Some sword training will be good." She agreed. "But first, I think I want to rest and digest. I havent been up and about for a long time, and my body is still sore from my...time at the mansion."

Tal smiled cutely as The master kissed the slaves tender face, cleaning it of crumbs. "Thank you master." The timid child said softly, scooting a little close to the large orc when he was done.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Plaything - by Maero - 02-06-2010, 03:57 AM