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vampire academy (private for fox winter, and shadowknight)
Andrew wondered what was going though Imogen's when she opened her mouth and looked into his eyes they made a psychic like connection though the power of spirit. He could finally tell how the young skunk girl felt about him and the duties she had. He understood that but what Imogen would now realized because of their engagement people would have expectations of him since he would be a public official for life along with Imogen. Soon the barriers dividing their minds complete dissolved as the skunk kissed him and he kissed her back with equal passion that they now shared with fore one another. He places his arms around her. When Katt stepped Imogens and Andrew's powerful emotions drew the feline into his mind because of the shadow kissed bound him and Katt shared, before she could speak up.

When they broke the kiss the bat fault bad about the passion filled kiss. His heart was turn into it seem like as an image of a horrible car crash from from the bats own memories. His parents were there their bodies bloody and lifeless. Then Andrew turned and looked at Katt he let out ultra sonic shriek when he saw Katt mangle lifeless body. He places his paws on her body as he wept tears of sorrow he loved her more than a friend and wanted her then yet wasn't proper for a royal moroi to show passion for a guardian so he kept his feelings held back. Soon power from within his body started to surge as the sleeping power of spirit fully manifested itself as he become specialized in the element n the holy element. Blindly light covered the felines mangled body started to become whole once more. As she came back to life and let in a deep breath the young bat passed out. He found after he came too in the hospital he and Katt were the only ones to survive.

Soon After the image faded it turned to Imogen how she was a polite yet playful child, more images appeared from over summer of thefew good times the two had over the same yet each time it looked like imogen mostly had a odd looking mask from his own mantel image of her, yet one could tell he did like and wanted to get to know the real girl behind the mask.

Then the images changed again as it showed how he felt when the slighted each other and insulted the other. he really disliked when he just wanted them to get along or at least come to compromise about how he felt about both of them. Soon his and Imogen's consciousness separated, he looked at her with new found fondness realizing how she saw things and he wondered if she would have a better understanding of him and Katt. What he didn't know was that Katt had viewed all of this without his knowing of it; because the bond worked one way Katt could going into his head and know how he is feeling and even see what he sees yet he couldn't go into her mind.
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz

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RE: vampire academy (private for fox winter, and shadowknight) - by Casey the furry one - 02-05-2010, 07:25 AM