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(A Silver and Zero production) Fallen
The car slammed into the side of the warehouse, smashing open a decent sized hole in the wall. Then Alex followed it in, Swords drawn and at the ready. He was stopped once he entered the dark place though, as flood light activated and showered him in light. The brightness had no effect on his powers, but blinded him for a second and forced him to stop as his eyes adjusted. Even if he didnt stop, a few well placed bear traps would make sure that he would not get very far.

Once his eyes adjusted, he would see that he had been expected. The boxes and crates that were housed within the warehouse were all stacked like bleachers around the area he broke in through, and upon them sat nearly every Street Walker gang member, all holding weapons passively as they looked down at him, as though they would not need to use them, but preferred to keep them.

That wasnt what I meant when I said be cautious.
Mike said flatly. In the center was the gang leader, sitting on the highest pile, his favorites all around him, his right hand at his right, and what looked like someone covered up by a rag on his left. He looked at the car, which had skidded to a stop just short of his pile, and whistled. He began to clap and slowly the others joined in, but were shut up a minute later when he raised his arm to silence them.

"Well well well, if it aint Alex from that there 'good' school down the road." He said with a laugh, a few other adding in a nervous chuckle. This isnt good. Mike said with some alarm. "I see you've come to pay us a little visit A boy. Well dont worry, your debt to us is paid, so paid. I mean, I didnt know how long it would have taken for me to go around and kill or scare off all those other gangs. But you went ahead and did it for me, bravo boy." This isnt good. Mike repeated again. If Alex needed to ask again he had to but look around the room to get his answer.

All of the assorted street trash that were there, all those who had just watched him toss a car through a wall, were more afraid of the gang boss than of him. "But you can leave now, I well send you a few bucks in the morning if Im still in a good mood, and I might even fix those windows in your house that I broke. But hey, lets not get ahead of ourselves. First, you gotta turn your butt around and walk on back to your rock. We see you got guts now, but really, this going around and killing the living shit out of people is starting to become...unproductive for me."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

Messages In This Thread
(A Silver and Zero production) Fallen - by Maero - 07-30-2009, 03:00 PM
RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Fallen - by Maero - 01-25-2010, 02:30 PM