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(A Silver and Zero production) Plaything
"Stop!" The orc half yelled half pleaded. "Please...You have not heard our offers yet. Surely one girl is not so valuable that we can not find at least one trade you will agree to." The orc snapped his fingers and five slaves were brought forward, two were boys, three were girls, all strikingly beautiful in their own way. "These are only the best human slaves we brought. We will also trade you our elves for this girl. Surely, here in the north were elves are rare, you could appreciate the uncommon beauty of these elves." The elves were brought forward then, like before, two male, three female, all made to order for the North masters liking.


Kase was stunned as she spoke, unable to picture his terrible master as anything but evil. He pushed May away after a moment and looked at her hard. "Do you see what he has done to me?" He asked then, his voice low and pained. "What he has done to all these people?" Kase looked down at his own form and tears filled his eyes. "Just because he suffered at the hands of orcs...does that mean that I deserve this? Just because I cant remember when my family was taken from me I must be punished? I would feel sympathy for his pain May, I would, if I wasnt already drowning in my own."
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Plaything - by Maero - 01-21-2010, 02:48 PM