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Sickly brother's bag of tricks(Private for Shadowknight)
Jackie Chan rolled on the ground as the powerful mage Daolon beckoned for the magical talismans to come to him. Daolon was an elderly man, but he controlled the most powerful dark chi this world had ever known, and he knew that all that paled in comparison with the talismans. These talismans would make any one man more powerful than any mortal should be. In the hands of someone like Daolon, this would be catastrophic. Jackie Chan looked around. He was in Section 13. A high tech state of the art facility with access to some of the most powerful weapons, including a mounted mobile laser in the corner. Jackie Chan covered the space to the laser in seconds, jumping on the seat of the laser. "He will not possess the talismans." Jackie Chan said as he aimed the crosshairs at the floating talismans, just inches from Daolon's grasp.
Raziel was a young half demon he looked liked a tiger with black fur and white stripes, with dragonic wings. When he and his sister were born their father thought that his mate had cheated on him and mated with a dragon. Yet blood tests proved that he was their son yet at the same time he wasn't. He was now sixteen years old and always been weak of body because he was part demon and thus part spiritual being. Yet because he was half demon gave the ability to tap into the forces of nature and control them. The young halfling had his tv on in the background noise to help him focus. He casting a complex spell would give him strength of body and power to do what he wanted and when he wanted. He could feel the magical energy building around him as he chanted. Soon the energy became visible as the tv started to glow as well. The young boy cut open his paw as blood dripped over the small alter and into a small cup for spirits to help grant his wish.
A blast of technological amplified light burst forth from the cannon's mouth, spewing hot energy on to the twelve stone talismans. The laser burned hotter than any source known, the stones starting to vibrate and shake as more and more energy was poured forth. The talismans began to resonate, until finally the powers of the talismans were shattered, bursting in the stratosphere. The energy was released to the cosmos, searching of new vessels in which to be contained. These magics were good, and would search for the noblest of animals to inhabit so that they could once be with nature as intended......

Of course sometimes, magic does the unexpected.
Soon energy shot out of the tv as it hit Raziel in the back infusing him with a few of the powers from the talismans. Raziel fell to the ground knocking over the chalice that was partially filled with his blood. Yet as it hit the floor and clanked not a single drop of blood hit the floor since it was already empty since the spirit heard his call and answered his summons. The young half demon after about an hour got up, feeling better then he ever had. He looked ever his body and saw a faint glow of magical energy that most mortal being would never see it was in the image of a talisman and it inner image was that of a dog. He knew he saw that image before but couldn't remember were after a second he did it was on the Jackie Chan adventures. He ruffled the fur of his arm He dimmer images of the other images of the eleven talismans.

He began to laugh wondering why the spell worked the way it did he couldn't figure out how he wind up with make believe powers. Then he as he thought there was the world of the spirits and demons. Why couldn't their be other worlds as well he concluded. He looked up on the cable box the four a clock showing as he read the details about the show it realized it was the episode were Jackie destroyed the Talismans. He realized the cartoon must have been a gateway into this other reality. Over the next few days he tried out each of the powers. Soon he got an idea if he could bring is own toys to life with rat talisman then why not bring his sister's toys dolls or plushies for his own pleasure.

Raziel sighed some since he had a big problem his sister was over protective of her plushies that she owned and she had about a collection of about fifty or so to choose from. Yet he would have to be very careful and make sure each and everyone is placed back after he was done or his sister would find find a way to black mail his ass somehow for messing with her stuff. That is something he really didn't want and so far he has been that careful but there is no telling when he will mess up.

It was now Wednesday afternoon and on the plus side it was after school. He made sure to go into his sister room after she left to go over to a girlfriend's house. He ever so carefully picked up a Vulpix plushy, and in the process knocked over another plushy and quickly left her room. He soon got in there and didn't think about closing the door all the way since he was home alone at the time. "Mmm vulpix is about three and half feet tail and if you measure form her back to the floor. She should be large enough for me to take her even if she is not I guess will have to get another one," He said to himself as he sat the plushy down on his bed room floor. He knew in the show that a pokemon would normally obey its trainer, so he figured a vulpix wouldn't give him a hard time if he acted like a trainer and told it to suck him off and let him fuck her. He focused on talisman for a moment and his left paw glowed some, then he touched the vulpix plushing bring it to life and it grew to the size of a large dog. He grinned as he stood back up. "Hey vulpix I am your trainer," he said kindly.

Ooc: Maybe pokemon can actually speak English or some sort telepathic link that translate what the pokemon says into English?

Also what would be a good name for the rp
[Image: dragonimage_76557_72430_pixel.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Gabumon Loverz

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Sickly brother's bag of tricks(Private for Shadowknight) - by Casey the furry one - 01-19-2010, 03:04 PM