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Not a rant.
Living. A very great thing about life is living. Yet I have seen it as another way to get angry at other people and shield myself away from others to prevent them from understanding me. Which like my brother has told me "People fear what they cannot understand." Which I have all the reason to beleive this. I am not easily understood leaving me empty and alone. Without a good friend. Without a good relationship.

A friendship to me is having the same liking as another. Where you would want to hang out with that person daily. Becoming the friend you know and love for life. All my childhood friends don't even know me anymore. I currently have one great friend, but it seems as if I treat him like crap. Yet I understood. That is why I wanted to change my life. This year, 2010. Its going to be a big one. Because a lot of big life changes are going to hit me this year. With finishing school and such. But that is not why I want to change. Oh no.

I put out a bad image on me to make you guys think bad of me at times. And at times I do feel left right out of the crowd. No not the friendship crowd. But the crowd of where people give they're honest opinions. I releases a thread with an idea of a story, my good friend posts in it. Thats it. I make a thread showing my sigs and a gift to my friend Joel. no replies. Don't get me wrong I know activity is a virtue. But to be inactive for some odd days kinda gets boring. I am not trying to be an ass about this. But I want people's opinions that way I know what I can do to make the things better. Don't a lot of people?

But to be honest I really made this thread for advice. To those who can help. I've been having a lot of mental problems lately. Not being able to maintain a daily stamina. Barley maintaining a daily socialization. But I don't know what to do. I want to have a better friendship. Or at least a relationship.....But what can I do?

Messages In This Thread
Not a rant. - by Ryan - 01-13-2010, 02:24 PM
RE: Not a rant. - by Guilmon and a shotgun - 01-14-2010, 03:15 AM
RE: Not a rant. - by AetherRose - 01-14-2010, 05:50 AM