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Need a few leading pointers with this :/
This is a story that I'm trying to get to at least finishing up this one sex scene, but since Yaoi/Rape isn't exactly my pot of pork and beans, I was wondering if I could get some assistance with ideas to extend the scene for as long as possible.

*Please keep in mind this is a incomplete story, the complete one, once finished, will be in the Author's section and please disregard the spelling errors if any. Thanks.*

Title: Revenge of Wormmon
Pairing: Wormmon+Floramon x Ken
Type: Rape, Yaoi, Torture

The Digimon Kaiser looked on as he sees a whirlpool form up on his map of the digital world's oceans. This was something he was expecting as it was the last part of his creation of his perfect digimon.

"Hmm... Looks like it's finally here." The Digimon Kaiser said with appreciation.

"What is that Master?" Wormmon asked his partner, feeling something strange from the wirlpool on the screen. "A new way to hypnotize your slaves?"

"No you fool. You might call it the gateway to the sources of darkness. Or for simplicity's sake, let's just call it the Dark Pool." He explained with a smile. "I think it's caused by an evil Digimon. If I could tap into it's power I would have everything I would need to make my very own Digimon!"

Wormmon flinched as he felt the same feeling again, although a bit stronger. It seemed to also be giving him a little more power with each wave the longer they stayed close to it. It started to scare him a little bit. "Please master... Don't do it." Wormmon said with a shiver.

Ken turned to face Wormmon. "What do you mean, of course I'll do it!" He snapped at him.

"But it feels like evil itself is coming from that dark pool..." Wormmon said, trying to get his friend to not do this. His expression was that of true fear, although inside he felt like something was happening to him. It scared him even more with the intent of the feeling he felt. "You can't feel it because... because you're not a Digimon..."

"Don't be ridiculous, I'm not going to stop my master plan just because of a feeling of yours!"

"But on a scale of one to ten that Dark Pool is REALLY evil..."

"Heh, fine. Then YOU stay away from it." The Kaiser said as he stood up to leave. "In the meantime I got things to do." He said as he walked off.

Wormmon ran up to Ken and grabbed his foot. "Please don't ignore me Ken... please don't..." Wormmon begged, trying to get Ken to listen to reason.

"Oh I'm sorry, how's THIS!" Ken snapped as he kicked Wormmon away. Wormmon bounced a good few feet away before stopping. "I do not have time to listen to your pathetic nonsence! Now leave me alon- huh?" Ken said as he caught something diffrent about Wormmon he didn't notice before, taken off guard with the glow from Wormmon's eyes, more clearly, the one that was between his normal eyes. "What in the...-"

"Sleepless Stare!!!" Wormmon shouted out, the third eye flaring out brightly. Ken was caught in it's light and had begun to fall asleep fast.

"Worrmon... you traitor..." Ken said as he fell to the ground, his cape faling around him like a blanket.

****2 hours later...****

Ken groaned as he awakened. He tried to move his hand to his head, which was hurting a little, but he couldn't move it.

"Wha...?" Looking to his hands, they were bound above him on a bar that was wedged into a corner of the same room he was in, one of the lights that lit up the room directed at him. The monitor still showed the Digidestined as they hovered around the Dark Pool, trying to figure out what to do with it, as well as Ken's creation, Chimeramon, still incomplete at the moment.

"How did I get like this...?" He lowly asked himself, not wanting to humiliate himself if there was anyone around. He sees something to his right.

"Release me at once!!!" Ken shouted to the figure, struggling against his bonds, but it had no effect on his release. "NOW!!" Ken shouted again at the shadow there. Part of the shadow seperated itself to come into the light, showing Wormmon, his third dark eye glistening in the faint light. "Wormmon... What's the meaning of this?!"

"Master... no, Ken... I've had it with you ignoring me all the time. I've done so much for you, your laundry, made you food, drinks and others and all you've ever called me is useless and weak." Wormmon told him, glaring at Ken with all three eyes. "I've finally had it with all the abuse you've done to me, at me and I've never done anything. Now it's my turn to return what you've... given to me." Wormmon said with such venomous rage that it could melt steel. The other shadow came out, revieling it to be a type of Floramon that had colorless eyes, appearing to be blind in a way although she had been blind for a very long time according to the one who gave Wormmon the 'Third Eye' abilities.

"Wormmon, I am YOUR Master, not the other way around!" The Floramon's head perked up with hearing his shouting again. Her stamen vines that substituted for her hands elongnated from them. "I order you to release me NOW!! And maybe I won't punish you so- Ahhhk!?" Without warning, the Floramon began whipping him with her Stamen Vines rapidly. Ken gritted his teeth, but he couldn't suppress all of the pained groans as her vines struck Ken's body with great force, tearing through his clothes easily.

"I would advise that you don't yell too much Ken..." Wormmon told Ken. "You did blind her after all and she has always wanted to meet you. Silk Thread!!!" Wormmon said as he shot out more thread at Ken's already bound hands and brought his feet together quickly with it and bound them together as well. Wormmon was thinking of how fortunate it was that he met that stranger while he was away from Ken that time...

***Few Days Before...***

Wormmon, after getting slammed by the end of Ken's foot once again, is in a room he called his own, nursing the small cut that appeared this time after the kick to his face.

"Awww... I truly do wish that Master wouldn't hit me so hard... or any at all." He said as he applied medicine to the new wound. "If those kids never appeared... Master would be kinder to me I know it." Wormmon said sadly, though he did wonder if he really did know it to be true or not.

"Maybe... Maybe not." A voice said out of the shadowed corner of the room. Wormmon immediatly jumped to his feet at the sound, readying his Silk Thread attack to use on the attacker when a hand shot out of the shadows. "It's ok... I've no intention to hurt you. In fact..." The figure said as he stepped out of the shadows. He wore a black robe with what looked like dark colors of various shapes on it. Wormmon could see a few stars and diamonds on it. When he looked at the intruder's face, it was completly blank, a white mask covered his face. "I may be able to help you. You wish to get back at the one that did that to you right?" He asked, pointing to the wound that was only partially nursed. Wormmon's eyes narrowed a little, wondering if he should just bind him up and turn him in for invaiding the Master's Lair, or listen to him. "It is said that if your friend is violent from the start that it will always be like that. I think you have an idea what I mean." The man in the robe said, lowering his gloved black hand back to his side.

"How is it that you can help me? The Master is the strongest in the whole Digiworld!" Wormmon said to the man, standing up for Ken.

"And? He may boast he's the strongest... although, I know you have the potential to be even stronger. And you don't even have to digivolve either...I think." The man said, scratching his forehead on the mask in thought.

"You think?!" Wormmon said confused. He kept his guard up as he went closer to the robed figure. "Do you really know what you're up against?" Wormmon asked cautiously to the man.

"In a way yes and no... I know he's powerless without his whip and his slaves..." The man said to him. Wormmon murmured a small agreement, almost a whisper so he wouldn't hear it, though the robed man did hear it. "If you are to use your maximum potential, you might need someone to assist you. I did bring someone with me suited for the task." Almost as if on cue, a plant hand came from behind the man and was feeling around his leg and side. The man chuckled a little as he seemed he was being tickled. Coming into the light as well Wormmon saw that it was a Floramon, but her eyes seemed to be without color as they remained half open. "I found her near death after one of the 'Dark Ring Digimon' attacked her village a few days ago. Her eyes were burned really badly, but I did manage to restore her sight to an extent, though her hearing is much more accurate now..." He said, petting her head. She smilled as she was being petted, feeling comfort from it. "She can see by what she hears around her. Quite a useful trick she picked up from my assistance."

"So... Ken's slaves blinded her?" Wormmon asked, trying to confirm it for himself. The Floramon picked up his voice.

"Uncertain... yet worried... You've also have been hurt by the Digimon Kaiser, right?" The Floramon asked Wormmon, lifting her head in his direction, her voice a little more crystiline than most Floramon of her type.

"I usually do... he's my-" Wormmon stopped for a sec, worried if he should say or not. "My Digidestined partner... but I really do hope he does come to his senses like how he was before." Wormmon said to her, sadness lining his voice. "He's not like this personally I know it just- huh?" The Floramon walked past the robed man and staggered towards Wormmon, leafy hands reaching out for him. Wormmon stepped back a little, still uncertain of the two, but then stepped back forward to meet her waiting hands. She first felt his smooth head and antenee, then his face and mouth. Wormmon stood still as she was feeling him, learning what he really looks like. She also felt down his sectioned back and soon found the half-treated injury made earlier. Wormmon cringed from the touch, but the Floramon kept her Stamen part of her hand on the wound as she whispered,

"Cure Pollen..." A small bit of her pollen sprayed on the wound, stinging Wormmon a little, but it soon went away, as did the wound. Wormmon couldn't believe it as he looked back where his injury once was.

"How...?" Wormmon started to ask, but then the man explained.

"I know... The will to live can bear some surprising results... Revenge can as well if used properly." The man said as he brought out a small, triangle-shaped green disk. "This disk can help you gain that revenge... only if you choose to accept it. Although this one here..." He brought out a red version of the disk. "Will make you forget about our little meeting and you will live your life the same as you always did. The choice is yours my friend..." He added, holding both to him.

The Floramon continued to rub Wormmon's head, almost like petting. "I would love to get back at that bastard Digimon Kaiser for taking my sight away..." She said to him, smiling. "And I shall be yours forever... I want to be yours, one who shares my passion... and my pain..." She said, almost like poetry to Wormmon. Wormmon knew that if what the man said didn't work that she would be deleted on sight as traitor to the Digimon Kaiser. If the plan works and they do capture him... Wormmon turned to the Floramon.

"You do know what will happen if this doesn't work? What risk you will be taking?" Wormmon asked Floramon, concern in his voice.

"As long as you will be my eyes, I will follow you to the ends of the Digital World." She said as she kissed him on the forehead and hugged him.

"Seems like she really likes you... and it's best to not be alone when you share the same goals." The man said, sounding pleased. Wormmon felt happy himself, for her. Maybe this can work after all he thoguht to himself as he used his antenne to point to the...

****Present time****

Wormmon was chuckling a little as he watched Floramon whip the hell out of his Digidestined Partner. Seeing Ken in pain did bring some satisfaction to him as Ken has hurt him all those times in the past.

"That's enough..." Wormmon said to Floramon. "We still have more to do after all." Floramon stopped whipping Ken, his clothes now all tattered and shredded. Ken still had his look of defiance on his face.

"Wormmon... if I ever get down from here-"

"You'll be calling us your Master and Mistress when that happens! I wanted to help you get at those kids... wanted to do my role as a Digidestined Digimon... No, you wanted to use me as a personal pet to do all of your chores and cleaning and preparing here. NO MORE!!!" Wormmon declared as he lashed at Ken's thighs with his tail horns. Ken screamed out in pain, fresh blood trickling down his legs.

"Wormmon... Stop this at once!" Ken shouted again, this time in pain as his whole front side was throbbing from the Floramon's attack.

"Why should I? Did your other slaves stop when my friend said to? I don't remember them doing such a thing." Wormmon said as he slashed Ken's legs again, another scream of pain coming from the hurt Digimon Emperior.

"I have an idea..." The Floramon said as he used her stamen hands to feel the marks on Ken's chest, past the tattered clothes. She moves a little lower, almost over his crotch, but just barely, teasing him.

"Are you sure? I think he will enjoy that at least." Wormmon said, kindof getting an idea of what she was planning.

"He won't, I'll make sure of that, but I know you will definatly enjoy it Wormmon." She said with a lustful smile. Her actions seemed to bring out a slight moan when her vines started massaging his limp cock through the ripped clothes, it slowly starting to get stiff.

"Get those away from there you disgusting plant!!!" Ken shouted at Floramon, not wanting to do anything of the sort with her. All she did in responce was wrap her vines tightly around the bottom of his seven inch cock. Ken's eyes went wide in pain from that and he was gasping from it.

"See? Like I said, I'll make sure he won't enjoy it." Floramon said with some satisfaction.

"Cool." Wormmon said as she did her work on him. "Is this really you're first time doing this?"

"Yes, but I've waited a long time to do this to him... and more with you..." She said, a little longing with her voice for Wormmon. "Let's take him down for now."

"Ok. Gorgon Eye!" Wormmon shouted, turnign the bindings to stone as well as the pole that supported him. Floramon tugged on Ken's cock slightly and shattered the stone bindings while also dropping Ken to his side.

"Now the real training begins..." Floramon said as she continued to add to her vice grip. "Right? Our loyal pet?" She asked Ken as she tightened.

"No..." Ken growled out, still trying to maintain some form of dignity in all of this.

"No?" Floramon asked back questionly. Wormmon walked closer to the two, watching for now. "No means more punishment. Yes means more rewards..."

"Personally this... person... shouldn't get any reward." Wormmon said to Floramon. "He seems to think to treat us Digimon as nothing more than his slaves. He should recieve the same treatment-

"LET GO OF ME NOW!!! I AM THE DIGIMON KAISER! If you don't release me I will DELETE YOU ALL!!!!" Ken shouts out to the two furiously.

Wormmon looked to Floramon and laughed. "You think we're computer programs?" Floramon said, her voice low and sweet despite what she was doing, which was grinding her vines slightly on Ken's cock. "We're real you bastard. All those slaves... all those killed... those were living beings you slaughtered!!!!!" SHe said with a sharp twist.

"Living... beings...?" Ken moaned out in pain. Something inside of him was telling him that she ment the truth.

"Yes Ken..." Wormmon added, standing next to Floramon. "Living beings, not just mere data. I keep telling you this over and over and now it sinks in?" Doing a backward flip, Wormmon smacks Ken in the face, forcing him to go on his back. Floramon still had her stamen vine on Ken's cock, as tight as a cobra's coil. "The ones you killed... My Floramon friend... You never had any remorse for them as you did them harm?" Wormmon asked in his normal tone of voice, almost sounding like his usually passive self, which giving the circumstances is a bit scary at the moment. He looked over to Floramon, her smile appearing so cute and yet very sadistic. "Please move your vine away." He said to her, aiming his tail at Ken's cock.

"ooooh... What are you going to do my love?" Floramon asked him, eager to know as she moved her stamen vine back into her hand, the Digimon Kaiser's dick still hard from Floramon's vine treatments.

"Silk Thread!!" Wormmon called out, shooting a long line of silk to cocoon his target. Ken's eyes went wide from the pressure the silk put on his manhood.

"AHHH!!! Wormmon!!! Stop that NOW!!!!" Ken shouted out in pain, tho he was still too badly hurt from the lashing to try and move away.

"Gorgon Eye!!" After the second shout the silk turned to stone. The screaming turned to small squeeks as the stone casing almost literally crushed his cock. Floramon ran her hand over Wormmon's stone case. It still had the same silk markings as before, but was solid instead of soft.

"Heh heh heh... Nice toy you made Wormmon." Floramon commented as she grabbed the stone case, pulling the skin of Ken's dick along with it but not letting go, causing him to scream out again in pain. It didn't look like it was going to come loose any time soon. Towards the base was a thicker layer of stone, like a ring so to speak. Floramon continued the action, hearing Ken's screams was like sweet music to her. "Hey Wormmon? Want to have a little fun with our new pet?" Floramon asked Wormmon, reaching out towards him with her open hand.

Wormmon moved up to her so that she could touch his torso. After feeling it a moment to know what it was, she moved lower, snaking her stamen vine down below Wormmon to his hidden pouch. "So what did you have in mind?" He asked as he watched her rub around his pouch. He scooted forward so he would be standing up some on his back section, his normal position when his type prepares to mate. Wormmon's cock had started to protrude from the hidden pouch, which Floramon felt the heat coming from it and started to rub it now to coax it out it's full eight inches from the pouch. Wormmon moaned some as Floramon did this, the feeling it gave felt so good to him.

"I think you need a little... something first before we go on." Floramon said, gasping a little from his length. She moved her hand away from Ken's cock case and layed back on her back, her tail slightly curved between her spread legs, her pussy already wet from her earlier enjoyment of torturing Ken.

"How about putting it in here first?" She said with a smile, although the look in here eyes was lustful, she was staring up to the ceiling, awaiting her lover to come to her. Wormmon grinned. His own hormones had stirred up when he saw Floramon playing with Ken, but he didn't think that he would get this far with her so soon. Slithering towards her, he lowers his head instead and gives Floramon's pussy a lick with his long, smooth tongue.

"Hey-ah! No teasing!" Floramon giggled, playfully pushing Wormmon's head away from him, but she did let him continue, his tongue feeling funny on her pussy, almost like a soft tendril or vine so to speak, softer than her own stamen vine. She moved her hands away after a moment, letting herself-

That's all I have at the moment. Any ideas would be great if any. =D
Nyaa... Will be around but not very much.
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Messages In This Thread
Need a few leading pointers with this :/ - by Chaotic Phoenix - 01-12-2010, 11:52 AM