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The Lone Wolf Meets His Swan (A Koji/Swanmon (from Frontier)
Here ya go.^^ I want good, honest opinions on this one. Thankies!

Disclaimer-I don't own, run, nor operate the facility from which Digimon was created. I don't own Digimon either. Digimon is copyright of Toei Animation and its respectful companies. This is an lemon, or adult fiction designed for those interested in this kind of particular fiction...Digimon erotica. No one under 18 years of age shall read this.

"The Lone Wolf Cub Meets His Swan"

It's been several months since the defeat of Lucemon. The Digital World has been restored to its former glory, all its respective locations finally back where they belong and rebuilt. The Digidestined, better known as the "Legendary Warriors" to the rest of the Digital World are back on their own planet, happy and well. Koji, esspecially as well. Having finally reunited with his brother and real Mom, he couldn't have been happier. Well, at least to an extent.

In the house of Koji...

Koji sat back on his bed, looking out of the window hearing loud knocks on his door. He ignored them. He knew it was father, trying to talk to him. Koji was pissed to say the least. He learned all how his father had lied to him, telling him his mother was dead and that he must accept his new stepmom. To say the least, he wasn't too happy about his old man's decisions.

"KOJI! OPEN UP, PLEASE!"Koji's Dad knocked on the door."I SWEAR, IF YOU DON'T I'LL..."

"Lie to me again?"Koji opened the door finally."How could you?!"

"Koji, please be reasonable. Your Mom and I agreed this was the best thing to do for both of us and..."

"If it wasn't for Grandma, we wouldn't have this conversation right now, would we?!"Koji shouted."Just...leave me alone!"

"No, not until you listen to me mister."Koji's Dad stepped in his way."Your real Mom and I loved each other a long time ago...and we had the both of you. Things happened, and we decided it was for the best that we split you up..."


Koji felt his father's hand strike him in the face, knocking him back a peg or two back on his room floor. Koji's Dad grew red in the face, looking down at him.

"You ungrateful little..."Koji's father began to shout."What happens between me and your mother is none of your concern!"

"Stop trying to hide Father."Koji rubbed his face."Why couldn't you just be honest with me, like any father is to his son?!"

"That's just it Koji. I am your father and you will learn respect."Koji's father revealed a baseball bat."Even if I have to knock it into you!"

"STOP!"Koji's stepmother ran at Koji's father, wrapping her arms around his arms."RUN!"

"Y-You!"Koji's father slapped her away, knocking her to the ground."Y-You..."

"Koji, RUN!"His stepmother yelled out.

Koji ran down the stairs immediately and out the front door, into the street. Koji's first thought was to go straight to the police, but then reality sunk in. They'd never believe him. The first impression they'd get is that he's a runaway from home and he would taken him.

"I gotta get back to the Digital World, get some help."Koji whispered to himself."Someone there is bound to help me, and then I can come back. My father taught me everything I know about way I can stand up to him without some help."

Koji could only hope he could get back to the Digital World though. The Trailmon station that transported them there originally was no longer there. He'd have to find another way in somehow. Some...his phone rang suddenly humming with the Digimon Tamers Japanese theme. Koji immediately picked it up, seeing Ophanimon's symbol in it. He immediately pressed the green reply button and held the phone up to his ear.

"Koji, are you there?"

"Yes, Ophanimon, I am! What's going on?!"

"You are currently Koji. Ever since you left the Digital World, we have kept tabs on you to make sure you safe. Appearantly, you are not very safe at the moment."

"What am I supposed to do?! I can't go to the police, and that nut is probably going to kill my stepmom."Koji grasped his D-Tector."She might be as guilty as him, but that still doesn't mean it's right for him to just hurt her like that."

"Come to the Digital World Koji. Someone there will help you."Ophanimon said.


"You will see."Ophanimon said as the phone disconnected.

"Why does she always have to be so mysterious?"Koji shook his head, running towards the train station.


"w-why?"Koji's stepmom whispered, tied to a chair and beaten nearly to death.

"Koji needs to learn respect, as well as humility. He will learn that through me, and he will succumb."Koji's Dad smiled wickedly."He just needs a little breaking in."

"s-shut up."

"What did you say?!"Koji's father said.

"Shut up."Koji's Stepmother spat at his face.

"H-How dare you!!"Koji's father slapped her across the face."I am the boy's father, you are nothing!"

"t-that's not true, I..."

"You came begging to me practically the first time we met."Koji's father smiled to himself."You were so pathetic back then."

"should've r-realized you'd never care for anyone but yourselfff..."

"Save your strength for when Koji finally comes home which he'll undoubtly do."Koji's father smiled."The little imp is going to pay for his disrespect."

An hour later...

Koji arrived at the train station he and the others had come to that very day they first left for the Digital World. The entire event changed a lot of things for them. They overcame personal fears, made new friendships, and even overcame their own family problems. Some things though, they never changed. It was five in the afternoon. Usually, the train station would be packed.

"Quiet."Koji said out loud.

"Go to the elevator Koji."Ophanimon's voice sounded from his cellphone.

"Ophanimon! Don't do that, geez."Koji sighed."All right, all right..."

Koji walked over to the elevator door and pressed the button, opening it right up. Empty and dark, but still working. Koji held up his cell-phone in his hand, wondering what Ophanimon wanted him to do next.

"Press the "D" button Koji. This will take you to the Digital World and your help."Ophanimon explained.

"What about the Locomon? Aren't they up and running?"Koji asked, curious.

"No, the train station was destroyed so we had to make an alternate way of getting to and back Earth just in case we'd ever need you again. The elevator was perfect since it was still intact."Ophanimon explained.

"So, I just push the "D" button..."Koji pressed in the button making the elevator doors shut.

"I would hold onto something."Ophanimon warned.

"Whyyyyy!!!"Koji held on to a railing as the elevator went speeding down into the Digital World's dimension.

Koji was tossed and tumbled all around the elevator as it went at speeds of 55mph what felt like in all sorts of directions! Koji seriously wanted to throw up but couldn't. With a ding of the bell though, the elevator door opened and Koji crawled out, the Digital World's sun pounding down upon his head once again.

"ooohh...solid earth..."Koji kissed the ground.

"What're you doing there?"A velvety like voice asked him.

"Hmm?..."Koji looked up."Swanmon!"

"The one and only."Swanmon giggled, hold a wing out."Want a wing up?"

"Um, sure..."Koji took the wing, feeling its sleek textures."Thank you."

"What brings you to the Digital World?"Swanmon asked, smiling.

"Well, I came for help. You see, I..."

"WAHHH!!"A baby Digimon cried in the distance.

"I-I don't mean to interrupt, but my babies need me at the Tree of New Beginnings."Swanmon giggled, turning a little red in the face.

"You've been overwhelmed lately haven't you?! Look at you, you're all sweaty!"Koji said putting a hand to Swanmon's forehead."You're heating up!"

"Ever since the Digital World was restored, so have hundreds and hundreds of Digieggs! They're multiplying by the day and I can't take care of ALL of them!"Swanmon cried."I need a little something..."

"You want some help?"Koji asked.

"Are you sure?"Swanmon asked."If you're in a hurry, I can..."

"It can wait. I go back now, I won't stand a chance."Koji said."That's all I can say for now."

"Um, okayyy...oh, come on!"Swanmon grabbed's Koji's arm and dragged him along to the tree.


Soon, at the tree of new beginnings...

Koji would never sleep again. Crying here, crying there...babies were everywhere to be seen. There were more than when he had been here previously! It was a terrifying site for sure, but Swanmon did need the help so...

"Could you them their milk...oh, I'm coming!...hey, don't....that's just not right..."Swanmon ran all over the place as Koji just sat in one corner trying to calm a bunch of Tsunomon down.

"WAHH! We want milk!"

"I don't have any milk though! You already drank it all!"Koji explained.


"C'mon, be reasonable here..."Koji laughed a little bit.

"Koji, catch!"Swanmon threw a basket of milk bottles to him.

"Thanks!"Koji smiled.

"No...problem."Swanmon stopped, blushing for a minute and then hastily went back to her work.

Koji thought to himself, blushing.

Swanmon giggled to herself, walking along.

The minutes wore on slowly, as Koji grew increasingly tired from all the babysitting he had to do. How could Swanmon stand all this he thought to himself. This job was incredibly difficult, having to watch over all these babies by one's self was impossible for a human being. For a Digimon like Swanmon, it was just plain irritating. She was the perfect candidate for the job, a born mother.

"W-When's break?!"Koji yelled alarmly.

"Koji, it's only been thirty minutes."Swanmon said.

"I-Just-Can't-Take-The-CRYING@!!"Koji screamed.

"Okay, a few minutes won't hurt."Swanmon giggled putting her feathered arms around her friend."Besides, look."

"Huh?"Koji looked to see all the Digimon babies FINALLY asleep.

"I-I can't did you do..."

"Usually, this takes me an hour...but you slashed that time in half today. I have an afternoon to myself for a change. Care to join me?"Swanmon asked, smiling.

"Sure."Koji got up, dusting himself off."Does this involve eating?"

"Of course."Swanmon laughed, getting a basket."I think you'll like the sandwiches I made."



"So, where are all your friends?"Swanmon asked, taking a bite out of her tuna-fish sandwich.

"They're around, not as much as they used to though. The only one I keep in touch with these days is J.P., but that's only if I mention food."Koji rolled his eyes.

"That's just the way he is."Swanmon smiled, leaning towards Koji."Just like you're a lone wolf, right?"

"Yeah, I guess."Koji looked down.

"Did I say something wrong?"Swanmon asked, concerned.

"No, it's just that...the whole reason I considered myself a loner in the first place, or became one in any sake, was because of my mother's "death". Now that's she alive, I thought things would somehow change. Kouichi is back too, and alive. I wanted to go live with them, knowing who my father truly was."Koji said."No, he wanted me to stay. He said he and Mom would stick with the original agreement and we would still be spilt. My Mom says that's pure bullshit."


"My Mom doesn't have the money or time to go to court, so my father gets his way and things stay the same. My father still wants me to accept my Stepmom. I just can't do that, knowing my Mom is alive. If things were different, and my father had told me the truth...none of this would have happened."Koji said.

"You're sweating."Swanmon helped him with his coat."Here."

"Thanks."Koji wiped the sweat off his forehead."It is...kinda hot, huh?"

Koji and Swanmon looked at each other suddenly, getting a sudden urge. Strange sensations rang throughout their bodies, and they knew what they wanted, but the two of them couldn't fathom of how to get it out.

"Yeah, it is...think I'll...take this thing off."Koji took his yellow shirt off as well as his bandana shaking his hair out.

"Better take your pants off too, huh?"Swanmon giggled.

"Yeah..."Koji smiled, blushing and shaking his pants and underwear off, now fully naked on the grass before the very Digital World.

"That better?"Swanmon put a comforting wing around him.

"Yes, muchhh better."Koji sighed, leaning his head on Swanmon's chest feeling her ample breasts underneath.

"*snap*There, now you can feel me for me."Swanmon smiled "naked" as well.

Koji and Swanmon immediately went into an embrace, hugging and kissing each other, lip to beak. While Swanmon couldn't really do anything about her kissing, she DID have a big tongue. Koji gasped in surprise as he felt a hot spongy organ slide into his mouth and explore around, feeling his around his molars and own tongue. The lone wolf was happy as could be at that moment, sighing in intimate relief and pleasure.

"Relax and let me take your troubles away."Swanmon cooed him, wrapping her feathery arms around Koji's warm naked back and letting relax on her shoulder.

"Mmm..."Koji sighed, feeling the bristles of the feathers brush against his back soothing him.

Koji hugged Swanmon tight around the back and licked at her feathery face, getting wonderful tingles on his tongue. Swanmon giggled at the boy's affections for her, and happily licked his face with a long swipe of her snake like tongue. Swanmon lay on the ground, her back on the warm, comfortable grass in the afternoon sun. Koji smiled down at Swanmon, who took her the tips of her feathers out.

"Oohh..."Swanmon moaned as she slightly opened her pussy lips up and let the air touch them. It was an amazing feeling to be pleasured in that area, that "forbidden zone of zones".

"wow."Koji whispered, having never seen a pussy in his life.

"A wonderful sight, isn't it?"Swanmon smiled.

"yeah, it's beautiful..."Koji leaned down to within smelling distance.

"Do you...want a taste?"Swanmon asked, a little pink in her face.

"Of course."Koji smiled."I couldn't ask for anything more right now."

Koji gulped. This was incredible, this feeling...he thought being alone was enough in this world, but being with Swanmon was an entirely different feeling all together! It was...awesome! Koji extended his tongue out and put his tongue down into the depths of Swanmon's love canal, exploring within its sticky depths. Koji's eyes burst out in surprise as his taste buds exploded with a new honey like taste!

It was unbelievably hot in Swanmon's pussy, and her pre-cum tasted just like honey! Sticky, sweet honey right from this tunnel of lasting pleasure. Koji dug his tongue in even more, swiping around at the edges of that pussy, getting more of that delightful taste. He just couldn't stand it, he dug put his face to that pussy and jammed his tongue into that spread vagina getting all the sweetness as possible.

"OOHH!!"Swanmon cried out, making some nearby Digimon stir.


"shut up."Koji whispered as he swiped at the entrance of Swanmon's lips.

"yeah, you tell em'..."Swanmon gasped, feeling that tongue inside her.

"ooh..I need..."Koji rubbed his now red and throbbing dick, which needed some attention.

"You need another hole. I'm all cleaned out of honey Koji."Swanmon gasped rolling around and getting on her knees."Here."

"huh?"Koji looked at the tailhole in front of him.

"Put it right there, trust me."Swanmon winked at em'."Come on Koji..I won't hurt you."

"All right.."Koji smiled meekly."I've..just never done anyone in their tailhole before so..."

"It's simple, you see the hole?"Swanmon spread her butt feathers."Put it right through there."

"Got...yaaaaa...."Koji gasped as he pushed his dick in and immediately felt the pressure on.


"TIGHT!!"Koji screamed howling."But...good."

"Push in and out...slowly."Swanmon instructed.

"o-okay..."Koji sighed and pushed up Swanmon's ass, immediately getting aroused.

The pressure and warmth of her ass increased as Koji grabbed the sides of Swanmon's butt, and pushed his penis in further, feeling the tightness of those walls close around his dick. Swanmon swayed back and forth, and Koji rode with those sways closing his eyes and growing red in the face as he sunk even deeper into her tailhole. Swanmon, sweating beyond belief now, put her head down and blushed a deep red herself. Koji was good, for a beginner. This was EXACTLY what she needed after such a log week. A little release in her ass always help. That, or in her pussy. Then again, it felt more than pleasure that she was getting. It was...pure, raw emotional love! Koji was giving that to her. As the warrior of light, how could he not?!

"UHHH!!"Koji screamed, releasing his load into Swanmon's butt letting the white cream in his dick flow into and pour out of that ass.

"ohhhkay...just lay on my back and relax Koji...enjoy the feeling for awhile."Swanmon sighed."relaxxx."

"okay."Koji sighed and lay his head down on Swanmon's back, exhausted but feeling better."T-That was..."

"I take it you liked it then?"Swanmon smiled.

"Yes, yes I did."Koji smiled.

"Would you wanna do it again?"Swanmon smiled at him."Every day?"

"Y-Yeah..."Koji said.

"You have summer break right now right?"Swanmon asked."Stay with me for the summer...after we fix your problem."

"You're...gonna help me?"Koji asked.

"Yes. Ophanimon has told me of the problem and I think I have the ample solution to your problem."Swanmon smiled.

"What?"Koji asked.


Back in the basement of Koji's house...

That evening...

"Why isn't he back yet?"Koji's Dad asked himself.

"I...t-told you...he's smart enough to know w-when to..."

"No Mom."Koji walked in."I'm here."

"Koji!"Koji's father yelled.

"Yeah, it's me. I'm gonna say this and say it only once. Let my Mom go."Koji said.

"k-koji..."Koji's stepmom looked at him.

"You little rat. You don't tell your father what to do!"He picked up a baseball bat."Time to teach once and for all what your place...AHH!"

Koji's father was surprised as twin feathers knocked the baseball bat out of his hands. He then felt a certain twinge in his private area as Koji kicked him right in the nads, sending the man down to his knees.

"I warned you."Koji said.

"You will not touch Koji, ever again."Swanmon put her arms around him."You poor excuse for a man."

"W-Who's this?!"Koji's father demanded."I-Is this some sort of joke?!"

"No, mi amigo, just some hard sense that was about time delivered to you."Swanmon and Koji punched Koji's father to the ground, unconscious.

"DOWN ON THE GR---oh, you already got em'."Police Chief Brady went in."Good job Koji."

"Thanks."Koji smiled."Thanks for believing me, by the way."

"Hey, when a talking and walking swan comes in, I'll believe anything you tell me!"The policeman said."Just don't expect me to believe in flying pigs."

"KOJI!"Koji's stepmom got up, running over and hugging him."I-I am so..."

"It's okay."Koji hugged her."You were caught up in this lie just as much as the rest of us were. It's not your fault."

"o-ogg..."Koji's Dad moaned."n-noo..."

Koji looked to his father. He was in pain. Good, Koji thought. He hoped he suffered for what he had done to his stepmom and the rest of his family. Never again would he a lone wolf, he'd finally join a pack he could call his that's been there all along. His friends, family, and most importantly...his love.

[Image: Ikuto_Peckmon4_Ever.jpg]
"I'll keep you safe...forever."

Messages In This Thread
The Lone Wolf Meets His Swan (A Koji/Swanmon (from Frontier) - by Renafan - 10-16-2004, 03:29 PM
[No subject] - by UnknownH - 10-17-2004, 01:42 PM
[No subject] - by Wisemon - 10-17-2004, 03:02 PM
[No subject] - by Grappleomon Katou - 10-17-2004, 10:08 PM
Replying - by Renafan - 10-18-2004, 03:52 AM
[No subject] - by UnknownH - 10-18-2004, 01:44 PM
[No subject] - by Grappleomon Katou - 10-18-2004, 05:35 PM
[No subject] - by Fist of Fate - 10-20-2004, 03:01 PM