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Bad news for my youtube channel.....Video wise.
Hey guys. Well yeah just gotta tell you this. I am trying to change my life this year. And first thing on my list to change is this. The time consuming life style that I hold now is going to stop for a bit. I will not be uploading anymore youtube videos until further notice. :P I decided for this year I wanted to change my life. Big events will be happening this year. So to start. I am gonna stop uploading videos to youtube till summer time.

Just a heads up. And I know some of you dont care. But just giving the people who do care the heads up. I am not leaving youtube. Like I will watch vids. But uploading is out of the question for a while.

Peace for now guys, bbl! :D :D :D


Messages In This Thread
Bad news for my youtube channel.....Video wise. - by Ryan - 01-02-2010, 08:55 AM