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Hey all! Remember me? It's Hazan_Z!
Err.... I don't know guys but I think you scared him *notices Hazan hasn't replied to all the posts on this topic at all* o.oU

Anyhow, hey there man, I think you may remember me from the now dead DHZ *sobs* so much old good times there *gets normal* okay I'm done. Anyhow, it is great to see another old face here, I do remember your lemons (infact they're here on the main site still), I think most of them were kinda SWP? (sex without plot for the newbies ^^) or with so little plot, at least the single ones XD

Though I kinda didn't liked how you portrayed Gatomon thinking about the others on The only chapter of your 'What Digimon Want' series, I mean I saw her more open and willing to have fun on 02 and since you put the series is two years later well it was kinda odd to see Gatomon like that, but meh, that's in the past, I think that one must be what? 4 or 5 years old? I don't even remember when did you started it but I do remember that DHZ was still very lively XD

Anyyyyyhow! Glad to see that some old faces are reappearing here, hope you have fun around here :)
[Image: patagatokiss2.jpg]
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Messages In This Thread
Hey all! Remember me? It's Hazan_Z! - by HazBaz - 12-10-2009, 07:57 AM
RE: Hey all! Remember me? It's Hazan_Z! - by Ryan - 12-10-2009, 10:54 AM
RE: Hey all! Remember me? It's Hazan_Z! - by Bee - 12-12-2009, 08:37 AM
RE: Hey all! Remember me? It's Hazan_Z! - by Ryan - 12-12-2009, 11:48 AM
RE: Hey all! Remember me? It's Hazan_Z! - by Adym - 12-13-2009, 11:10 AM
RE: Hey all! Remember me? It's Hazan_Z! - by Lord Patamon - 12-20-2009, 03:55 PM