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New Post =Part 4! But i seriously need some name suggestions here I cant think of one
Hey Guys,

This bit is Flamedramon/Gatomon. This bit might be a bit weird. Size differential and all. In a pool. On a floaty thing. Yeah…


Adam sat up and looked at his phone. It was two days before his birthday. Adam sat up and thought about what he was doing. He opened the fridge, seeing all of the extra food that he had bought the previous day. The three injured digimon had not woken since they arrived, (as far as he knew). He sorted through and found a soda behind the beer that his friends sent him as a joke. He firmly told them that he didn’t drink and insulted their intelligence. He had neglected to throw it away and decided that he would do it tomorrow night. It was roughly four in the morning and he had no plans for the day. He greeted Hawkmon as he wandered into the kitchen.

“Hey man, what’s up?” he asked.

“Not much,” Hawkmon said in reply, grabbing a box of Frosted Flakes, “You’re up early.”

“Yeah,” Adam took a drink, “I couldn’t sleep. You have anything in particular you want to do today?”

“No, not really. Why?”

“Come give me a hand,”

Together they wandered out into the backyard. There sat the pool, empty and covered. Adam pulled the cover away and threw it into the grass, revealing all manner of dead bugs and small mammals in the pool.

“Ew,” Adam said as Hawkmon covered his beak, “Alright, I’ll clean this up and get the water running, you go into the party closet and get out the tables.”

“Alright!” Hawkmon replied, thankful that he was not assigned to cleanse the bottom of the pool. The “party closet” was a closet in the dining area which contained a couple foldable tables and the majority of the snack foods. Hawkmon dragged one of the tables into the backyard, then the other.

“Where do you want these?” he asked, wiping a small drop of sweat from his head band.

“Just put them right there,” Adam replied, pointing to the overhang. Hawkmon dragged them over and unfolded the legs. However, he was too small to flip the tables upright, so he let it be.

“You’re going to have to flip these over, but other than that they’re in place. Anything else?” Hawkmon inquired as the water began to gush into the now clean pool.

“Yeah, go get the emergency soda and put it in the fridge. Then start pulling out the chips. Also, you should bring the phone out here so I can order some food.” Adam listed, as he worked on the pool filter.

“Why are we doing all this?”

“Because we are going to have a bit of summer fun today.”

“Why do we need all this stuff if there are three of us?”

“Six of us. There are six of us. I plan on awaking our guests today.”

“Ah. I see. And shall I inform Flamedramon of today’s plans?”

“Nah. Just wait until he wakes up and he’ll figure it out.”

Hawkmon proceeded to do what he was told. Once all of the food had been set out on the counter inside, Hawkmon sat down to watch TV. Adam spent the next six hours arranging the activity. He flipped the tables and pulled out small foot-high benches to help the smaller digimon reach the tables. He set out lawn chairs, turned off the sprinklers and ordered food. Around ten the food arrived. Two delivery men carried trays filled with various barbequed meats. In their second trip, they brought along stacks of pizza and boxes of hot wings. They followed up by bringing in several dozen gallons of ice cream, which Adam had them place in the outside freezer. After Adam gave them the money he owed, they packed up and left. Just then, Flamedramon wandered out.

“What’s all this?” he asked, with a yawn.

“This is the first Adam pool party of the summer; we have food, drink, and fun. Now, follow me. We have to go wake up our guests.” Adam said, Hawkmon following the both of them.

“How do you plan to do that,” Hawkmon asked. Adam was searching for something on the ground and he soon righted himself and spoke.

“I am going to toss rocks at the window until they wake up in true, romantic fashion. What might not be so romantic is if I break the window and have to replace it.”

Renamon awoke and yawned. It had been a long while since she had been awake last and she wondered what had woken her. She sat up and looked around the room; there was no alarm and no person that might have roused her. The only thing she could hear was the breathing of her friends and some quiet music. She jumped as a loud tapping noise occurred somewhere behind her. She looked around and saw the window between her and Gatomon’s bed. She stood as the tapping noise occurred again. After struggling at the latch for a minute, she opened the window and stuck her head outside. She laughed and pulled back inside.

“Gatomon!” she said, tapping her sleeping friend on the shoulder, “Gatomon wake up. You have to see this.”

As Gatomon struggled out of bed, Renamon woke up Biyomon in a similar fashion. They soon congregated near the window.

“Hey!” Adam yelled from below, “Care to join us?”

The moment they had woken up, they were shocked. Here was a rather handsome guy and two male digimon, inviting them to a pool.

“Hang on!” Renamon shouted, pulling inside the window.

“I call the Flamedramon.” Gatomon said, causing the other two to laugh. Renamon took this as a yes.

“We’ll be right down!” Renamon shouted out the window. She stepped back inside and spoke to her friends, “I think we’ve died and gone to heaven.”

“Hardly,” Biyomon said, flying to the door.

“I don’t know,” Renamon said as she walked over, “That guy was pretty hot.”

They laughed as they wandered down through the house. They emerged through the large, sliding glass door into the backyard. Immediately, Adam and the guys were there.

“Hey,” Adam said, setting his drink on the table.

“Who are you supposed to be?” Renamon asked, her voice cold as she remembered why they were there.

“I’m Adam,” he said, his voice still steady, despite the harshness in hers, “But right now, that’s all you need to know. May I offer you something to eat?”

Renamon accepted that she was there and this “Adam” guy refused to tell her anything else. She cut the coldness from her voice and decided to have a bit of fun.

“Not right now, thank you,” she said, pulling at her purple sleeves, “I haven’t touched water in several days and right now, your pool is looking rather nice.”
She handed him the purple pieces of cloth and took a few steps towards the pool. She leaped ten feet into the air and landed in the pool with a large splash. At that, the party began. Adam set Renamon’s sleeves on the table and grabbed a bit of food. He joined Hawkmon on one of the lawn chairs.

“Well,” he said, “Today should be fun.”

Flamedramon put tossed his armor aside, excluding his helmet, and climbed up on the diving board. He took a running leap and flew across the pool. He hit the water, face down, with a huge splash. Once the wake had settled, Flamedramon floated to the top.

“Yes!” he shouted, thrusting his arms in the air. Gatomon chuckled as Flamedramon went looked at Adam, “How was that?”

“I’ll give it a three; Hawkmon?”

“Two. Your splash was huge.” Hawkmon, said as he tossed his head band on the table. Suddenly, Renamon spoke up.

“You call that a dive?” she said as she climbed out of the pool. Adam turned, mid-bite, to look. His draw dropped, releasing the pizza from his mouth. His arm went slack as Renamon sauntered by, spilling his soda to the ground.

“Ten,” he said, never taking her eyes off of the digi-fox. Renamon pretended she didn’t notice. She walked up on the diving board, and leapt. She gracefully slid into the water without a single drop of water leaving the main body.

“How high can we go?” Adam asked, jaw still slightly slack.

“Ten,” Hawkmon answered, through a mouthful of prime rib.

“Two hundred,” Adam said, opening a new soda.

“Thanks… uh, what’s your name, again?” Renamon asked, embarrassed that she had forgotten.

“Adam,” he replied. He brushed the food that had fallen off of himself, and resumed eating.

“Thank you, Adam,” she said, swimming to the other side of the pool.

The day went on. After several sessions of swimming, a few pounds of food each and several splash wars later, Adam retired.

“It’s ten o clock guys, I’m hitting the hay. Have fun!” he said, yawning. He opened the door, and walked inside. Over the next hour, Hawkmon, Renamon, and Biyomon went to bed. Flamedramon soon dozed off on the floating mat.

Gatomon awoke from her nap on the lawn chair. She yawned and looked around. It was dark and most of the light came from the underwater bulbs. She could not see any of her friends, nor could she see either the Hawkmon or Adam. She jumped as she heard a loud, roaring noise. She turned, only to see Flamedramon sleeping in the pool. She waited until he floated over to an edge, and walked on to the sleeping digimon’s chest. She settled down and looked at the covered face of her living cushion. It was about ten minutes before he opened his eyes to look into hers.

“Ah!” he gave a quick outburst, surprised at the presence on his chest, “What are you doing?”

“I’m looking at you,” Gatomon said, staring at him with her large eyes, “And I like what I see.”

“Uh… Thanks?” Flamedramon muttered, extremely uncomfortable, “Is that all?”

“No, it isn’t,”

“Then how may I help you?”

“You can stay still,” Gatomon began kneading into his chest, the shade of blue changing as pressure was applied. Flamedramon reluctantly enjoyed this massage, his large member beginning to emerge.

“Uh…” he said, feeling his manhood enlarge as Gatomon began to purr. Gatomon began to flag her tail about. Flamedramon winced every time her tail moved by his cock, praying that she would not discover it. It was only minutes before that exact event inevitably happened. Her tail set down directly over his phallus, causing him to twitch in uncomfortablilty. She gasped as her, tail landed on his lap. She twisted her head to see behind her. She turned back to face Flamedramon, who was glad his helmet covered his reddening face.

“You do like me, don’t you?” she said, blinking seductively. He stared quietly back at her, panicking.

“Yeah,” he said, sighing. He released his breath as she smiled back at him.

“Well, if you do like me, don’t move a muscle,” she crawled forward, and locked her lips against his. Her rough tongue slipping into his mouth and bathing the inside. His tongue slowly and unwillingly returned the favor. She pulled back, content.

“Well, you do like me,”
He winced as she turned around, looking directly at his cock. She carefully placed her gloved paws around his shaft and began to stroke. He shivered as she licked his head and hole. She soon placed his member into her mouth completely and began to suck it. To her, this was like a chlorine flavored Popsicle in the pool. To him, this was insanity. Twenty minutes ago, he was enjoying a pleasant dream of finally beating Adam and Hawkmon at Rock Band, now, he was having sex with a digimon he had met a few hours ago.

“Why are you doing this?” he asked, praying she could hear him. His prayer was denied as it took her a minute to respond.

“What?” she said, honestly having not heard him. He shook his head and asked again.

“I said: Why are you doing this?”

“Because,” she responded, turning around, “You’re hot and so far, judging by the fact that you haven’t moved, you’re enjoying this just as much as me.”

Flamedramon racked his mind for a response but came up empty handed. During there conversation, she had positioned herself over his twitching manhood. In the next split second he thought to himself.

‘This is the part where, before something shocking or terrible happens, you see you’re whole life flash before your eyes. Or, maybe I should say a prayer. Uh… Dear digi-gods, I’m sorry I used to sneak out in the middle of the night and eat. I’m sorry I stole Adam’s flash drive that one time to store my illegally downloaded movies. I’m sorry I watched all of Adam’s pornos. I’m sorr- … Oooooh… so good.’

His split second ended as Gatomon dropped herself onto Flamedramon’s cock and began to slide up and down, cutting his thoughts short. Soon Flamedramon found himself releasing his death grip on the edge of the inflatable pad and thrusting forward in unison with her. Soon he gathered the courage to reach forward and grab her small waist. He spun her around so that she was facing away from him and rolled over on his side. He lifted her small leg and began to thrust. He moved as hard and fast as he could, giving the feline an ultimate pleasure. She was tight and warm, her size so small in comparison to Flamedramon who was at least five eight. She soon came, her juices dripping along his shaft. This was the end for Flamedramon; he pulled out of Gatomon just in time for his climax. He sprayed his seed across her entire body, cumming for a total of at least thirty seconds. Once he was empty, he sighed and rolled off into the pool. Gatomon lay on the mat, sticky with cum, until Flamedramon came up from beneath, tipping her into the pool. At first she panicked, until Flamedramon came up behind her and began to cleanse her of his sperm. When she was clean, he dried her off and carried her up to bed. After tucking her in, he sat in his room staring at posters of his favorite movies that were tacked to his ceiling.

“Awesome pool party!”


Alright! Hopefully that went over well with you guys! Thanks to Renafan being the only person to comment in this thread! I still haven’t thought up a name for my series yet. Any name Suggestions are welcome! Expect Adam to get a little action soon!
[Image: Rainbow_Dash_haters_gonna_hate.gif]

See that guy, he's a drifter! But drifting leads to Bickering, Bickering leads to Karate, and Karate leads to flying around between windows and shit! Then a big guy starts shooting lightning everywhere and Kurt Russell Shows up and Kicks his Ass!

Messages In This Thread
Part 3 - by Adym - 12-13-2009, 12:16 PM
Part 4 - by Adym - 12-14-2009, 04:07 AM