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(A Silver and Zero production) Animators!
(Could you remind me were all Alex's girls are?)

Orihime tried to seem happier for the clone, but losing your last connection to your home and friends and abandoning all hope of ever returning was not an easy lose to bear. If the clone persisted in trying to help her then she would break down in his arms and cry hard into his chest. Orihime didnt even exist in her world anymore, all the was left was the girl who used to be Orihime...a girl who was forever enslaved by a man who collected girls like her for fun, and she would serve no greater purpose than to act as a third person in a threesome with Rangiku, and she knew this.


Mike watched with much amusement as Daisy and Peach talked. He was waiting for the right moment to enter, but he needed to give Peach her allotted time. Maybe she would succeed in easing Daisy into her new life...or maybe he would have the pleasure of breaking her himself.


Rangiku moaned softly but remained asleep, and would stay that way unless woken up. When she did wake up she may try to fight Alex, and end up hurting herself. If Alex wanted to be safe, he would need to make sure that she was secure...but for now she was helpless before him.
[Image: Funny_by_Mimmuski.gif]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

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RE: (A Silver and Zero production) Animators! - by Maero - 12-12-2009, 04:38 PM